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What scenes should be cut from the IMAX version of AOTC?


The fireplace scene with Padme and Anakin (Yawn!) (by Embryo)

Gotta cut the picnic and that looong droid factory scene. And trim the romance please. (by Sponey)

Trim Padme n Anakin, do not lose the conversation with Palpatine n Anakin (1 of the main points of this trilogy) keep everything w/a saber, laser blast, uh.. action. yeah trim the Anakin Padme scenes a bit=) (by j.)

After Padme falls out of the ship into the sand and the clone trooper comes to check out if she is all right. By far the worst scene in the movie ! (by Captain Sith Park)

The meadow picnic (by Chris)

All of the stupid love scenes with the horrible dialogue (by Eric)

Cut obi-wan/Anakin elevator scene, Yoda doing flips during duel, C3PO head exchange sub-story, Anakin searching nightclub, obi-wan sneaking around Geonosis. Dramatically shorten jedi-Palpatine meeting, Anakin's fireside confessions, Anakin carrying luggage, Anakin near lake after nightmare, asteroid battle, obi-wan in library, the younglings scene, and Dooku's escape. (by Jason)

The opening up to Palpatine's office, Jango vs Obi-Wan in space, the end credits (by TeaBee)

dump 1/2 of the Zam chase, and then 3/4 of the droid factory, cut out the field (by jime7896)

They could run the credits a lot faster like the BBC have been known to do on UK TV. But I don't know what the can cut. (by Matt T)


All of the stuff on Naboo should be cut (by Flanders)

Droid factory sequence (by Jason Holland)

I can't really think of whole scenes.... just bits and pieces from battles, the chase, and the love story aspects. Oh and maybe Cliegg Lars entirely LOL (by Jedi_Kyth)

Prancing through the meadow when Anakin gets run over. (by Jabachile)

All of the grass/meadow scene, all you need is the kiss scene and the fire place scene, the audience would get the gist, without the grass frolicking, and don't you dare touch the Zam Wesell chase, that would be awesome up on IMAX screen..... (by matt)

When Anakin is asleep and screams:" Mommy mommy". (by Jarek)

There are a few. Anakin riding the Naboo cow and the scene where he cuts the fruit. C3-po's comedy can be cut - too many bad puns. (by Eyebiter)

Yoda vs. Dooku - too cheesy (by MackDumbDaddy)

The Ending Credits. (by Dan Cadera)

The love scenes could be trimmed, but not cut entirely. I think trimming them and trimming some of the droid stuff would make 23 minutes (by Aurra_sing)


Get rid of the picnic and C-3PO's goofiness. And most importantly, remove the Jar Jar greeting scene. (by trc)

Anakin and Padme rolling around together on the hills of Naboo in the 'Sound of Music' like love scene. (by Obi-Wannabe)

C3P-O's puns, the nightmare scene, and the picnic scene should be trimmed. (by Jen Lau)

Let's cut IMAX until they get a better system. (by Darrin)

All the nonsense in the field. (by Ricky)

Starfreighter dialogue (by Tjeerd Kamps)

Most of the 'love' scenes (by the bobster)

The droid factory... no need, just action for actions sake (by brucerd)

All of the lame Anakin/Padme love scenes. What waste of time! (by Tim)

The entire Love Story! (by D.Reed)


I would cut the countryside scene with Anakin and Amidala (by Lando3)

The silly 'Super Mario Bros' conveyor belt scene. The only worthwhile bit is the 'Don't move, Jedi' line. (by The Living Force)

The picnic (by Cecilia)

"Sound of Music" scenes between Anakin and Padme (by Jeff M)

Anakin riding the stupid Shaak. (by Phillip)

Anything that has the horribly pathetic "romantic" lines (by michele)

Jar Jar, the riding scene, c3po puns (by gina)

The Love story scenes - they were so badly conceived and performed that they were unbelievable, so the film would make just as much (non)sense without them. The C3PO head swap stuff - proof we should never have blamed Jar Jar - George Lucas is not a funny man. The Padme Mario platform computer game insert - why? Obi-Wan repeating my "young Padawan Learner" every ten seconds - yes we get it, already! No wonder he killed you... I mean...sheesh. (by Chris)

Riding the animal on the field... (by Mischa)

Speeding the movie up by 1% = 2 minutes - this will be unnoticeable, + cut 5 minutes from the end credits (by Goran K)


Definitely the entire factory scene with 3PO, it almost ruined the movie for me! Also, the scene in which Anakin is standing on the beast in the field, the effects were terrible. (by Ryan Zimmerman)

Anakin and Padme's picnic and riding the pig cows (by david schultz)

The picnic should cut just before Anakin hops on the animal. Cut the trip on the refugee ship. Cut the packing scene (Anakin's whine-a-logue). Cut the librarian. Cut C3PO's factory troubles. Cut Amidala's action parts (she doesn't hold a gun right). Cut some of the "Jedi" in the arena battle that make stupid gestures and noises. Cut down the clone battle a little. Do all this, and you have a stronger film. (by Alex)

I may be going against the tide but I love all the romance Anakin & Padme scenes so I vote for trimming a few minutes here and there but leaving all scenes in tact. Maybe the Coruscant and asteroid chase scenes can be shortened a whole lot. (by cfkli)

The picnic was ok..but cut out the animal riding part and when he starts talking about sand...just horrid (by ShanterBot)

The whole C-3PO losing his head thing! (by Darth Riptor)

The picnic (by Kris Gallagher)

Romance scenes, frolicking in the grass, my love is blah blah, some of 3-po's one liners in the battle... (by Chad Mitchell)

Cut the scene with Anakin riding on the back of the Shaak. Cut down some of the Zam Wesell chase scene. Cut much of Anakin's whining during the fireside scene. Keep all Obi-wan and Clone war scenes. (by doc bk)

Oooooo the riding the funny cow bit for starters (by PeterMayhewsTrolley)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250,  
251-300, 301-304         
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