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this Alliance sensor protocol was used whenever an Alpha Team was scouting a remote or uncharted worlds for possible use as a safeworld.
this pulsar is near the New Republic's deep-space anomaly 2249.
this silver, personal navigation droid was given to Tahl by Jedi Master Yoda, after Tahl's eyesight was lost in a struggle with the Melida. The droid was given as a gift, to help Tahl adjust to life without sight. She quickly found the droid to be extremely annoying and utterly uncaring about its job. Known as TooJay, the droid continually called Tahl "sir" despite the fact that she was female, and tried to correct her every move. TooJay was given a female personality, in order to help Tahl feel more at ease with the droid. This nice touch was often overcome by TooJay's nagging behavior. It was soon discovered that Xanatos had placed a recording and monitoring device within 2JTJ's plating, and used the device to monitor the Jedi's actions during his attempts to steal the Healing Crystals of Fire and a cache of vertex. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi arranged to have 2J record a false conversation, in an effort to lure Xanatos to them. The plan nearly succeeded, but Xanatos managed to escape.
(UP, CT)
this Imperial Bavos-I defense platform was located near Esseles during the height of the Galactic Civil War. While providing the defensive capabilities necessary to protect Esseles and its system, 2LC/Blue suffered from the lack of storage that plagued the Bavos-I platform. Thus, it was highly dependent on regular supply convoys.
this was the code left behind by Talesan Fry and his family, after they were forced to flee their apartment while trying to escape from bounty hunters, some seven years before the Battle of Naboo. The code was left behind for the Jedi Knights who were sent to protect them - Qui-Gon Jinn, Adi Gallia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Siri Tachi - after their location was compromised. The code, "hidden" in the keycode used to access their apartment, indicated that they were moving to District 2 of the city of Ciran, 533 North Ascin Street.
2nd Airborne Company
this was one of the divisions of the Grand Army of the Republic's 212th Attack Battalion.
2nd Platoon
this division of the Grand Army of the Republic's Bacta Company was commanded by Lieutenant Barr during the height of the Clone Wars.
2nd Sector Army
this division of the Grand Army of the Republic was commanded by Jedi Master Ry-Gaul during the height of the Clone Wars. The 2nd Sector Army was part of Systems Army Alpha.
this series of protocol droids preceded the 3PO series. Melnea Arnthout had a 2PO with her on Tatooine. It was stolen, but later returned, by the Jawas. 2PO then served as a sort of ambassador between the Jawas and he colonists, translating the Basic language into the Jawa tongue.
(GG7, GMR3)
this medical droid was assigned to the crew of Ki-Adi-Mundi's Old Republic starship, during his search for Ephant Mon and his daughter, Sylvn. Her databanks were programmed with medical information on over twelve million species, but her overall programming was a prototype and, therefore, not fully tested.
one of the KPR series of droids built by Lerrimore Droids, the 2X models were built as perimeter defense droids. Owen Lars used some of these small, rolling droids to patrol his moisture farm on Tatooine.
this basic security droid was programmed to monitor security perimeters and floodlights at Imperial outposts. Stationed on Tatooine, the small droid found its way into the employ of Jabba the Hutt, but was stolen from the crimelord by a tribe of Jawas.
this Industrial Automaton surgical droid was often used in military prisons. It was similar in every respect to the 2-1B series, except for its green coloration and its decidedly military application.
this was the approximate odds of successfully navigating a flight through an asteroid field, according to C-3PO, during the Millennium Falcon's escape from the Battle of Hoth.
ISBe hyperspace transmitter antenna.
this Imperial datafile was created by Vost Tyne, and contained information on Gayle Sertim and her twin sisters, Darci and Marci.
this was the model number of Kalibac Industries' Nightlight security droid. A small, spherical droid equipped with a combat-enhanced repulsorlift generator, the 301-MAX was designed to patrol a specific area and seek out intruders or breaches of security. A number of sensor packages were added to the system, and a ionization buffer helped protect the 301-MAX from any ion blasters. This ionization buffer was a major breakthrough for droid manufacturers, since it helped eliminate the need for additional plating.
this New Republic datafile contained information gathered by the Intelligence agency on the Naritus.
this was the designation of Ton Phanan's X-Wing while he was a member of Wraith Squadron. It was the ship to which one of Apwar Trigit's Morrt droids was attached, and helped lead Trigit to Folor.
this New Republic datafile contained the little information the Intelligence agency could gather on Jenica Sonsen.
this New Republic tracsheet contained information on F'quallix.
this was the designation of the elevator used by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker aboard the Invisible Hand during their search for Chancellor Palpatine, who had been kidnapped by General Grievous just prior to the First Battle of Coruscant.
this was one of the many reports provided to the Bank of Aargau by Sergeant Rolex, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was this report which contained information on Captain Smalyun's first day on the job.
according to Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections, this was the docking bay on the first Death Star which held the Millennium Falcon shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
this was the identification number of the cargo lot that Han Solo was forced to jettison when he was ambushed Imperial customs ships. The lot, comprised of spice that Jabba the Hutt had requested transport for, was dumped by Solo in order to avoid being captured. Jabba, angry over the loss of the spice, demanded repayment immediately. When Solo refused, Jabba put a huge bounty on his head.
this was the designation of the elevator aboard the Invisible Hand used by Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Chancellor Palpatine during their attempt to escape from General Grievous, during the First Battle of Coruscant.
garbage disposal unit on the first Death Star into which Princess Leia, Luke, and Han escaped from detention block AA-23.
this was the designation of the trash compactor into which Leia Organa blasted a passage, during her rescue by Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, aboard the first Death Star.
garbage disposal unit on the first Death Star into which Princess Leia, Luke, and Han escaped from detention block AA-23.
an Imperial CR90 corvette group supporting the Warspite near Dellalt.
this Nubian hyperdrive design was incredibly powerful, but also beautiful to look at. It had a 1.8 rating, making it fairly powerful for its small size. It is often paired with a T-14 hyperdrive generator for most efficient transfer of power.
327th Star Corps
this was the name given to the team of elite clone troopers led by Commander Bly, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. The nickname of the unit came from the fact that they were stationed in the Outer Rim, moving from system to system and never seeing Coruscant. Originally formed to participate in the Battle of Geonosis, the 327th Star Corps was part of the 2nd Sector Army, and saw action on New Holstice, Honoghr, Anzat, and Dromund Kaas before being to Felucia. The unit's use of jetpacks earned them the reputation of being the GAR's pre-eminent rocket trooper unit. Under the command of Jedi Master Aayla Secura, the mission to Felucia was to capture Shu Mai and the leaders of the Commerce Guild. However, the Gossam and her entourage had already been moved to Mustafar, as part of the lrger plot by Darth Sidious. Thus, Secura and her Jedi were destroyed by the 327th Star Corps on Felucia after Sidious gave the command to execute Order 66.
this was the model number of one of Salamini Chemical Munitions' luma flares.
according to the Star Comics adapation of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, this was the designation of the trash compactor aboard the first Death Star into which Leia Organa jumped, after she was rescued by Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.
32nd Cruiser Squadron
this New Republic Naval fleet, under the command of Captain S'lixike, patrolled the Kalinda System during Project Second Chance.
this repulsorlift sled was manufactured by Tykannin Turbines. It was developed for use by the Empire, and was armed with a single light blaster cannon.
this New Republic datafile was created to contain all Intelligence information on the Selonian coneships.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile documents the events leading up to the discovery of the Witches of Dathomir and the involvement of the Hapans in resolving the conflict with Warlord Zsinj. It documents Leia Organa's negotiations with the Hapans, her subsequent kidnapping by Han Solo, and her rescue by Luke Skywalker and Prince Isolder of Hapes.
this New Republic datafile contains information on the creatures discovered on the planet Dathomir, following its liberation from Warlord Zsinj.
this addendum to datafile 33109/3 contained information on the various starships employed during the battle with Warlord Zsinj over Dathomir.
the designation of the pilot's ready room onboard the Chimaera.
this was the serial number of the Imperial commander who was ordered to capture the city of Chakton from Alliance forces.
this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Ballin Dreshig.
this was the combination to the central control room in Seti Ashgad's residence in Hweg Shul, on Nam Chorios. The room housed the facilities by which he controlled the various synthdroids in his possession.
this was the identification number assigned to The Exile, when he infiltrated the Sith Academy on Korriban in search of Darth Sion, in the wake of the Jedi Civil War.
344-class Light Cruiser
this Sienar Fleet Systems cruiser measured 42 meters in length, and required a crew of 4 officers and 4 gunners to operate. It could also transport up to 150 metric tons of cargo and 10 troops. It was armed with four laser cannons.
this was the code used by Corran Horn to allow Lai Nootka to raise the shields on the Star's Delight after it was liberated from Garqi.
this law, instituted by Lord Gar-Oth, allowed one of his battle droids to shoot any citizen who disobeyed the laws of Lord Gar-Oth.
this directive was instituted by the Galactic Senate, after the start of the Clone Wars. It authorized the Supreme Chancellor - then Palpatine - the unlimited authority to commandeer any resource of group of resources he felt necessary for a swift conclusion to hostilities. Many historians believed that directive 3591 was implemented by Palpatine himself, to bypass directive 422 and take control of Spaarti Creations.
this Sektor 242 NewsLine report contained information on the growing unrest in among the member worlds of the New Republic, in the wake of Grand Admiral Thrawn's seemingly-new-found way to fire a blast through a planetary shield.
according to the Marvel Comics adaptation of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, this was the identification number of the garbage masher into which Leia Organa led Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.
the identification number of the garbage masher into which Princess Leia Organa leads Han Solo and Luke Skywalker on the first Death Star, according to the novelization of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.
the designation used by Boo Rawl to get the Long Run into the Kuat Freight Port and steal a Colony Class 23669 power generator.
this Alliance datafile held information useful for modifying the galven pattern of a blaster.
one of Faberstien-Lago's emergency escape pods.
37th Imperial Fighter Wing
Soontir Fel was assigned to this Imperial TIE Fighter squadron after graduating from the Imperial Academy. It served under Captain Lun Tessra, aboard the Abrogator. Fel served in the sixth Squadron of the Wing during the battle against the Lortan fanatics. He turned down a chance to transfer to another unit when Tessra returned from other duty, in an effort to remain a pilot with the squadron. The 37th Wing later took part in the Battle of Nal Hutta.
a Nordoxicon anticoncussion-field generator.
this was the Old Republic datafile that contained information that was relayed to the Galactic Senate in regards to the Battle of Jabiim. Much of it was believed to have been greatly sanitized, and Bail Organa eventually discovered that the datafile contained nothing more than a brief discussion of the justification for the battle. This ensured that the Senate was unaware of the losses being suffered by the Army of the Republic and the Jedi Knights on Jabiim and other planets.
Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi landed at this docking bay in the city of Curamelle, on Corulag, during their search for the Bartokk assassins who stole the Trade Federation's droid starfighters.
this was the designation of the Trade Federation battle droid which intercepted Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jar Jar Binks after their bongo sub surfaced in the city of Theed. The Jedi quickly dispatched the battle droid and made their way to the palace.
this Trade Federation battle droid was part of the regiment which was assigned to protect against the invasion of Theed Palaceby rebels, after Nute Gunray took control of the planet. When his commander was shot by Queen Amidala when she infiltrated the palace, 3B3-10 rerouted the commands from the Droid Control Ship to himself.
this Trade Federation battle droid was the first of its kind to have anti-Jedi programming added to its memory banks by the Federation's computer experts, during the blockade of the Naboo System. Unfortunately, 3B3-1204 was destroyed before it could upload the new programming to its subordinates, when Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi whisked Queen Amidala off Naboo.
this Trade Federation battle droid was given special command programming which allowed it to call for reinforcements when needed. During the blockade of the Naboo System, 3B3-21 was assigned to guard Queen Amidala after her capture.
this Trade Federation battle droid captured Jar Jar Binks and Captain Tarpals during the Battle of Naboo.
this black-plated automaton was one of the many protocol droids used by the Metatheran Cartel, during the Cartel's attempt to take control of the economy of the planet Cularin, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. 3B-IR was later captured by the underground resistance that tried to thwart the Cartel's efforts.
this astromech droid was part of the pool of spare units that was kept in the holds of the Ebon Hawk by The Exile, during the years following the Jedi Civil War.
this was a series of protocol droids produced during the New Republic.
this silver-plated 3D-4X administrative droid was owned by Hekis Durumm Perdo Kolokk Baldikarr Thun. When IG-88 arrived on Mechis III to set up its base, it signaled all droids to eliminate organic lifeforms immediately. When 3D-4X delivered its master's tea and production data, it also delivered a pair of blaster bolts to the man's head. IG-88 then used the droid, which had access to Thun's digitized signature, to monitor any external details that might come up.
this was a series of administrative droids used during the early decades of the New Republic by Genetech, as a way to break into the protocol droid market. Unlike the 3PO series, the 3D-4X was developed as an expert in interstellar diplomacy, and was marketed to a specific set of customers. It was much more reliable and intelligent that comparable droids, such as the CZ-series. Unlike the 3PO series, the 3D-4X series had a personality that was described as aloof, or sardonic, but never prissy or self-important.
this deep-space emergency repair station was operated by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. To hide the station's true nature, it was registered with the Bureau of Ship Services as a "civilian volunteer rescue station." It was a Rendili StarDrive Type I platform.
this is an Imperial emergency code, used by Grand Moff Ravik to signal the Relentless following his successful capture of the Alliance transport ship Celestial.
3DO-series Droid
this ancient series of protocol and service automatons was produced by Duwani Mechanical Products some 4,000 prior to the Battle of Yavin.
this small, spherical droid was designed on Jazbina to be a reporter. Much of its body was dedicated to a huge holocam recorder, and the rest was used to house a small repulsor engine which allowed 3DVO to float around. Three smaller recording devices surrounded the large central camera, and a communications array poked from the upper part of its body. It was assigned by Prepredenko to record Luke Skywalker's efforts to rescue his daughter, Syayna. Unknown to 3DVO, Prepredenko installed a small dart launcher in place of one of its sensors. After Luke used 3DVO's repulsors to avoid being eaten by a tikulini worm, he found Syayna and her resistance cell. Prepredenko activated the dart launcher, shooting Luke with a tranquilizer to incapacitate him while soldiers captured the rebels. 3DVO got a measure of revenge when he reported Darth Vader's arrival on Jazbina to Prepredenko. 3DVO told the ruler that Vader wanted Luke dead, instead of alive, hoping that Vader would kill Prepredenko for disoberying his orders. The plan worked, but 3DVO felt a twinge of remorse. The droid agreed to help Prepredenko get a message to Syayna, but the transmission was discovered by the Imperials. Stormtroopers arrived and shot Prepredenko and 3DVO, but not before the droid displayed the executions on public viewscreens.
this was the model number of TasCorp's blaststick detonation device.
the designation of a Mon Calamari forward tech station system.
this was the designation of Conner Ship Systems' timer mine. The 3HX3 was a ground-based mine that was equipped with lifeform and repulsor-field sensors. Any time one of the sensors was triggered, by the passing of a repulsorlift vehicle or by the proximity of a living being, the 3HX3 shot out an explosive charge which detonated roughly three meters in the air. The blast was designed to damaged a large vehicle or destroy a squadron of troopers.
this was the model number of NeuroSaav's ground-based targeting computer system. It could maintain contact with five targets at once, regardless of size.
this was the model number of Crozo Industrial Products' personal comlink, developed for use by the Alliance's military.
3PO Droid
manufactured by Cybot Galactica, the 3PO series of protocol droids is the most advanced model on the market. Standing 1.7 meters tall, the 3PO series resembles most humanoid races in appearance. They are equipped with SyntheTech AA-1 VerboBrains and a TranLang III communication module.
3P-series Droid
this was a model of protocol droid developed during the early years of the New Order. Most 3P-series droids were humanoid in stature, so that they could blend in with most sentient species of the galaxy.
this was the model number designation of the Aethersprite-class light intercepter.
3rd Imperial Heavy Armor
the most dangerous of all the Imperial ground forces encountered by the Alliance.
this was one of the chrome-plated droids used by Captain Swagg, during his attempt to steal the relics from the Gungan Sacred Place. 3-S, along with 4-S and 5-S, was assigned by Swagg to destroy the arena in Lake Umberbool, but the attempt was thwarted by Jar Jar Binks and Major Fassa. 3-S was then captured by the Gungans, but Swagg returned to Otoh Gunga and freed the droids.
this was the model number of Arakyd's miniature proton warhead, which could be fired from a PLX-2M missile launcher.
4.2 VMT
Koensayr power converter.
this was the designation of the immense, fusion power generator produced by Republic Engineering Corporation, for use on the MAS-2xB turbolaser platform.
designation of Merr-Sonn's grenade launcher.
this Industrial Automaton protocol droid served Grappa the Hutt as a majordomo. Known as "Four Slashing", it handled all of Grappa's scheduling and translation duties. 4/NG was beheaded by Tront, after Sol Mon returned from capturing Captain Forma, but Grappa had the droid rebuilt.
(CE2, HCE)
this is the number of credits paid to Chenlambec and Tinian I'att for the capture of Bossk in the Lomabu System. Desnand did, however, keep 3,000 credits for the cost of transferring the huge Trandoshan into custody.
40,005 Milton
this was one of the millions of planetoids of the Sil'Lume Asteroid Belt. 40,005 Milton once housed a number of profitable mines, but most of them played out before the Battle of Yavin. Its position in the Belt took it near Tol Ado.
400 MGS
TriLuna stardrive and hyperdrive motivator used on the MC80a Star Cruiser.
it had been estimated that the approximate number of stars in the galaxy was about 400 billion. Around half of these had planets which support some form of life. Some ten percent of these planets developed life on their own, and one in a thousand of these worlds developed sentient life. These rough calculations revealed that there were about 20 million forms of sentient life to be found in the galaxy. Note that The Last Command indicates that there were just a hundred billion stars in the galaxy.
400,324 Henryson
this asteroid, located in the Sil'Lume Asteroid Belt, measured just a kilometer in length and half that in width. It spun quite rapidly on its long axis, creating the illusion of perpetual daytime. A large cantina, which served the miners and prospectors of the Belt, was located on 400,324 Henryson. It was owned and operated by a hive of large, beetle-like beings.
401-series Stun Cuffs
this was one of the many versions of stun cuffs produced by Locris Syndicated Securities during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. These stun cuffs weren't as sophisticated as the 1000-series, but were nonetheless just as powerful.
this city ordnance was established in Le Yer, on Abregado-Rae, and forbade the operation of an illegally-modified starship in the airspace surrounding the resort area.
this city ordnance was established in Le Yer, on Abregado-Rae, and forbade the possession of illegal or unregistered weaponry and equipment within the resort area.
a model of podracer stabilizers produced by Kuat Drive Yards during the last years of the Old Republic.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Corellian Mynock-class assault boat.
this was the model number of one of Czerka's holdout blasters. Developed for use by Imperial officers and dignitaries, the 411 was a well-built weapon with good long-range accuracy and adequate power. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the plans for the 411 were stolen by Alliance agents - some say, with Czerka's assistance. Thus, the 411 also became popular among Alliance personnel.
this was the Imperial datafile created by Captain Zeta Traal, documenting the planet Velmor and advocating an orbital bombardment of the Tol Velmoc Mountains to eliminate the Velmocs and any rebellious activity. The datafile was intercepted by the Velmorian military, and never reached the Empire.
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