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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (Dec 29&30) Posted By Mike on January 1, 2008
Ah, the holidays; family, friends, Star Wars gifts and good food. Just because we are all in holiday mode and gearing up for the new year, there's no reason to skip some Weekend Star Wars Fun...even if I am a bit late posting it.
Lets start with some goodwill towards others. Click here for a rather short article about the Arkansas Squad of the 501st helping out the Salvation Army.
Have you ever wondered what Porkins would look like in Lego form with a beer keg of an astromech droid? Me too! Luckily our friend Max was aware of our curiosities and sent us the following link to an interview and pics of the Lego work of Mike Crowley. Click here. (Thanks Max!)
Our buddy Eric G. came across some fun Star Wars paper sculptures. Click here to take a peak and if anyone would be so kind as to let us know what the sculpture is above the Naboo Starfighter, we'd really appreciate it. (Thanks Eric)
Yet another friend of TFN, Tom D., sent us an older article from ABC News, titled "Science of 'Star Wars': How Scientists Use the 'Force'." Click here to check it out. (If you had yet to see the article, then it's a brand new one to you! - Thanks Tom)
Finally, if you know what a Chapman Stick is, then you know more than this guy (you can't see it but I have double thumbs pointed at my chest.) Click here to see and hear Guillaume Estace playing "Cantina Band" on this interesting string instrument. (Thanks Scott)
UPDATE: After much deliberation and inspection, (ok just a few e-mails) it seems as though the mystery Star Wars paper character in question from above is simply the reverse angle of the droid trooper above it. Thanks to Paula Z for the feedback.