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412 Wozwashi Street
this was the site of the Number 3 Supply Dump on Rishi, during the early years of the New Republic.
this measure was passed by the Galactic Senate and approved by Chancellor Palpatine, about five years before the onset of the Clone Wars. By passing the measure, Palpatine approved the funding for the Outbound Flight Project.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the beings involved with the resolution of the Human League crisis on Corellia and the breakup of the Starbuster Plot. It was appended to datafile 9912.78:3.
this was the identification number of the Imperial HoloNet node installed on the planet Stenos, during the tenure of Imperial Governor Quorl Matrin.
the medical droid used by Captain Ixsthmus aboard the starship Long Shot.
this was the model number of the PackTrack Mechanical Universal Labor Eliminator droid manufactured by Les Tech, which was also referred to as a MULE droid. They were equipped with a heavy lifting claw, a large storage bay, and a small repulsor engine.
(GG8, EGD)
41st Elite Corps
this clone trooper unit was one of the legions that made up the 9th Assault Corps, during the height of the Clone Wars. Led by Commander Gree, the 41st Elite was often dispatched to those worlds with indigenous, non-human species. The training of Commander Gree and his troops was targeted for the interaction with other races, and included information on various alien cultures. Note that Star Wars Insider, issue 84 claims that Commander Gree was a member of the 41st Elite Corps, but commanded Sarlacc Battalions A and B. Also note that this issue indicates that the 41st Elite was an Army Legion, not a full Corps.
this Imperial remandation order allowed an officer to take any and all actions necessary to bring a criminal to justice.
this directive was issued by the Galactic Senate prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. It specifically stated that government interference with the operation of a viable business of an entire sub-minority species was strictly and expressly prohibited. After the onset of the Clone Wars, directive 422 was superceded by directive 3591.
this was Anakin Skywalker's prisoner number, when he was imprisoned in the Zone of Self-Containment of Vanqor, several years before the Battle of Geonosis.
an Imperial CR90 corvette group supporting the Warspite near Dellalt.
this was the designation of the Imperial blockade depot which protected the planet Shintel, during the early years of the New Republic.
42nd Republican Guard Assault Division
this New Republic Naval squadron supported the 32nd Cruiser Squadron during its patrol of the Kalinda System, during Project Second Chance.
this repulsor-equipped lounge chair was produced by Gafladen during the height of the New Order. It was created to help corporate executives relieve stress.
this was the model number of one of Incom Industries' starship security systems, produced during the last years of the New Order.
434 "DeathHammer"
a model of Merr-Sonn blaster pistol, the 434 earned its nickname among the bounty hunters who preferred its solid construction and incredible stopping power. The 434 was plating with durasteel, making it heavy to carry but capable of sustaining heavy fire. Many bounty hunters notched or decorated their 434 after each kill, making most every weapon unique.
this model of culinary droid was produced by Cybot Galactica, and marketed to affluent beings who wanted to experience a wide variety of exotic, yet well-prepared meals. The 434-FPC had a computer system that could remember over 17,000 recipes, and it was equipped with a complete food-sampler sensing package to better manipulate spices and tastes.
this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Magar Jaros.
this was the designation of a model of power transformer used during the height of the New Order.
this was the ID number of the Imperial Intelligence agent who interviewed Helkson Vall concerning the death of sub-Prefect Matagorn.
this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Brahle Logris.
43rd "Killer Aiwha" Battalion
this division of clone troopers was part of the forces deployed by the Army of the Republic to the planet Jabiim, during the height of the Clone Wars. The 43rd was the of forces which were left behind to guard Shelter Base, during a three-pronged attack plan aimed at capturing three Separatist holdings. Unfortunately, the Separatists learned of the attack plan and made their own plans to strike at Shelter Base while it was relatively undefended. All the clones in the 43rd Batallion were killed in the fighting, along with many Jedi Knights.
43rd Salagori Lancers
this was a distinguished Imperial unit, active during the Galactic Civil War.
Merr-Sonn's heavy blaster pistol, it was very similar to the BlasTech DL-44. The Mdeol 44 could also be easily customized by its user, allowing it to serve a variety of needs. Note that the Arms and Equipment Guide indicates that the Model 44 was similar to the DH-18.
this was the model number of a heavy, anti-vehicle laser cannon built by Atgar during the Galactic Civil War.
Aratech's super-heavy-duty armored weapons chassis.
this New Republic Intelligence file reported on the disposition of the worlds of the Hapan Cluster during and after their negotiations with Leia Organa.
this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about Teneniel Djo.
this New Republic datafile contained all information gathered by the Intelligence agency on the Y-4 Raptor transport ship.
this was one of the primary Imperial datafiles containing information on the utilization of newly-discovered planets as vacation spots for elite members of Imperial culture.
this was one of the primary Imperial datafiles containing information on the utilization of newly-discovered planets as vacation spots for elite members of Imperial culture.
this was one of the primary Imperial datafiles containing information on the utilization of newly-discovered planets as vacation spots for elite members of Imperial culture.
this was one of the primary Imperial datafiles containing information on the utilization of newly-discovered planets as vacation spots for elite members of Imperial culture.
448 DataSifter
this top-of-the-line data storage and search system was developed during the New Order, and found widespread use in Imperial libraries and Ubiqtorate bases.
this was a model of pod racing fuel injector.
this was the serial number of the Imperial Commander sent to Rentalles to ensure that no sensitive information was left behind when the Empire abandoned its base on the planet.
this section of the Treaties of Alliance documents the use of an emergency requisition of a member world's ship in times of dire need.
455 Tinegris Street
this was the address of the Imperial Governor's residence, located on the planet Kintoni during the height of the New Order.
this was MerenData's version of an InfoCore, produced during the height of the New Order.
a pre-Clone Wars mainframe computer.
this was Mils Lolinc's starship pilot's license number.
this datafile was intercepted from Imperial databases by the New Republic Intelligence agency. It was later contained in datafile 88912:1/BFC/9:09, and contained information on the Yevethan species.
this series of bipedal droids was used in construction to repair damaged vehicles and buildings. The Alliance reused these droids on the battlefield, reprogramming them to assist in the repair of military vehicles and structures.
this was the codename of the programming stored in the brain of TC-11 by Gode Takrab. If activated, subroutine 47-D would have transmitted a set of forged documents to the primary Trade Federation starship. The documents would have appeared to have been from Queen Amidala, legitimizing the Federation's invasion of Naboo.
48 Roller
this unusual vehicle was designed for a single being to operate. Resembling a large wheel, the 48 Roller used a huge tire to move itself along. A pair of small jet engines, mounted near the base of the vehicle and perfectly balanced, provided propulsion. The rider sat inside the main wheel, and controlled the vehicle with a combination of handbars and their own balance. Speed, braking, and hard turns were accomplished using the built-in controls, but many turns could be accomplished by simply leaning into them.
Phoah-Kingsmeyer shield projector and screen control.
this was the identification of the Imperial personnel dossier on Gayle Sertim, maintained by Vost Tyne at the hyperbaride plant on Marca.
this Imperial datafile, maintained at the Krake Data Vault, contained information on Shira Elan Colla Brie's training by Darth Vader, in preparation for her mission to infiltrate the Alliance and bring about the downfall of Luke Skywalker.
4-axial Stabilizer
this device provides multi-dimensional stability to a starship's hyperdrive motivator.
this research droid was part of the Alliance's droid pool at the Massassi Base on Yavin 4, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. After the destruction of the first Death Star, 4B-X was assigned to the crew that escorted Trux Zissu to Delantine. 4B-X was a short, barrel-shaped automaton with a large datascreen for a head and a feminine personality. 4B-X was the latest model of her series, and was designed to operate in nearly any environment. Instead of feet, 4B-X had four long legs that ended with tractor-wheels which could be retracted if necessary.
this is the designation of the New Republic Navy's Central Computer Operating Signal Division, used in emergency situations to reprogram droids or other automated systems in the event of organic loss of life.
this was the name of the receptionist droid who served Airen Cracken during the early days of the Alliance.
this automated construct was used by the bounty hunter Mala to move about. 4-D had two multi-jointed legs and four articulated arms, and its spherical head contained a fairly sophisticated brain. This allowed 4-D to be somewhat independent of Mala, allowing her to focus her concentration elsewhere. 4-D was also armed with several blaster and melee weapons, and would defend Mala to the death. 4-D was forced to sacrifice itself in order to save Mala, when she discovered that Luke Skywalker had destroyed the first Death Star. Darth Vader had hunted down all the beings who knew of Luke's deeds, and Mala tried to escape. She and 4-D had to jump for their lives, and although they went down firing, 4-D was crushed upon impact. Mala barely survived, with the assistance of another of her droids, B-6.
this incredibly dangerous, predatory creature was "manufactured" in an Imperial laboratory during the height of the New Order. Subject 4D669493X was a pale-skinned creature that was roughly humanoid in shape, but with long, muscular limbs and a whiplike tail. Its dorsal spine was protected by thick ridges, and its mouth was studded with fangs and needle-like teeth. Its heavy claws allowed it to climb buildings, and the dagger-like bone at the tip of its tail could impale a human quickly and cleanly. The Empire lost control of Subject 4D668493X when it escaped from its laboratory. A bounty was posted for its capture, although it was believed that the creature stowed away on a ship bound for Tatooine.
this highly-explosive land mine was developed by the Imperial Remnant during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Incom fusial thrust engines used on X-Wings. It is rated at 300 KTU.
Cygnus's Dual Line ion engines, rated at 300 KTU.
this skeletal droid was originally manufactured as a medical assistant. After being acquired by QS-2D, though, 4-KT was reprogrammed to work as a droid developer and an assistant to Q-8Y5. 4-KT enjoyed its work, and sometimes was so single-minded in its pursuit of a solution that it completely drained its power cells and had to be manually recharged.
another Incom fusial thrust engine used on X-Wings.
this large, square labor droid ran a power station in Mos Eisley. 4-LB lived on the old Lank settlement, and confused Adar Tallon with Bels Lank. Thus, he was approached by the bounty hunter IG-72 during the hunt for Tallon. 4-LB provided information on Lank's whereabouts, thinking that IG-72 was describing him. IG-72 then disintegrated the labor droid.
a rogue droid bounty hunter conscripted by Darth Vader to find the Millennium Falcon, it was one of the first LOM-series protocol droids ever prodcued. 4-LOM was purchased for service as an interpreter on the Kuari Princess. He was equipped with a TranLang III communications module so that he could interface between the ship's guests and its computer. Because both 4-LOM and the ship's computer knew the exact locations of the passengers' valuables, they began simulating the "perfect theft." However, both of them soon began to discover how to alter the other's programming, and a series of thefts began to be reported aboard the Princess. One of the first such thefts was that of the Ankarres Sapphire, stolen from Dom Pricina. 4-LOM initially took the stone to protect it from Dom Pricina's careless handling of the stone. However, 4-LOM realized that most humans were careless as Dom Pricina had been, and taking the stone opened up new programming routines to 4-LOM. The continued interaction between 4-LOM and the ship's computer enhanced and widened the droid's own sentience, and 4-LOM began to grow bored of the simple thefts. 4-LOM left the ship when it t made port, and began working as an information broker and master thief. He worked for Jabba the Hutt for a while, and the Hutt eventually made 4-LOM a deal it couldn't refuse: in return for a complete refit that would allow the droid to perform violent actions, 4-LOM would agree to become one of Jabba's personal bounty hunters. Jabba paired 4-LOM with Zuckuss, and the two became Jabba's favorite hunters. 4-LOM became obsessed with learning how to use intuition, and studied Zuckuss during the Gand's mediations. 4-LOM even thought about trying to understand the Force. When Vader put out the bounty on Han Solo's head, Jabba sent the two to the Executor as unofficial emissaries to the Empire. Note that, although The Essential Guide to Characters indicates Jabba sent them, Tales of the Bounty Hunters tells that the two sought out Vader after Zuckuss discovered the bounty during a meditative trance. The droid and the Gand never got involved with the hunt for Solo, as they discovered that the Alliance would help them more than the Empire. They eventually joined the Alliance, after saving the crew of the Bright Hope near Hoth. While waiting for Zuckuss' lungs to heal, 4-LOM had a form of prescient insight, and thought he saw himself working with a group of Jedi trainees. Once Zuckuss' lungs healed, the pair left to intercept Boba Fett and recover Solo. Even though Boba Fett was the one to capture Solo, the other bounty hunters tracked Fett to try and bargain with him. Led by Bossk, 4-LOM and the others intercepted Fett at Gall. Fett managed to escape, but 4-LOM was disabled and left in the hold of Slave I. When 4-LOM reactivated itself, it signaled the others to give them Fett's location. However, Fett discovered the transmission and shot 4-LOM through the head. Fett then used the inert droid as a stand-in for Han Solo's frozen form, and he used Zuckuss for a stand-in of himself. Fett sent them out of Slave I on Tatooine, to draw off any of Jabba's minions who would have stolen Solo's body and claimed the bounty themselves. Zuckuss later managed to get 4-LOM repaired, but the memory wipe required to reactivate its droid brain left 4-LOM without any semblance of its former personality. Both Zuckuss and 4-LOM chose to cut off their relationship with the Alliance. The droid no longer felt that it needed a partner, although it chose to work with Zuckuss during the capture of Drawmas Sma'da because it needed a partner to carry out the capture. Note that the Essential Guide to Characters indicates that Jabba retained the services of 4-LOM and Zuckuss until his own death, despite the destruction of the droid in Shadows of the Empire.
callsign of the TIE Interceptor Maarek Stele was piloting when Admiral Mordon's shuttle was overtaken near Farboon.
this was one of the chrome-plated droids used by Captain Swagg, during his attempt to steal the relics from the Gungan Sacred Place. 4-S, along with 3-S and 5-S, was assigned by Swagg to destroy the arena in Lake Umberbool, but the attempt was thwarted by Jar Jar Binks and Major Fassa. 4-S was destroyed in the attempt, although the Gungans managed to recover 4-S's head and use it against Swagg.
according to a HoloNet comic that appeared sometime during the height of the New Order, 4S0S was one of the many droids sold to the moisture farmers of the Dura Mater settlement, on the planet Tatooine. Like all of the droids sold by these Jawas, 4S0S exploded just before its warranty expired, forcing its owner to purchase a new droid from the Jawas.
4th Sector Army
this was the official designation of the Outer Rim Sector Army, which was part of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
this is an Atgar personal blaster rifle manufactured for Imperial use.
4XB Programmer Droid
developed by Cybot Galactica, the 4XB series was designed to handle the administration and management of programming other droids. The 4XB was powerful enough to manage the day-to-day activities of a factory, prison, or law enforcement agency.
this was Miradyne's short-range sensor jamming package. These small sensor-jamming devices were used on A-Wing starfighters, to hide the fighter from enmy sensors during attack runs. The 4x-Phantom used a dedicated energy receptor (DER) to absorb and block incoming sensor energy.
this Miradyne Limited short-range sensor jamming system was used by the New Republic in the manufacture of its A-Wing starfighters.
this was the number of credits offered for the recovery - alive - of the Butcher of Montellian Serat.
this was BlasTech's version of the riot gun, produced for use by the Corporate Sector Authority during the early years of the New Order. A short-barreled rifle with an open-frame stock, the BlasTech 500 was designed to be powerful, but not necessarily accurate. Developed to help CSA Security officers control large mobs, the 500 came to epitomize "Corporate Sector logic" in the minds of many beings: when in doubt, shoot into a crowd.
500 Republica
this immense building was built in the Ambassadorial Sector of the Senate District of Galactic City, on the planet Coruscant, and provided dwellings for some of the galaxy's wealthiest beings. Many of the Senators of the Old Republic maintained residences in this building, including former Senator Palpatine, primarily because it offered complete privacy for its residents. Fifty-three individual skydocks were located around the building's façade providing, restricted access to residents and their guests. Hundreds of private turbolifts could be found within its walls, and security cameras and hidden weaponry guarded every doorway and entrance to ensure that the building's inhabitants were safe at all times. The fact that 500 Republica was such an opulent and immense building, especially when compared to the Senate Rotunda, served as a symbol of the Senators' disproportionate wealth and their corruption, especially to the members of the lower classes of Coruscant.
this was a model of out-dated shipboard NavCom unit.
501st Legion
this group of blue-colored clone troopers was specially raised and trained on Coruscant - rather than on Kamino - during the height of the Clone Wars. When Anakin Skywalker pledged himself to Darth Sidious and was named Darth Vader, he was given command of the 501st, which he took to the Jedi Temple. At the Temple, Vader and his clone troopers slaughtered every Jedi Padawan, Knight, and Master they could find. After the establishment of the Empire, the 501st became known as the Imperial 501st Legion, although it still continued to take orders from Darth Vader.
(VD3, SWDB, SWI84)
this was the designation of SoroSuub's police droid, produced during the early years of the New Order. Known as a Zed, the 501-Z droid stood nearly two meters in height, and resembled heavily-muscled humanoids. These droids were given computer brains and personality matricies that were as advanced as most protocol droids, allowing the 501-Z to interact with organic police officers and "get into the mind" of a criminal. The average 501-Z was painted crimson, and was armed with only a stun staff or force pike.
this was the galactic coordinates of the asteroid owned by Ire Eleazari within the Sil'Lume Asteroid Belt.
this vast, New Republic Intelligence datafile contained all known information on Mara Jade.
510 Combat Power Armor
this suit of powered combat armor was developed by Cozzell Corporation during the early years of the New Republic. However, the early designs were rejected by the development teams as being too bulky and clumsy - as well as too expensive - and the 510 was never mass-produced.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on Thanta Zilbra.
this section of the Old Republic's Galactic Senate bylaws required that any unsubstantiated accusation - such as the blockade of Naboo by the Trade Federation - must be investigated by an appointed commission before the Senate can act on the situation. It was one of the many bylaws and protocols that eventually dragged the Senate down and brought about the end of the Old Republic.
(TPM, IS1)
an Imperial CR90 corvette group supporting the Warspite near Dellalt.
the lockout code used by Big Jak Targrim to hold the Kuari Princess's navigational controls hostage.
533 North Ascin Street
this was one of the many locations used as a residence by Talesan Fry and his family, during their flight from bounty hunters some seven years before the Battle of Naboo. It was located in District 2 of the city of Ciran, on the planet Cirrus.
this is the identification number of the New Republic's Intelligence file on General Melvar.
this New Republic Senate resolution prohibited slavery in the galaxy.
DataLine Press identification number for the book Study of the Galactic Balance of Power: The New Order's Greatest Challenge.
543rd Denbari Attack Company
this was a distinguished Imperial unit, active during the Galactic Civil War.
this is the designation of a modular personality system which can be applied to a droid's brain.
this datafile was created by the New Republic Intelligence agency to monitor the actions of the life-witch, Karia Ver Seryan.
this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about the Dathomirian witch, Gethzerion.
this addendum to datafile 98S127F3 contained information the New Republic Intelligence agency had gathered on the Imperial Patrol Frigate, a modified form of the basic Nebulon-B frigate.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on Ejagga Pakkpekatt.
this New Republic Intelligence file documented all known information on the Hapan Queen Mother, Ta'a Chume.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained all known information about the planets of the Hapan Cluster.
this datafile was created by the New Republic Intelligence agency to document information on the Corellian LAF-250 fighter.
this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Shenir Rix.
this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Magris Quill.
this Alliance datafile documented the list of activities which were "considered to be against the interests and/or benefit of Alliance operations and/or security." This information served as the basis by which the Alliance compiled its SecuriDex, a list of beings which were deemed to be detrimental to their struggle against the Empire.
5709-DC Shipping Lane
this spur off the Triellus Trade Route led to the planet Tatooine.
this was the designation of Dyne's radial atomizing sublight engines. These huge, doughnut-shaped propulsion systems were found on many Corellian Engineering Corporation starships during the last decades of the Old Republic.
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