this automated construct was used by the bounty hunter Mala to move about. 4-D had two multi-jointed legs and four articulated arms, and its spherical head contained a fairly sophisticated brain. This allowed 4-D to be somewhat independent of Mala, allowing her to focus her concentration elsewhere. 4-D was also armed with several blaster and melee weapons, and would defend Mala to the death. 4-D was forced to sacrifice itself in order to save Mala, when she discovered that Luke Skywalker had destroyed the first Death Star. Darth Vader had hunted down all the beings who knew of Luke's deeds, and Mala tried to escape. She and 4-D had to jump for their lives, and although they went down firing, 4-D was crushed upon impact. Mala barely survived, with the assistance of another of her droids, B-6.