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Last updated December 14, 2002

Aarack Starlighter
Player: Jamie Bell

Age: 24 Birthday: 9:4:21
Height: 1.9 m Weight: 96 kg
Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde Skin: Caucasian

Aarack Starlighter is on a path of enlightenment, and only the Force knows how he'll end up. Born on Corulag to an Imperial Officer and his wife, Aarack grew up without any contact with his mother who had left the ambitious officer when Aarack was very young. The strict lifestyle and military discipline was tough on the young boy, who grew to be a man resentful of the Imperial Navy and it's officers. Even though Aarack resented the Imperial way of life, he nonetheless joined the Navy at the Imperial Academy on Corulag when he was of age.

A gifted pilot, Aarack was working his way through the ranks when he was witness to an Imperial raid on an Ithorian Herd ship accused of harboring Rebel spies. Horrified, Aarack narrowly escaped his assigned post and deserted the Imperial Navy. Furious at what he viewed as his son's desertion and lack of respect for the Empire, Aarack's own father posted a bounty for Aarack's return.

Drifting aimlessly towards the Outer Rim on any ship that would have him, Aarack found work in the smuggling operation of an Annoo-Dat crime lord named Arnot. Again finding that his piloting skills were his best asset, Aarack quickly became a valued smuggler in the organization, and even warranted his own ship after proving his resourcefulness and determination to avoid any "Imperial entanglements" while making a cargo run. Aarack's sole rule was that he would not in any way transport sentient cargo for the purposes of slavery or for profit.

Working alone, Aarack was sent to deliver a shipment of malium from Cerea to Ord Mantell. On Cerea he met the mystic shaman Maevyn, who asked for aid in escaping Cerea and the Imperials who hunted him. Feeling a surge of compassion, and an overwhelming sense of calm and goodness from the mystic, Aarack agreed to take Maevyn as far as Ord Mantell. On Ord Mantell the pair met a strange Bothan named Treyk Ferd'sa who joined them for a meal and to discuss galactic politics. At the end of the meal, a strange woman burst onto the scene asking for help, followed shortly by a pair of thugs bent on capturing her. Thus began the adventures of Aarack Starlighter, Maevyn, and Treyk Ferd'sa.

Aarack Starlighter: Male Human Scoundrel 4/Jedi Guardian 1; Init +3 (Dex); Defense 17 (+4 class, +3 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 31/14; Atk +4 melee (2d8/19-20, lightsaber) or +7 ranged (3d8/20, heavy blaster pistol); SQ Illicit barter, lucky 1/day, precise attack (+1), deflect (defense +1); SV Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +1; SZ M; FP 3; DSP 1; Rep +3; Str 10, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 13.
Equipment: Purple-bladed lightsaber, Blastech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, comlink, tool kit, utility belt, Kritz Drassarb's datapad (password - Brassard), thermal detonator, modified YT-1300 cargo freighter (Noble Wolf).
Skills: Astrogate +11, Bluff +7, Computer Use +8, Craft (lightsaber) +4, Diplomacy +3, Disable Device +8, Gather Information +7, Hide +8, Knowledge (Imperial Navy) +6, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +4, Move Silently +10, Pilot +15, Read/Write Basic, Repair +9, Speak Basic, Speak Huttese, Speak Rodese, Tumble +10.
Force Skills: Battlemind +4, Empathy +0, Enhance Ability +4, Heal Self +3.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Skill Emphasis (Pilot), Spacer, Starship Operation (space transports), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons).
Force Feats: Control.

Player: Joey Bujold

Age: ? Birthday: 9:6
Height: 1.8 m Weight: 74 kg
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Skin: Brown

Maevyn was born and raised in a well-to-do Cerean farming family. His given family name was Maevyn-Tel-Shara. Growing up, Maevyn's family saw that he differed from the other children in his attitude, and demeanor. While he demonstrated a high level of self-discipline towards himself, they saw that on many occasions, he displayed exceptionally compassionate behavior towards all forms of life. An example of this was when as a child he rescued and cared for several aryx chicks, whose parents had fallen victims to a vicious poisonous bharathu snake.

While other Cerean teenagers would occupy themselves with idleness, Maevyn preferred seclusion, studying ancient Cerean philosophical texts, and seeking quiet places for meditation. While other Cereans males his age were busy choosing bond and honor wives and preparing themselves for marriages, Maevyn often found himself trekking through the nearby Aryx mountain range, seeking his own personal enlightenment. He was often scorned by both his peers and his family for his ascetic inclinations, but he didn't care. He had an inexplicable pull towards the mountains - he felt drawn to them.

One day, during one of his periodic hiking treks, he encountered a strange Cerean Elder man in the mountains named Aryn. Aryn instantly befriended Maevyn, and after their first meeting they would continue to meet on occasion, and have philosophical discussions - often lasting for many hours.

Aryn eventually revealed himself to Maevyn as a monk of the Zwei-do, an ancient mystical Cerean order of monks who devoted themselves to the study of martial arts. Maevyn was quite surprised, since he had read in his studies that the Zwei-do order had been extinct for centuries. Aryn replied by giving him a soul-awakening gaze and corrected him by saying that they hadn't been extinct, they simply chose to separate themselves from the rest of society to study their arts, and mingled with worldly people only on occasion, and out of necessity.

Aryn sensed a strong sense of sincerity and devotion in Maevyn, and felt that Maevyn was capable of joining their ranks as a monk. Maevyn felt compelled to join them when Aryn proposed, but hesitated when he anticipated his father and mothers' reactions. Indeed his apprehensions were justified, as when he approached his parents, his father presented him with an ultimatum - Choose the life of a householder, or be disowned. Seeing that the worldly life held nothing for him, he severed his family ties and joined Aryn in the mountains. He then dropped his Family name, only to be known henceforth as Maevyn.

He studied the Zwei-do arts, along with about 30 other monks, perfecting his meditation skills and learning the traditional Zwei-do forms of combat. After two intense years of study, in his final Zwei-do rite of passage as per tradition, Maevyn went off to meditate for five days in seclusion. When he returned, he saw his home, the Zwei-do temple, all but destroyed by the Empire. They had been completely annihilated by Vader's Inquisitors.

Maevyn returned immediately to his home, only to get a stern, harsh, and cold reaction from his father. One of his mothers, Rhyia, pulled him aside, and in an act of compassion gave him some money and bade him to go to the Citadels. Cerea was now a dangerous place for him, and he had no further business here.

Distraught, and confused, Maevyn made his way to the Tommar Citadel and met up with a malium smuggler named Aarack Starlighter. Desperate, and sensing that the Zwei might have led him thus far, Maevyn asked Aarack if he could join him and the rest is history...

Maevyn: Male Cerean Force Adept 4/Force Warrior 1; Init +5 (+3 Dex, +2 species); Def 20 (+5 class, +3 Dex, +2 Defensive Martial Arts); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 43/18; Atk +5 melee (1d4+3/20, punch) or +5 melee (1d10+1/19-20, katana) or +7 ranged (1d8+1/20, bow); SQ Uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to Defense); SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6; SZ M; FP: 2; Rep: +2; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Equipment: Monastic robes, scrolls of Zwei-do teachings, net, katana, cal-surra, bow, arrows (20), Kritz Drassarb's datapad (password - Brassard), civilian clothing, combat gloves, combat leg guards, training lightsaber, lightsaber components.
Skills: Climb +3, Craft (simple and primitive weapons) +5, Intimidate +1, Jump +4, Knowledge (Zwei-do) +6, Listen +3, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Cerean, Sense Motive +2, Speak Basic, Speak Cerean, Spot +3, Survival +3, Swim +2, Tumble +6.
Force Skills: Affect Mind +6, Battlemind +11, Empathy +3, Enhance Ability +11, Enhance Senses +3, Force Stealth +2, Force Strike +7, Friendship +3, Heal Another +5, Heal Self +4, Illusion +4, Move Object +7, Plant Surge +5, See Force +3, Telepathy +6.
Feats: Defensive Martial Arts, Exotic Weapons Proficiency (katana), Force-Sensitive, Martial Arts, Weapon Group Proficiencies (primitive weapons, simple weapons).
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense.

Zenku Tsudachi
Player: Alex Florov

Age: ? Birthday: ?
Height: 1.8 m Weight: 72 kg
Eyes: blue Hair: none Skin: grey

Zenku Tsudachi: Male Quarren Scout 1; Init +4 (Dex); Def 16 (+2 class, +4 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 10/15; Atk +2 melee (1d3+2, punch) or +4 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ +4 species bonus on Swim checks, +1 species bonus on Will saves in moist environment, -1 species penalty on Will saves in dry environment, breathe underwater, low-light vision; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0; SZ M; FP: 1; Rep: +0; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 7.
Equipment: Blaster pistol.
Skills: Astrogate +5, Climb +4, Computer Use +2, Escape Artist +5, Hide +7, Jump +4, Move Silently +7, Pilot +8, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Quarrenese, Speak Basic, Speak Quarrenese, Speak Mon Calamari, Survival +3, Swim +6, Tumble +5.
Feats: Martial Arts, Starship Operations (starfighter), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapons).

Player: Shane O'Brien

Age: ? Birthday: ?
Height: 1 m Weight: 55 kg
Eyes: yellow Hair: black Skin: black fur

Belonging to a scavenging clan of Jawas, Rath learned his trade at an early age, perfecting his talents in machine repair and electronics. Being a Jawa, Rath was sneaky and curious, and he listened in to conversations by his clients buying machine parts or droids. Some info was good, some was of no importance. As he grew older, he realized that scrounging metal and droids in need of massive repair was not his thing. The day to day routine sort of got to him, and soon he was out venturing on Tatooine, in search of bolder exploits. He quickly realized that the information he gathered by listening in on individuals he knew were corrupt could bring him wealthy profits, especially if that information was passed on to the right people, like bounty hunters and galactic hitmen.

On one ocasion, he gave information to a Human bounty hunter known as T'rell Gand, who had credits to spend on precious information concerning the Hutts. Rath knew he should not cross the Hutts, but the greedy little Jawa could not pass up the amount offered to him by Gand. The two parted ways, Rath with his credits, Gand with his information. Days passed and Rath decided to head back to his clan. Being gone for almost a week, he found a horrific sight awaiting him: the sandcrawler that belonged to his people was burned out. Seeing the charred bodies of his fellow Jawas laying dead on the ground, he was in disbelief and weeped openly for hours. By night fall, he headed back into town, trying to gather information on what happened to his fellow Jawas. Eventually, he put the story together: he was told by one of his trusted contacts that T'rell Gand had failed at whatever kind of assault on the Hutt's palace he had planned. He was captured and tortured and spilled his guts about who had supplied him with the information regarding Jabba's fortress lair. Bounty hunters and armed thugs laid waste to Rath's clan thinking he was with them, but after the assault they realized that the one known as Rath'dar was not among the dead. They began a wider search for the damned Jawa who eluded them. Rath kept a low profile, hiding out in the hills mostly, coming into town only when he needed supplies (relying on his own survival skills to keep him alive). He knew he could not endanger any other Jawas by making contact with other tribes, so he became a lone wolf living out in the caverns of the high hills. One hand on his blaster pistol in its holster at his side, he lived in fear, knowing that the Hutts wanted him dead, and many eyes where looking for him.

He eventually took up work with one of Jabba's rival crimelords, Arnot, as a ship mechanic and droid maintenance. It paid decent, and Rath knew he was safe at least for now. He shipped out to Ingo and worked in Arnot's underground base for a few months. When the crew of the Noble Wolf assaulted Arnot's base did the Jawa get a great idea: it was his chance to get away! With his inside knowledge of the base, he helped the heroes from the Noble Wolf to overthrow the crimelord. After much deliberation, he was half-heartedly welcomed into the group. Although some barely trusted Rath, they could not deny that he was an asset for his talents in repair and espionage.

Rath has a handful of contacts, and knows many places on Tatooine he visited while doing repair or selling droids and parts, including in the Jabba's palace, and even met the Hutt in person. Mind you, the whole while he was in the palace his mind was racing trying to memorize the layout of the building (he knew people would pay money for that kind of information). He knows places to hide on Tatooine, and has weapons, money and supplies stashed away in dark caves and caverns deep below the sands of the desert planet.

Rath'dar: Male Jawa Tech Specialist 1; Init +3 (Dex); Def 16 (+2 class, +3 Dex, +1 size); Spd 8 m; VP/WP 6/11; Atk +0 melee (1d3, punch) or +4 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ Darkvision (20 m); SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1; SZ S; FP: 1; Rep: +0; Str 9, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 5.
Equipment: Blaster pistol, desert robes, tool kit, various droids and equipment.
Skills: Computer Use +7, Demolitions +5, Disable Device +5, Hide +6, Knowledge (Tatooine) +4, Pilot +6, Read/Write Jawa, Repair +10, Search +5, Survival +2 (desert conditions), Speak Basic, Speak Jawa, Speak Jawa Trade Language, Tumble +5.
Feats: Skill Emphasis (Repair), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons).

Player: Arun Chatterjee

Age: ? Birthday: ?
Height: 2.1 m Weight: ? kg
Eyes: orange Hair: none Skin: grey

Ynot: Male Duros Scout 1

Treyk Ferd'sa
Player: David Perry

Age: 30 Birthday: ?
Height: 1.6 m Weight: 83 kg
Eyes: brown Hair: gold brown Skin: brown

Treyk is a Bothan who swore to avenge his clan. He was part of a spacefaring clan of merchants, and had the more dangerous job of being first-contact expert with potential clients. He had his own starship, an Incom A-24 Sleuth.

But one day, his life would be scarred forever. While Treyk was on one of his missions, the Empire decided to frame a fleet of pirates by annihilating the innocent Ferd'sa clan and blaming it on the pirates. Treyk came back to meet the fleet at their rendezvous coordinates, only to find the weaponless merchant ships all but destroyed. His last memory is being attacked by some remaining Imperial ships who badly damaged his ship, forcing him to leave the bodies of his clanmates floating adrift in the void of space. From then on, he swore to do everything in his power to rectify the wrong that the Empire had done.

He spent days in a stunned haze, drifting in the spacelanes aboard his badly damaged ship, until he found himself on Ord Mantell. One day, he met a smuggler and his passenger in a place called Rexi's bar. When a woman came in and asked for their help, events had the three beings instantly formed a bond. When they found out the woman was a Rebel agent, Treyk knew that he would need their help to bring justice to the galaxy by becoming an enemy of the Empire.

A few weeks after that fateful meeting, Trey managed to find a survivor from the pirate fleet that was blamed for killing his clan. He knew the truth, and also proved to the Bothan government that the Empire was the real culprit in the massacre. But that was only the first step. Justice was not served just yet. He did a few missions with the crew of the Noble Wolf, and then decided to take a more active part in the fight against the Empire by joining the newly-formed starfighter squadron on Generis.

Treyk Ferd'sa: Male Bothan Scout 3/Soldier 1; Init +4 (Dex); Def 18 (+4 class, +4 Dex); DR 2; Spd 10 m; VP/WP 31/12; Atk +3 melee (1d3, punch) or +7 ranged (3d8/19-20, blaster rifle) or +8 ranged (3d8/19-20, blaster rifle with Point Blank Shot); SQ Trailblazing, heart +1; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2; SZ M; FP: 3; DSP: 0; Rep: +0; Str 10, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 9.
Equipment: E-11 blaster rifle, padded flight suit, Incom A-24 Sleuth (damaged), 10,279 credits.
Skills: Astrogate +8, Bluff +0, Climb +0 (-2), Computer Use +6, Diplomacy +2, Escape Artist +5 (-2), Gather Information +5, Hide +4 (-2), Intimidate +1, Jump +0 (-2), Listen +2, Move Silently +6 (-2), Pilot +11, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Bothese, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +6 (-2), Speak Basic, Speak Bothese, Speak Huttese, Speak Ithorian, Spot +2, Treat Injury +1.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Point Blank Shot, Starship Operation (starfighters), Trustworthy, Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapons).

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