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Star Wars: The Rebellion Campaign

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Last updated December 20, 2003


Renci Tosh

Renci is a Recruitment Agent, one of the most dangerous jobs in the Rebel Alliance. One day, she suffered mechanical problems with her Z-95 Headhunter on one of her trips and was forced to crash-land on Ord Mantell, not far from the frontier settlement of Great Rock. As Tosh stumbled toward town, she was intercepted and imprisoned by a group of thugs working for a local crime lord. Despite her injuries, Tosh escaped her crude cell and fled into the streets. At the same time, a group of raiders investigating the crash site hauled away Tosh's crippled starfighter to sell for scrap.

She met the heroes at Rexi's bar in Great Rock and promised them a reward if they helped her recover her damaged starfighter. After the heroes had their first adventure together, Renci gave them the location of a Rebel recruitment center on Kalarba. The heroes met her again later at the Rebel HQ on Chrellis.

Renci is a Human female who seems to be in her early thirties. She has a brother named Jann who still lives on their homeworld of Tyne's Horky.

"Stinger" and Sorbo's Intergalactic Circus

"Stinger" is the codename of an undercover agent who trained potential Rebels. He was posing as a clown in Sorbo's Interstellar Circus. The heroes were given the current location of the circus on Kalarba and "Stinger" was to be their contact with the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately, as soon as the heroes came in contact, ISB agent Nir Rinit and eight of his stormtroopers sprung their trap. "Stinger" and all the other "clowns" were captured or killed. One of them told the heroes to get "Stinger"'s astromech droid R4-L0, as it carried the location of the Alliance HQ in its memory banks.

Lieutenant Talnar

Lt. Talnar is an active Rebel procurement agent. He was returning to base with a shipment of droids, and while over the planet Naalol, an Imperial Guardian-class Customs Light Cruiser attacked his ship. The ensuing battle left both ships critically damaged. Talnar managed to crash-land on Naalol, leaving the Imperials stranded in orbit, unable to land.

The heroes were sent to rescue him. With the help of six antiquated Turret Droids that Talnar programmed to respond to his commands, the heroes managed to free him from a group of local bounty hunters named the Oquan and a squad of Imperial stormtroopers.

Talnar is a Human male of about 45 years. He typically works alone. His ship was the Golden Jewel.



Kikkilik is a Verpine who was sent by his hive to observe the Alliance. He was the technician in charge of maintaining the various equipment, including droids, used for stage shows at Sorbo's Intergalactic Circus. When the ISB cracked down on the undercover Alliance operation, Kikkilik escaped with "Stinger"'s astromech droid R4-L0, and they met up with the heroes. The droid had coordinates for the Chrellis base in its memory banks, so they all flew there together.

Kikkilik prefers to stay at the base rather than going on missions with the heroes, making himself useful fixing vehicles, ships, droids and any kind of equipment that needs fixing.

Vors Voorhorian and the X-Wing Design Team

Vors Voorhorian was a chief starship designer for Incom Corporation. He and his core desing team were putting the final touches on a new starfighter design, the T-65. The Imperial Security Bureau was starting to suspect Rebel sympathizers were working for Incom. Time was short. Voorhorian and his senior design staff successfully came into contact with the fledgling Rebel Alliance who sent a commando team to help them defect. All traces of the new starfighter were destroyed, the only blueprints being on the way to the Alliance on board the Corellian Corvette Stellar Damsel. Unfortunately Imperial agents discovered the whereabouts of the stolen data and opened fire on the ship. The Damsel was damaged but managed to go into hyperspace before its hyperdrive motivator cut out, leaving it stranded. Sending a distress signal to the Alliance, the Damsel sought shelter in the nearby Miro asteroid field, with Imperial forces close behind. The heroes were sent by the Alliance to save the crew of the ship and recover the plans for the starfighter. The mission was succesful, but the heroes suffered the loss of the Damsel, two of the Rebel commandoes, and their newly-acquired astromech droid R4-L0.

The Incom test pilots did not participate in the initial attack and so arrived at the Rebel base on Chrellis safely with the four T-65 prototypes. The Empire took over Incom Corporation shortly after, and so the T-65 will be the last starfighter to be designed by Incom for a long time. The Empire does not even know it exists. Yet.

The Force

Erika and Jara Supa

Erika Supa is a young mother from Alderaan who lost her husband a few years ago. He was a Force-user and was tracked down by Imperial agents.

Jara is the 7-year old daughter of Erika Supa. She is Force-sensitive and was detected by her school teacher at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten on Alderaan, "Ms. Keane," who was in actuality the Jedi Padawan Aleema Starlighter. Jara was taught how to use her powers and when to not to use them, and was given history lessons about the Jedi.

When a Professor Kissinger from Aldera University discovered Ms. Keane's secret, including the few Force-sensitive children she knew, Erika and Jara were kidnapped. Aarack Starlighter was hired to transport them to Coruscant, but decided instead to rescue them.

Since then, Erika and Jara have followed Aarack to whatever Rebel base he was stationed on. Currently on Generis base, Erika has recently asked Maevyn if he could teach her daughter how to use her powers and to defend herself.

Jara Supa: Female Human Commoner; Init -2 (Dex); Defense 8 (0 class, -2 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/7; Atk -2 melee (1, unarmed) or -1 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref -1, Will -1; SZ S; FP 1; DSP 0; Rep +0; Str 7, Dex 9, Con 7, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 9.

Equipment: Clothing, datadocuments.

Skills: Handle Animal +1, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +3, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic.

Feats: Force-Sensitive.

Force Feats: Alter.

Kritz Drassarb, Jedi Master

Kritz Drassarb looks like most of the other Chevins. But unlike the others, he is a Jedi Master. Although not very old by Chevin standards, Master Drassarb is very wise and has incredible amounts of knowledge about the Jedi Order. He was apprenticed to Madame Jocasta Nu, the Jedi librarian at the Temple. Drassarb was a field historian who went out to seek knowledge and artifacts to add to the vast Jedi Archives on Coruscant.

Around the time of the Battle of Naboo, he became a Jedi Master when he selected a Padawan among the young Jedi training at the temple. His apprentice was a very gifted young Human woman named Aleema Starlighter. For about 10 years, Starlighter followed Master Drassarb on his archeological missions, as well as other missions for the Council.

Around the time of the Clone Wars, Starlighter was almost ready to pass the trials. Unfortunately, events separated Master from Padawan. Master Drassarb was sent to a few planets to retrieve and protect as much Jedi knowledge as possible from other Jedi libraries, like the one on Ossus. Meanwhile, Starlighter met a young Republic officer and they fell in love. Love was forbidden for a Jedi, but the Republic was in chaos and Starlighter was looking for protection.

When Master Drassarb heard the news that Palpatine had formed a New Order, he went to Dantooine, where he stayed for several years, protecting all the Jedi knowledge and information he could save. He came into contact with his Padawan a few times, and learned she had adopted a new name and was living on Alderaan. They both knew that they could not start training again, for fear of being discovered. Drassarb also learned that Starlighter had a son, but he was estranged to her. The father was the officer she met a few years before, but he had joined the Imperial Navy and kept custody of their child. He wanted to raise him as an officer like himself.

Recently, Drassarb felt in the Force that his former Padawan was captured by Imperial agents. His worst nightmare had come true! He knew he could probably save her, but not without paying with his own life. He needed to share all his knowledge with someone who could carry on the Jedi way. The only hope was Starlighter's son, Aarack, who was now 21 years old.

So he called the young Starlighter with a dream. Maevyn and Aarack responded to the call and met the Jedi Master. After a series of trials, Master Drassarb started to train the two in the ways of the Force, but they were interrupted when a bounty hunter tracked them down.

Drassarb knew the time had come, and his destiny lied on Kwenn Station where he had a confrontation with High Inquisitor Tremayne. His confrontation was fatal, but before he died he discovered to his despair that his Padawan threw herself back in the hands of her captors after being rescued. But his sacrifice will not be for nothing. He bought some time for the heroes to escape.

He will rest assured that the legacy of the Jedi will be carried on.

Kritz Drassarb: Male Chevin Jedi Consular 3/Jedi Scholar* 5/Jedi Master 2/Fringer 1/Beastwarden** 1; Init +1 (Dex); Defense 23 (21 when wielding a lightsaber; +11 class, +1 Dex, +1 natural); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 70/14; Atk +10/+5 (5d8+3/19-20, lightsaber) or +9/+4 (1d3+3, unarmed) or +7/+2 ranged; SQ Natural armor (+1), deflect (defense +2, attack -4, extend defense), scholarly knowledge (+6), direct (+2), increase lightsaber damage (+2d8), Force secret (Farseeing), bonus class skill (Intimidate), familiar; SV Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +12: SZ M; FP 8; Rep +6; Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8. Challenge Code E.

Equipment: Lightsaber+, walking stick, 2 training lightsabers, parts for building 2 lightsabers, 3 training remotes, Jedi robes, Jedi utility belt, encrypted datapad.

v +Kritz has constructed his own lightsaber.

Skills: Climb +6, Computer Use +6, Craft (lightsaber) +6, Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +5, Handle Animal +7, Hide +5, Knowledge (Coruscant) +8, Knowledge (Dantooine) +4, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +11, Knowledge (galactic history) +8, Knowledge (wilderness lore) +8, Pilot +5, Read/Write Chevin, Speak Basic, Speak Chevin, Speak Dantari, Spot +6, Survival +8, Treat Injury +7, Tumble +4.

Force Skills: Affect Mind +3, Battlemind +7, Empathy +8, Enhance Ability +7, Enhance Senses +8, Farseeing +8, Force Defense +4, Force Stealth +2, Friendship +3, Heal Another +7, Heal Self +3, Move Object +7, See Force +9, Telepathy +9.

Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Mobility, Perfect Memory***, Skill Emphasis (Knowledge [Jedi lore]), Track, Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, primitive weapons, simple weapons).

Force Feats: Alter, Control, Force Mastery, Lightsaber Defense, Sense.

*described in the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook.
**described in the Ultimate Alien Anthology.
***described in the Hero's Guide.

Alliance High Command

Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma

A stern, stately woman of middle age, Mon Mothma is the Supreme Commander of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Mothma rose to the rank of senior senator in the Old Republic. When Senator Palpatine made his move toward Supreme Chancellor, and later Emperor, Mothma remained a senator until the end, despite her opposition to Palpatine's policies. When the outrages became too difficult to ignore, and the debate moved from the senate floor to the battlefields of distant worlds, Mothma joined with senators Bail Organa and Garm Bel Iblis to draft the Declaration of Rebellion against the Empire.


Starwars.com Databank

General Jan Dodonna

Jan Dodonna has a long history of military combat, having been a skilled Star Destroyer captain during the Old Republic. With his close friend Adar Tallon, Dodonna wrote the book on starship combat and siege tactics. When the Empire came into power, Dodonna was scheduled for execution for his idealism, but was fatefully rescued from his private moon estate by the Alliance. Dodonna joined the higher echelons of the Rebellion's military recently, offering his expertise to the fledgling group. He is currently the Starfighter Commander of Alliance High Command.

Dodonna brought his son Vrad along, who is now a respected pilot of the new X-wing starfighter.

Commander Ramis Jakobs

Jakobs was the Rebel base commander at the Alliance High Command HQ on Chrellis.

Atrivis Sector HQ

Travia Chan

Travia Chan is the commander-in-chief for Atrivis Sector. A frail, aging woman, confined to a repulsorchair by a childhood illness, she hides within her weak frame a sharp mind and iron determination.

Chan was one of the original founders of the Fest Resistance Group and then, later, the principal architect of the marriage of Fest to the Mantooine Liberators, creating the ARG and becoming its first and only military commander. She naturally maintained that position when ARG joined the Alliance.

Despite - or perhaps because of - her physical infirmities, Chan is a fine theoritical strategist, able to judge the most complex and dangerous military situation coolly and without emotion. Her enemies call her the "Icewoman."

Loom Carplin

Loom Carplin is Chan's chief of staff. Highest surviving founding member of the Mantooine "Liberators," Carplin is about as different from Chan as is possible. Big, bluff, immensely strong, Carplin looks every inch the warrior that he is.

Carplin's main job is to act as Chan's eyes and ears in the field. Chan's disabiltity keeps her firmly tied to Generis base and its medical facilities; Carplin travels constantly from outpost to outpost, checking up on the soldiers and personally taking charge of difficult missions.


When Carplin is off of Generis base on a mission, his assistant, a Wookiee named Busurra, acts as chief of staff in his place. Busurra is another cripple - blind in one eye and missing three fingers from his left hand as a result of Imperial torture. Despite his mutilation at the enemy's hands, Busurra is surprisingly mild-mannered and good-natured. For a Wookiee, he is an amazingly good organizer and administrator. Because many Humans have difficulty understanding his speech, Busurra is always accompanied by his translator, a protocol droid named C3-L1.

Wing Commander Varth

Wing Commander Varth is a bitter, taciturn disciplinarian recently put in charge of wresting some offensive punch out of Generis base's under-staffed, under-maintained and low-numbered starfighter wing. Varth is cordially hated by his pilots, who only put up with him because he is a brilliant soldier whose flawless tactics have kept them alive and victorious against terrible odds.

Varth's position is the Atrivis chain of command is somewhat ambiguous, to say the least. He is under the control of the Sector commander-in-chief, Trav, for offensive operations in Atrivis. Yet, he is also directly answerable to Alliance Sector Command for the protection of the Outer-Rim Communications Center - and to the Alliance Starfighter Command for combined operations with other sectors' starfighters. This might easily explain his - or anyone's - sour disposition.

Captain Res Nels

Res Nels is in command of the Outer-Rim Communications Centre located on Generis base. Even though his command is not, strictly speaking, part of Atrivis Sector Force at all (ORCC answers directly to Alliance Sector Command for everything except for matters relating to security, manpower and supplies, which are controlled by Atrivis Sector HQ), Nels feels very much part of the force. He loves to share stories of war that he himself experienced on his home planet of Gerrard V. Since the heroes are also not part of Atrivis Sector Force per se, they receive their orders and assignments from Nels.
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