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EPI DVD - What do you make of the exclusive content available to DVD-Rom owners at the official site?


Mystery scares me because it almost panders to big budget FX. Too much glitz and snazzy cuts. EPII should be mellower and have a slower pace. It should feel old. (by Ben L.)

Well I'm sure it's great, that is if I could get the damn thing to work. I can't seem to get it to work, and I own a pc. And I tell you what; it's annoying me. Shame on Lucas, shame on you. Don't you have enough money already. But no you had to get into bed with the mac crew. (by AnnoyedForce)

I think that it should be exclusive for about a week or so and then be available to the general public. I am lucky to have the DVD, a computer, and a high speed internet connection, but I know that others are not and I don't think that it's fair that they don't get to see it. (by Michelle)

Maybe I'm a techno luddite, but all I got was sound, no picture, when I downloaded the trailer. I'm not impressed. (by Roger Goldleader)

I feel foolish enough for going out and buying a Nintendo 64, just to play a Lucasfilm game that, until about a year later, was only available on that specific platform. I am a true Star Wars fan, but I will no longer continue to buy leading edge technology that a year later is good only for a paperweight in order to get my "FIX" of new Star Wars stuff. - BTW - after all of the Episodes are out in DVD, what's the next "better" format for all of us to buy a complete set of the movies in? (by Mara Jaded)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-300,
301-350, 351-400, 401-450, 451-500, 501-550, 551-600,
601-650, 651-655         
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