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Droids and Equipment

Last updated November 30, 2002



R4-L0 was "Stinger"'s astromech unit, staying with him at all times. On stage in the Intergalactic Circus, L0 used his holoprojector to project images that interacted with Stinger the clown. The act was very popular, especially with young kids. Off-stage, he used his holorecorder to spy on Imperial activity in Kalarba City.

But after the ISB cracked down on the undercover operation at the circus and captured his master, L0 was just devastated. He was rescued by Kikkilik and the heroes. The droid was carrying the coordinates to the Alliance High Command base on Chrellis, but was programmed to erase them if he was in any danger of being captured, deactivated, or tampered with. Luckily, the heroes' i.d. were imbedded in L0's memory, so he led them to the base.

R4-L0 was destroyed on his first mission, sacrificing himself bravely by detonating the Stellar Damsel and thus allowing the heroes to escape.


R3-B4 was given assigned to the heroes as a replacement for R4-L0. His first mission with them was to procure more astromech droids for Ordnance & Supply at the Generis base. Their mission to the planet Trevura was successful, and R3 has been with them since then. He is a loyal companion and guards the ship when the heroes are away. When the heroes last saw him, he was piloting Treyk's Y-wing off Jenenma.

Like all other R3 units, Befour can store up to five hyperspace coordinates in his RAM.

R3-B4: Tracked astromech droid, Expert 6; Init +3 (Dex); Defense 16 (+2 class, +3 Dex, +1 size); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/14; Atk +7 melee (1d4+2, claw) or +7 melee (1d2+2, saw) or +7 melee (2d6, arc welder) or +8 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6; SZ S; Face/Reach 2 m by 2 m/2 m; Rep +1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10. Challenge Code B.
Equipment: Comlink, diagnostics package, heuristic processor, internal storage (2 kg), magnetic feet, recording unit (holo), sensors (improved sensors, infrared vision, 360-degree vision), telescopic appendage (claw), tool mounts (arc welder, circular saw, fire extinguisher, one empty).
Skills: Astrogate +13, Computer Use +13, Disable Device +13, Knowledge (astronomy) +13, Listen +3, Pilot +12, Read/Write Basic, Repair +13*, Search +6, Speak Basic (understand only), Speak Binary, Spot +12. Unspent Skill Points: 27 (4 unused languages).
Feats: Ambidexterity, Starship Operation (capital ships, space transports), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons). Unassigned Feats: 1.
*+4 equipment bonus on Repair checks to diagnose problems


MD-2s are anesthesiology droids, one of Industrial Automaton's MD (Emdee) series medical droids. They administer anesthesia and monitor vital functions during surgery. When necessary, they control circulation, respiration, and nervous system functions. These droids revive unconscious patients quickly and safely, with minimum side effects.

The heroes met an MD-2 on Trevura when visiting the IA factory. The droid had gone rogue and killed some people, and the Imperials were doing a massive search through the city of Voma, deactivating any droids they could find. With an Imperial commander tagging along, the heroes managed to find the droid in the getto district of town in the possession of a little girl who wanted to help her sick father. When the MD-2 saw the Imperial officer it went berserk and had to be destroyed to prevent further harm.

The heroes saw to the care of the sick man before they left the planet.

Turret Droid

A relic from a different time, a time where there were droids built for war. This model of droid was manufactured during the Clone Wars. They are extrememly rare today, but Rebel agent Lt. Talnar somehow managed to find six working models and bring them to an Alliance base.

Talnar modified them to respond to commands given through a droid control pad.

Modified Baktoid Combat Automata Protector Series: Walking military droid, Thug 15; Init +2 (Dex); Defense 16 (+2 Dex, -1 size, +5 class), DR 4 (10 with shield generator); Spd 8 m; VP/WP 0/17; Atk +18/+13/+8 melee (1d8+4, claw) or +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 ranged (4d8/19-20, 2 modified heavy repeating blasters on multifire) or +10/+10/+10/+10/+5/+0 ranged (4d8/19-20, 2 modified heavy repeating blasters on autofire); SV Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +4, SZ L; Rep 3; Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6. Challenge Code E.
Equipment: 2 heavy repeating blasters, medium armor (DR 4), shield generator (DR 6).
Skills: Climb +8, Jump +8, Listen +6, Speak Basic, Spot +6.
Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Multishot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Group Proficiency (heavy weapons).

Guardian Droid

Built by Golan Arms, the 6-wheeled guardian droids are made to protect large areas. They have extrememly good sensors and a good array of weapons to help them perform their task, and their wheels allow them to respond quickly to alerts.

The gangster Tig Fromm used eight of these droids, as well as droid flying platforms called "cruisers", at his secret undergound lair on Ingo. Some of them were destroyed during a rescue by Rebels who managed to have the droid cruisers target the guardian droids. By the time Arnot took over the base, only two of these droids were left. One of them was badly damaged by the heroes when they invaded the base.

New Equipment

Beylyssa's Modified Arelik Armor

Armor Type: Medium armor Proficiency Group: Medium
Cost: 7,500 Damage Reduction: 4
Maximum Dex Bonus: +3 Armor Check Penalty: -4
Speed: 8 m/4 m Weight: 14 kg
Availability: Personal Era: [RE]

Sensor Pod: Provides +1 to Search and Spot checks.
Infrared Sensors: Provides the same effects as darkvision.
Turbo-Projected Grappling Hook: 20 meter lanyard, uses ranged attack (range 10 m), spring-barbed hook (3d6 damage if used on a live target).
Winch: Capable of lifting 100 kilograms (Beylyssa and her equipment only).
Environmental Filter: Helmet filter system can prevent harmful molecules from entering the lungs.

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