this woman and her twin sister, Alani, requested the help of the Jedi Knights six years after the population of New Apsolon elected a planetary leader. The sisters were the daughter of the former leader Ewane, who was killed shortly after he left office. They supposedly went into hiding, and begged the Jedi Knights to return to New Apsolon and find Ewane's killer. When Qui-Gon Jinn arrived in search of Tahl, he learned that the twins had willingly joined Roan's household, and had not sent for the Jedi. This was all a cover, though, in an effort to protect Tahl, who had infiltrated the Absolutes. The twins were captured shortly after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on the planet, despite the security measures put in place by Balog. Eritha and Alani were released after Roan was killed, but Eritha soon found out that her sister had been secretly working for Balog all along, hoping to rule the planet herself. Eritha agreed to help the Jedi infiltrate the Absolutes hidden base and rescue Tahl. She was briefly captured and held prisoner, but Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan managed to rescue her before Balog destroyed the Absolutes' secret base. Although they rescued Tahl, she died shortly afterward. Eritha continued to help the Jedi, pretending not to know of her sister's involvement with Balog while trying to gather information about Alani's activities. She discovered that Alani had been behind their kidnapping, which had been meant to sway public sympathy against the Jedi. However, Manex learned through unofficial sources that Eritha's support of the Workers was a sham. Alani later told Obi-Wan that Eritha was working for her, trying to get Qui-Gon arrested and the Jedi discredited, so that their bid to take control of New Apsolon would be unimpeded. She also told Qui-Gon that she had personally seen to the extended period of sensory deprivation to which Tahl had been subjected. However, after her admissions and the capture of Balog, both Eritha and Alani were arrested and imprisoned, and their bid for power was extinguished.