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What scenes should be cut from the IMAX version of AOTC?


Some of the picnic, the handmaiden's pointless tearful goodbye. (by Gavin Lee)

The dream sequence slows things down and results in more snickers from the audience than anything else....Jar Jar is tolerable in this movie, just tolerable, and his scenes are integral to the plot (by willybegood)

The segment where Anakin and Padme roll in the field should be edited. The part where they are restlessly sitting on the couch could also use editing. Perhaps Anakin's nightmare could also go. (by yodagreendude)

Cut the scene right after they are talking in front of the waterfall on Naboo, where the really bad CG Anakin rides the Shaak and Amidala is running through the field Sound of Music style. Bad acting, bad computer graphics, and no plot development. This scene needs to go! (by T.H.O. Amidala)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250,  
251-300, 301-304         
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