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Escape Pod

this was the generic term used to describe any small, single-use craft used to exit a larger ship in an emergency. For thousands of years, galactic law required that there be enough escape pods onboard a starship to handle its safe capacity of beings, including crew and passengers. The Corellian CR90 corvette (Blockade Runner) used the Faberstien-Lago Emergency life Pod, which was made in various sizes from 3 meters to 15 meters in length; they could hold up to 50 occupants. These pods could travel up to 80 MGLT at sublight speeds, allowing them to outrun most pursuit ships. However, they lacked mobility, and were subject to being fired upon by an attacker. The Faberstien-Lago pods came equipped with the following: a Pax Hustana Wide Array Sensor and Open Band Beacon, 4 Explosive Separator Charges, a Pillman One-shot Propulsion Unit, a Ferro-Magnesium Ceramic Hull, and a Forward-mounted Viewport.
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