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this planet, located in the Seswenna Sector of the Outer Rim, was the seat of Grand Moff Tarkin's early power. Located near the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route and the Hydian Way, Eriadu was where Tarkin developed the Tarkin Doctrine. Note that Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds indicates that Eriadu was located at the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route, the Lipsec Run, and the Yankirk Route. Some 900 years before the Battle of Yavin, a group of five Corulag - known as the Quintad - emigrated to Eriadu and transformed the planet. Until that point, Eriadu was known for its beautiful silver and blue shell jewelry. With the consolidation of the Quintad's power on Eriadu, much of the planet's surface was re-dedicated to industrial and manufacturing centers. During the last decades of the Old Republic, the Eriadu Manufacturing shipyards brought financial prosperity to the planet, under Tarkin's political direction. There was even legislation in the Seswenna Sector that the sector capital be moved to Eriadu. However, the industrialization which occurred caused massive amounts of pollution to be dumped into the environment, and large portions of the planet's ecosystem were destroyed by pollution. Much of the planet's atmosphere carried an orange tinge to it, although the major cities also boasted yellow and green layers, all of which were the result of industrial and manufacturing outflows. Drost Elegin left his family on Eriadu before leaving to meet Roganda Ismaren on Belsavis, during the early years of the New Republic. The planet itself was often described as a Core World with the misfortune of having been located in the Outer Rim Territories, which led a former planetary leader to dub his homeworld the "Coruscant of the Outer Rim."
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