this planet, located in the Joxin System of the Tion Cluster, was blockaded by the Corporate Sector Authority during the early years of the New Order, when a mysterious plague broke out on its surface. The disease became known as the Endregaad Plague, because it had never been seen before. The blockade managed to keep the disease from spreading to nearby worlds, but also isolated the planet's inhabitants. For much of its history, Endregaad was believed to have been a swamp world, until ecological changes in climate caused the shallow seas to evaporate. Endregaad eventually became an arid, dusty world known for its colorful rock formations of red sandstone and blue granite. The surface of the planet was continually swept by wind- and sandstorms that scoured the earth and left nothing behind. For this reaon, the settlers built their outposts atop mesas and plateaus. Local legend held that banshees rode the winds that swept the bottomlands, seeking to exact an unknown revenge. Much of the planet's economy was centered on the mining of geodes, which provided a wide variety of crystals for jewelry and art.