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Errant Venture

this was the name Booster Terrik used for the Imperial-II class Star Destroyer he obtained from the New Republic following the liberation of Thyferra. Formerly known as the Virulence, it was severely stripped of weaponry due to New Republic regulations for civilian ships. The interior of the vast ship was refitted to create a bazaar-like atmosphere, completely with food courts, multiple shopping levels, and several discretely-hidden conference rooms. The ship was a continual troublespot for Booster, as he tried to run it with a minimal crew and operations staff. Several systems, including weapons and turbolifts, were constantly under repair. Booster hired 200 Verpine technicians to upgrade the ship to workable order, a task which took them more that seven months to complete. Part of the ship's interior was gutted and formed into three entertainment and commercial levels - Black, Blue, and Diamond Levels - to cater to the wide variety of customers Booster attracted. To separate the ship from the rest of the Star Destroyers in the galaxy, Booster had the Errant Venture painted deep red. He maintained a strong security force made up of humans and Weequays. When Grand Admiral Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to threaten the New Republic, Borsk Fey'lya campaigned for the Errant Venture to be nationalized into the Republic's fleet. However, Intelligence had trouble locating the ship. Once they found it, Booster agreed to the plan, provided that the ship be completely refitted and rearmed, with all modifications remaining intact after the battle. He also demanded the assignment in rank of Admiral. Fey'lya and the Ruling Council were forced to leave the ship alone, but Airen Cracken began sending out hints and rumors of the ship being used to track Thrawn. During the Caamas Incident, Booster reluctantly agreed to let Garm Bel Iblis use the Errant Venture in a raid on the Imperial archives at Yaga Minor, in an effort to obtain a copy of the Caamas Document. Bel Iblis believed that the Venture could get close to the planet because none of its identification codes were known to the Empire, and he maneuvered Booster into agreement by claiming that the resulting civil war - which would begin if the Document weren't recovered soon - would series hamper his ability to do any business. Booster got a measure of revenge on Bel Iblis, though, because Bel Iblis was forced to upgrade the weapons and shields get them up to Imperial standards, and Booster was allowed to keep them. He even got a new paint job. In order to get the Errant Venture close enough to Yaga Minor, Bel Iblis used ID codes from the Star Destroyer Tyrannic, which hadn't been seen in several months. This proved to be the flaw in their plans, since Moff Disra and Grodin Tierce knew that the Tyrannic was cloaked and hiding near Bothawui. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Booster kept the Errant Venture hidden and moving, until he learned that his grandson, Valin Horn, was in danger of being captured by the Yuuzhan Vong on Yavin 4. He was tracked down by Jaina and Jacen Solo, and agreed to accompany them to the moon in order to rescue the Jedi students. Booster later agreed to house the students until a safer training facility could be set up. During the defense of the Jedi base on Eclipse, the Errant Venture took heavy damage from Yuuzhan Vong warships, and was forced to flee into the asteroid belt in order to survive. As the war ground on, Booster's ship served as a temporary training facility for the young Jedi, until the Maw Installation was rebuilt for use as a new base. Even after the children were safely hidden at the Maw, Booster and the Errant Venture remained in the area as a patrol ship. When the final battle with the Yuuzhan Vong too place at Coruscant, Booster and the Smugglers' Alliance took their warships and added them to the forces of the Galactic Alliance. With the deaths of Shimrra and Onimi, the smugglers decided that it was time to go into more legitimate - and, given the galactic situation, more lucrative - businesses.
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