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this was a civilian-grade sensor suite produced by Fabritech. It was used on the Lantillian Short Hauler, as a basic feature. Shortly before the Clone Wars, a shipment of 7Y4 sensor suites were found to be defective, and Lantillian was forced to recall nearly 5,000 Short Haulers for refitting. Fabritech claimed that the shipment had been mishandled by Lantillian, and the sensors were damaged by this mishandling. (SS, HNN4)

this is the number of credits offered by Darth Vader for the capture - alive and whole - of the Millennium Falcon and its crew, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (TBH)

this Mugaari pirate ship was under the command of Icanis Tsur during the early years of the New Order. The ship became lost in the Hoth Belt, stranding Tsur and his thirty-being crew until their starved to death. The ship's remains provided a wealth of salvage for many Squib teams, until the Alliance arrived to establish Echo Base on Hoth. (WOA33)

this spider-like droid was part of the automated forces amassed by the Commerce Guild, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (TCG1)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the various starships involved in the Black Fleet Crisis and the Battle of N'zoth, as well as information on the Teljkon vagabond. (CTD)

this Imperial Golan III space station was located near Esseles during the Galactic Civil War. (FOP)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contains information from Luke Skywalker's debriefing, following the destruction of Warlord Zsinj at Dathomir and the marriage of Leia Organa to Han Solo. (CTD)

this was one of the many homing spider droids deployed by the Commerce Guild during the Outer Rim Sieges. (TCG10)

the designation of the Imperial bounty issued for Adar Tallon. (TM)

this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about the Gun of Command. (CTD)

this is the designation of a modular personality system which can be applied to a droid's brain. (CFG)

this New Republic starfighter pilot training simulation pitted an X-Wing against the Yevethan D-type fighter. The simulation was designed with information gathered during the unsuccessful blockade of Doornik-319. Admiral Ackbar used this simulation to train Plat Mallar. (SOL)

this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about Prince Isolder of Hapes. (CTD)

this Imperial datafile contained the template used for creating tracsheets on criminals. The basic template was maintained by the New Republic. (GG11)

850.AA Maintenance Droid
designed and manufactured by Publictechnic, this immense droid was developed to handle the maintenance needs of urban areas. It has an internal storage bay, which could hold several smaller droids which could perform finer maintenance operations. These immense, automated vehicles stood over thirteen meters in height, and had three separate stories of storage and operation centers. The 850.AA hovered just centimeters off the ground on powerful repulsorlift engines, and had an energy-conservation system that allowed the 850.AA to operate for weeks at a time without repowering. (SWJ14, EGD)

this New Republic datafile was maintained to monitor Intelligence information on General Etahn A'baht. (CTD)

865th Regiment
this was a distinguished Imperial unit, active during the Galactic Civil War. Its symbol was a lightning bolt which forked out in three directions. (HR)

this grid sector location, found within the Serianan Asteroid Belt, provides the location of The Gulch. (SWJ8)

this New Republic datafile contained information on the Selonian pilot, Salculd. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained all pertinent information about the Imperial General Melvar. (CTD)

this Imperial HoloVision news report documented Grand Admiral Thrawn's "retaking" of the planet Ukio via "superior tactics and firepower." (TTSB)

this computer memory tag is used to tell a data file to transfer to a mem-stik. (CFG)

this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on the Gamorrean enforcer Ughok Snorg. (GG11)

this New Republic datafile contained the records of the deposition of Bren Derlin, who reported on the unorthodox actions of the Imperial Star Destroyer Unrepentant in the wake of the Battle of Endor. (TBSB)

this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Sires Vant. (GG11)

known as a scout collecter unit, this Serv-O-Droid automaton was developed to assist colonists and scouts during their early studies of an unknown world. Propelled by a small repulsor engine, the 87-RM followed behind a group of Wanderer droids, collecting specimens which had been stunned for capture. The 2.5-meter-tall 87-RM would then flash-freeze and catalog the specimen for later dissection. It was rumored that this droid caused the murder of over 300 colonists on Corva Yag, near the Minos Cluster, but many smugglers believed that the Empire used this as a cover story to hide one of their own experiments. (SWJ13, EGD)

a Ubrikkian limousine landspeeder, these were designed for pleasure but were often modified for security and transport of high-ranking personnel. (SN)

this datafile contained all the information gathered by New Republic Intelligence on the Hapan population. (CTD)

this datafile was maintained by the New Republic Intelligence agency, and contained detailed information on the planet Dathomir. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about the events which surrounded the destruction of Warlord Zsinj near the planet Dathomir. (CTD)

this is the Imperial Mandatory Notifications Ordnance. Sections B-E details the illegal postings of bounties. (GG9)

this datafile contained all the information known about the Imperial Warlord, Zsinj. It was maintained by the New Republic's Intelligence agency. (CTD)

this datafile was maintained by the New Republic Intelligence agency to monitor the personal yacht Jade's Fire. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information obtained from Imperial databases on the Yevethan race. The intercept file was originally designated 47192/X. (CTD)

88-series Droid
this was a series of thin-bodied bookkeeping and accounting droids produced by a long-forgotten Tiss-sharl company. By the era of the New Order, these droids were believed to have all been scrapped, although 8t88 managed to survive. (EGD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the new classes of starships developed by the New Republic in the wake of the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile was created to maintain information on Centerpoint Station. It was appended to datafile 13.568.9018 after the resolution of the Human League crisis and the break-up of the Starbuster Plot. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained performance data and history of their own agent, Lieutenant Belindi Kalenda. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the wide variety of Gallofree Yards transport ships used in Operation Flotsam. (CTD)

891c Striker Cruiser
see Akorec Strike Cruiser (GMR5)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Drall Duchess, Marcha of Mastigophorous. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about Hapan Battle Dragons. (CTD)

this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Pratari Cinn. (GG11)

this was the patient ID number given to Charis Enasteri, after she was scheduled to be euthanized by the Empire. (SWJ13)

this BlasTech datafile contained information on upgrading a blaster's galven pattern, and could be downloaded directly to the blaster's micro-electronics. Airen Cracken received it from Inat Rangoon, who stole the code directly from BlasTech's central computer. The galven pattern created by this sequence was very dangerous, and produced a ripple-wash which jostled the barrel of the blaster. This often resulted in the barrel shattering. BlasTech first put this galven pattern into production on the A280 weapon. (CFG)

8D8 (Atedeeate)
this thin-limbed, white 8D8-series droid was originally a starship maintenance droid that was sold into Jabba the Hutt's service. Jabba had the droid lobotomized and reprogrammed. During the last years of the Hutt's reign on Tatooine, 8D8 served under EV-9D9 in the droid torture chamber. 8D8 was sympathetic to the droids it was forced to torture, and hated EV-9D9. (ROTJ, CCG7, SWDB)

8D8-series Droid
this series of thin-bodied droids was produced by Roche Industries to operate in the high-temperature environments of metal smelting operations. It was the first droid produced by Roche with a truly humanoid body, although the 8D8 resembled a skeleton more than anything else. These droids were considered a breakthrough because of their ability to withstand high heat, having high-grade durasteel molecularly bonded to kevlex. (EGD)

this Super Battle Droid was one of the first to be produced by the Geonosians, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (TCG1)

known as Aiteff, this droid worked for Agapos the Ninth on Monor II. A silver protocol droid, Aiteff didn't walk on feet. Instead, a pair of motorized treads moved the droid along. (SWJ10)

this was the highest-numbered datafile stolen from the Metatheran Cartel by Gerta Haman and the underground resistance, some years after the Battle of Naboo. The resistance had been trying to gather evidence against the Cartel, in order to expose the Cartel's underhanded dealings on Cularin. (EOS)

this lowly 88-series calculation droid learned to covet credits while acting as an accountant for the Woostri HoloScan Database. Roughly humanoid in shape, 8t88 was a spindly automaton which was given arms and a crocodilian head that resembled the those of its Tiss'sharl master. However, during a mission to Woostri, 8t88's head was stolen by Zokor Polpot and replaced with that of a JMM-series assassin droid. 8t88 was unable to reconcile its new situation, and began to consider this "disfigurement" as an act of prejudice against droids. It was then that 8t88 became obsessed with finding and hurting Polpot, and set to work locating any and all information on his whereabouts. This activity eventually led 8t88 to discover bartering, as many sources of information wanted better information in return. Thus, 8t88 became one of the New Order's most successful infochants, and gained a fortune in credits. After outbidding Balancesheet, 8t88 was hired by Jerec to obtain the location of the Valley of the Jedi from Morgan Katarn. The droid managed to steal Morgan's journal disk, which led Jerec to Sulon and the ceiling tiles Katarn's home, which formed a puzzle that was used to hide the Valley's location. However, for its part in the search for the Valley of the Jedi, 8t88 was beheaded by Gorc and Pic aboard the Sulon Star. Kyle Katarn, the son of Morgan Katarn, managed to recover the droid's head and learned for himself of the location of the Valley. 8t88's body managed to survive the second beheading, and the droid continued to wander the galaxy in search of a suitable replacement. After many such heads, 8t88 managed to secure the head of an EV-series droid shortly before traveling to Mawan. The droid's appearance on Mawan coincided with a fatal accident that took the life of Zokor Polpot, and 8t88 suddenly found itself on the galaxy's most-wanted lists. (DF2, EGD, SWMW)

this was the model designation of Kuat Drive Yards' unirail transport train. The train measured 320 meters in length, and could carry up to ninety passengers per railcar. The typcial 8-X configuration contained 15 cars, each of which cost 100,000 credits. The entire train could carry up to a metric ton of cargo. (SPG)

there are 9,057 known forms of sign language used throughout the galaxy. (SOL)

these were the galactic coordinates of the 40,005 Milton asteroid, located within the Sil'Lume Asteroid Belt. (JH)

developed by Fabritech, this device served as an energy scanner. It could detect the presence of various forms of energy, including repulsor fields, radiation sources, and communications signals. (GUN, SWJ4)

this was a huge transport ship developed and manufactured by Damorian Manufacturing during the last decades of the Old Republic. (MBS)

a round, pod-shaped landspeeder built by Ubrikkian Industries. This speeder was originally built to appeal to the Ugor race, as noted in its spherical shape, with viewports on all sides. It measured 6.8 meters in diameter. (SW, GG7)

a sleak, low-riding landspeeder built by Ubrikkian Industries, it has become very popular with young adults. It comes with unique holographic displays and enhanced stabilizers. (RPG)

this datafile was created by General Airen Cracken, and requested that Kendrick Machill'Tr compile information on the individuals involved in the Human League crisis on Corellia and the break-up of the Starbuster Plot. (CTD)

this New Republic datafile contained all the information gathered by the Intelligence agency on the Miy'til starfighters used by the Hapans. (CTD)

this New Republic datafile contained Intelligence information on the Bakuran destroyer Watchkeeper. (CTD)

this datafile was created by the New Republic Intelligence agency, and contained information on the Corellian Governor-General, Micamberlecto. (CTD)

this substance was used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, in areas which were tainted with the Dark Side of the Force. Its chemical make-up, and instructions for it exact use, were lost in the Jedi Purge. (WOTC)

4-LOM once calculated that Gand findsmen were this accurate each time they went into their meditative trances. (TBH)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Nightsister Baritha. (CTD)

this was the model number of one of N'gant-Zarvel's heavy blaster carbines. It had a stout barrel and a heavy stock, and was known for the deep thumping sound it made when fired. The 9118 was popular among mercenaries and rebels, and was equally adapted to use in the wilderness or in urban areas. (ROE, WOTC)

this was Bria Tharen's pilgrim number, while living on Ylesia while worshiping the Oneness. (TPS)

this datafile was maintained by the Corellian Security Force, and contained information on the arms dealer known as Gundark. (GUN)

this Republic Executive Order shut down the HoloNet for civilian usage, in an effort to allow for enhanced military communication during the Battle of Geonosis and the early stages of the Clone Wars. (HNN5)

this was the model number of NeuroSaav's general-purpose sensor pack. This portable scanner could detect life forms, communications signals, energy, and motion. Its primary drawback was that it was so generalized in its use, that an experienced sensor operator was needed to interpret the data. (ROE)

this was the primary communication frequency used by the crew of the Tanquilla Beach space station to talk to incoming starships. (DARK)

designed and manufactured by Aratech, this light-duty hovercraft measured nine meters in length and could carry up to seven passengers and two metric tons of cargo. It required a pilot and co-pilot to operate, and had a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour. It was one of the first vehicles produced with a skirt of duralumin, giving it a much greater durability in rugged environments. (GSE)

this was the designation of a model of Kambis lock. It was generally considered to be the top of their product line in terms of security. (IR)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contains information on the Hapan starship Star Home. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about Warlord Zsinj. (CTD)

this New Republic datafile contained a record of the depositions of Han Solo and Lieutenant Page, recounting their takeover of the Imperial Star Destroyer Accuser in the period immediately following the Battle of Endor. (TBSB)

this New Republic datafile contained a record of the deposition of Voren Na'al, describing the Ssi-ruuk. (TBSB)

this was the model number of Ikas-Adno's swoop, designed for use on swoopchasing courses. (BSS)

this was the name of an nondescript mining vessel which made an emergency landing at Horn Station. (T2)

Sarlain Star Press identification number for Heroes of the Republic. (GG9)

this was the original Imperial Xenodetic Survey designation of the planet Fiddanl. (GG2)

this is a standard form of lubricant container valve nozzle. It is one of the few which can be converted for use as a blaster gas canister. (CFG)

this was the designation of the immature clone trooper encountered by young Boba Fett on Aargau, just weeks after the Battle of Geonosis. 9779, a member of Generation Five Thousand, believed that Boba was just another clone, and Boba did nothing to alter this perception. When Aurra Sing tried to recapture Boba, 9779 inadvertently helped Boba escape by bringing him down to the clone facilities. (BF3)

this is the designation of a CoMar environmental space suit built for the remnants of the Imperial Navy which survived the Battle of Endor. (POT)

this addendum to datafile 98S127F3 contained information gathered by the New Republic Intelligence agency on the Adz-class patrol destroyer used by the Empire in the years following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Corellian-built Ugly, made from the cockpit of a YT-1300 freighter mounted to the fuselage of a B-Wing starfighter. (CTD)

this datafile contained information obtained from Luke Skywalker, following the resolution of the Black Fleet Crisis and the Battle of N'zoth. It described his role in the these events for future reference. An addendum to the file documented Skywalker's comments to his Jedi students on the existence of the Fallanassi. (CTD)

this report, filed for the Bank of Aargau by Sergeant Rolex, described an incident with a member of Li-Suun Niik's smuggling operation. The incident occurred at about the same time Leia Organa and Viscount Tardi were arriving on Aargau, to secure a loan for the purchase of new X-Wing starfighters. The smuggler tried to leave Aargau with gold plates that had been surgically attached to his ribs. The BAS44 holoscanner detected the gold, and alerted Captain Smalyun to the crime. The smuggler was immediately apprehended and executed. (PH)

this planet log, maintained by the New Republic, contained information on the planet Leria Kerlsil. It was appended to Intelligence datafile 13.568.9018 during the Human League crisis and the breakup of the Starbuster plot. (CTD)

this New Republic datafile contained all the information gathered on the Blue Desert People of Dathomir. (CTD)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the remnants of the Imperial Black Fleet, once stationed in the Koornacht Cluster but eventually overtaken by the Yevetha. (CTD)

98th "Laser Storm" Forward Observer Shuttle Wing
a branch of the Imperial Navy which provides astrogation and emergency support during space battles. (SWSB)

this New Republic datafile contained information gathered by the Intelligence agency on the rise of the Human League in the Corellian System, and the subsequent thwarting of the Sacorian Triad's Starbuster Plot. (CTD)

this was the designation of NeuroSaav's standard, ground-based sensor array. (HAS)

this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the various forms of scavenging that occurred after a large battle, especially in the wake of the Battle of Endor. (CTD)

this New Republic datafile contained information on the TIE/rpt Raptor starfighter. (CTD)

this attendant droid accompanied the protocol droid Poe. Contained in the memory banks of 9-A-9 was information which proved Plourr had survived the mass execution of her father and family at the hands of the Priamsta. 9-A-9 contained this information because, at one time, it was a nanny to Plourr while she was a youth. (XWWP)

DeepSpace Industries' explorer droid. This 1.3-meter-tall automaton was designed to quickly investigate new-found planets and determine their habitability. (RPG)

Iotek's ion power cells. (XW)

this defense field generator system was produced by Borstel during the Galactic Civil War. (HAS)

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