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this was Merr-Sonn's most sophisticated holocamera, developed for use in military applications. The 57C had six individual visual pickups, which allowed the 57C to obtain a complete, three-dimensional image of anything it saw. The 57C was also equipped with audio pickups, motion sensors, and a variety of data relays, all of which could be used by a security force to monitor a given location. The Empire used these holocameras to monitor the prisoner blocks on the first Death Star.
this is a model of Braxxon-Fipps fusion generator.
this humanoid automaton was assigned as an aide to Admiral Motti's staff. 5D6-RA-7 was, in actuality, an ISB spy, planted on the first Death Star to investigate any Imperial officer whose loyalty was in question. This droid was foul-tempered and vindictive, and was not liked by the other droids assigned to the Death Star. 5D6-RA-7's head was dominated by large, eye-like photoreceptors, and had a thin body.
this series of Cybot Galactica protocol droids was specifically designed to work with the Ebranite race. Based on the standard 3PO series of droids, the 5DS was used by the Empire when it assumed control of the planet Ebra. Each of these droids was given extra arms and a stouter body to better resemble an Ebranite.
SI quickscan vector imaging crosshair targeting system.
SI quickscan vector imaging system.
the New Republic prowler ship that discovered Plat Mallar's TIE Interceptor. 5P8 was part of the Fifth Battle Group at the time.
this was one of the chrome-plated droids used by Captain Swagg, during his attempt to steal the relics from the Gungan Sacred Place. 5-S, along with 3-S and 4-S, was assigned by Swagg to destroy the arena in Lake Umberbool, but the attempt was thwarted by Jar Jar Binks and Major Fassa. 5-S was then captured by the Gungans, but Swagg returned to Otoh Gunga and freed the droids.
this was the designation of the Super Battle Droid which led the assault on the Jedi Knights, during the opening stanza of the Battle of Geonosis.
5T-series Droid
produced by Publictechnic as the R0/5T.N1, this series of tree-feeding droids resembled a long-legged spider. The 5T was equipped with six digging arms and a pair of weeding arms, and had a variety of edging and cutting attachments. The droid's body contained canisters that contained purified water and fertilizers, and a spraying hose was used to deliver the right mix to the trees it worked on.
5YQ-series Droid
this series of protocol droids was developed by Cybot Galactica from the basic 3PO-series model, with modifications to the cognitive module units that gave the 5YQ a greater empathy for organic beings. Much of its design came from the Orbot series, which led to litigation being filed against Cybot Galactica by Serv-O-Droid. The 5YQ-series was eventually discontinued, but many models remained active for decades during the last century of the Old Republic.
this was the designation of the Clone Trooper assigned to guard Ki-Adi-Mundi during the Battle of Geonosis.
this Imperial Scouting Survey located the Bakura System.
this was the model number of a suit of basic, protective armor produced by Corellian Technologies during the New Order.
613-series Droid
this was a series of digger droids produced for use in mining asteroids and other remote locations.
this datafile contained information collected by the New Republic Intelligence agency on the Kuat Drive Yards Type-II Orbiting Repair Yard.
this datafile was created by the New Republic Intelligence agency for maintaining information on the Hapan Nova-class battle cruiser.
this model of Radon-Ulzer racing engine measures between 6.5 and 7 meters in length, depending on the size of the turbine used. A thin, cylindrical engine housing contains the turbine drives, which can propel a craft forward at up to 947 kilometers per hour when properly tuned. The repulsors used to keep the engine aloft have a maximum altitude of 105 meters, although it most often runs between one and two meters.
(RAC, X1, IG1, YC)
this was the identification number of the curfew law instituted by Lord Gar-Oth. An citizen caught after the curfew was subject to immediate execution under code 62719.
this Czerka hunting rifle had an extended barrel, which helped it target long-range objects without a laser sight. Luke Skywalker owned one while he was a youth on Tatooine.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Teljkon vagabond.
64-Y Swift 3 Repulsor Sled
one of Aratech's military speeders, the Swift 3 repulsor sled was designed to combat the roving swoop gangs and pirates of the Outer Rim during the New Order. With its speed, it can easily outrun the fastest swoops and speederbikes. With a single medium blaster cannon, drop nets, and a clamping hook launcher, it can also immobilize its targets. Similar to swoops and speederbikes, the Swift 3 is a high-powered engine with a seat.
6500 ATV
Ubrikkian's all-purpose troop transport speeder, it was designed to be piloted by a single person, and could accommodate up to eight troopers. It was armed with a single, front-mounted laser cannon.
Xaverri left Han Solo a bonus for his work as her assistant in this account with the Imperial Bank of Coruscant.
656th Regiment
this Imperial unit controlled Xanas City during the Galactic Civil War, under the command of Captain Noran Vran.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Corellian X-TIE Ugly starfighter.
a medical droid assigned to the Ravagor, it helped repair the damage sustained by Ranulf Trommer in his TIE Bomber attack on Aguarl 3.
this is the designation of the New Republic's Intelligence file describing the Talesian thermal detonators.
this New Republic datafile contained all the information gathered by the Intelligence agency on the Nightsisters of Dathomir.
this datafile was created by the New Republic Intelligence agency, and was used to hold information on the Astrogator-class probe ship.
this New Republic datafile contained the planet log which documented all known information on the planet Drall. It was appended to Intelligence datafile 13.568.9018 during the Human League crisis and the break-up of the Starbuster plot.
this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on the smuggler Roget Jiriss.
this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile contained information on the Selonian, Dracmus.
this datafile, maintained by the New Republic Intelligence agency, documented the known information on the Dathomir rancors.
this was the code used by the Hosrel XI Perimeter Control force to signal a squadron to scramble and investigate an unidentified target.
this New Republic tracsheet was maintained on Imperial Prefect Dengless Rinn.
this is the designation of a modular personality system which can be applied to a droid's brain.
676th Light Support Scouts
this Imperial unit was best known as a holding tank for murderers, thieves, cowards, and the less intelligent and undisciplined members of the Imperial infantry. It was said that the 676th were "the first to arrive, and the first to die."
6783rd Troop Line
this remnant of the Imperial Navy supported the primary battle group which attempted to take control of the Kalinda System, some years after the Battle of Endor.
Tycho Celcho's serial number during his service with the New Republic.
this droid entered the service of Bail Organa during the years following the Clone Wars. 68-RKO was traveling alone to Alderaan when it met Obi-Wan Kenobi, who agreed to act as the droid's owner to help it avoid prejudiced individuals aboard their transport.
this rust-colored security droid was specially built to guard the Bioniip Laboratories facility on Cloud City. 6FT-DP was roughly humanoid in shape, with a flat head and heavy arms to support the weapons systems built into them. When the prototype droid X0-X1 took control of Cloud City's computers, it freed 6FT-DP and ordered the security to protect the computer core. 6FT-DP gladly accepted its new mission, after discovering that many of the overrides in its programming had been removed by X0-X1.
a series of security droids.
this was the designation of a series of Arakyd explorer droids.
this droid, an F7V valet/translator droid designated by the full number KL-6T-LF7V/T, was humanoid in form with silver plating trimmed in red. Originally programmed as a proper and subservient valet, 6T-L was reprogrammed by the Alliance and placed in the service of Crying Dawn Singer when the Shashay entered Imperial space. This role, as assistant to Singer and as Alliance agent, was negotiated by the Alliance and the Shashay Nestmothers. 6T-L's new programming augmented the valet programming, turning the droid into an intensely loyal servant who would do anything for its "master." In stressful periods, 6T-L's programming often kicks into high gear, and the droid becomes heroic.
Incom fusial thrust engine.
C-3PO quotes these odds to R2-D2, while on Cybloc XII after the Death Seed plague was unleashed by Seti Ashgad and Dzym. Threepio indicated that these were the odds against a simultaneous mutation of a single virus into multiple vectors.
manufactured by Fabritech, this was a form of geological scanning system developed for miners and explorers to help them detect the presence of ores, minerals, and geological activity on a remote world.
a military weapon designed for the Empire, one was illegally obtained by Lo Khan for use on the Hyperspace Marauder.
Mason-Branger ionization reactor and regulator.
this New Republic datafile contained information gathered by the Intelligence agency on the Bakuran Admiral, Hortel Ossilege.
the designation of an Imperial command speeder used on the planet Kessel, it was captured by the Alliance for covert use.
this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about the orbital nightcloak.
this was the designation of the AT-AT stolen by Sienn Sconn, during his attempt to steal a Rythani Products prototype from Moff Caerbellak.
this was the designation of the most sophisticated AT-TE walker used by the Old Republic on Geonosis, just prior to the Clone Wars.
Gyrhil auto-blaster used on later B-Wing models.
the odds of surviving a night exposed to the harsh environment of Hoth, according to C-3PO.
this New Republic Intelligence agency datafile documented all known information about the Super-class Star Destroyer Iron Fist.
this was one of the multitude of new rules that were enacted by the Galactic Senate of the Old Republic, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Under this rule, which applied to subcommittees appointed by the Senate, the existing members of a committee were given the right to choose any new members. The rule was amended by Senator Sano Sauro, an action that later suited his needs during a series of hearings on the recent actions of the Jedi Order. By invoking this rule, Senator Sauro was able to convene a panel of Senators - all of whom were noted opponents of the Jedi - to investigate whether or not the Senate should continue to support and fund the work of the Jedi Knights.
this was one channel of the HoloNet which dispensed pro-Imperial news and propaganda during the Galactic Civil War.
Kuat Drive Yards produced this model of hyperdrive regulator during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
this datafile, maintained by the New Republic Intelligence agency, contained information on Gaeriel Captison.
this New Republic planet log documented all information known about the planets Talus and Tralus. It was used as an addendum to Intelligence datafile 13.568.9018 during the breakup of the Starbuster plot.
one of Aratech's most popular speeder bikes, the 74-Y was designed as a civilian-use craft. It is flown by a single pilot, and is controlled with pedals and handgrips. a pair of outriggers and four forward steering vanes provide manueverability.
introduced by Aratech during the height of the Galactic Civil War, the 4.4-meter-long 74-Z was designed as a military version of the 74-Y speeder bike. It was flown by a single pilot, and was armed with a single laser cannon. The 74-Z was equipped with communications modules, sensor and stealth packages, and an enhanced power plant. It had a maximum flight ceiling of 25 meters, and could attain speeds of 500 kilometers per hour. It gained great favor among Imperial scout troopers, and was used extensively by the Empire during their occupation of the forest moon of Endor.
this model of SonoMax riot control sound weapon is a pistol-sized device that issues a calibrated sonic blast.
this was a small power cell, produced during the last decades of the Old Republic.
this New Republic Intelligence file contains information on the Dathomir witch Augwynne.
an Imperial CR90 corvette group supporting the Warspite near Dellalt.
76,095 Poe
this asteroid, located in the Sil'Lume Asteroid Belt, passed near Tol Ado on a regular basis. Imperial Governor Parnell established a supply depot on this asteroid, to provide supplies to the Tol Ado prison facility.
the callsign of the stormtrooper encountered by Corran Horn near Valleyport, on the planet Liinade III.
this was Captain Milnn's identification code, as part of Admiral Giel's Imperial armada. After Milnn was captured by Luke Skywalker and Shira Brie, his identification codes allowed Luke and Shira to infiltrate Giel's armada.
this New Republic datafile contained information on the Imperial garrison on the planet Sarahwiee. It also contained minimal data on the secret research lab the Empire had established on the planet.
76th Assault Regiment
this was a distinguished Imperial unit, active during the Galactic Civil War.
77 Sectors
this collection of star systems was located near the Core Worlds.
the New Republic Intelligence agency maintained this datafile on one of their own ships, the Mon Remonda.
this appendix to datafile 882617361.3610:32 contains all the information the New Republic Intelligence agency had on the history of the planet Dathomir.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Proanji Orbital Jumper.
this is the New Republic Intelligence datafile containing information on the planet Hapes.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the planet Sacorria and its local system.
this datafile was created by the New Republic Intelligence agency to contain information on the Corellian HLAF-500 fighter.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Namana-class cruiser Intruder.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained a brief summary of the life of Rell, the one-time Clan Mother of the Singing Mountain clan.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Bakura-class destroyer Defender.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the Bakura-class destroyer Sentinel.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information about the wuffa worms of Dathomir.
this Imperial holofile contained video and data regarding Vune Willic's attempted assassination of Emperor Palpatine on Coruscant.
this datafile was maintained by the New Republic Intelligence agency, and contained information on Tendra Risant.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile was actually a planet log containing information on the planet Selonia. It was appended to datafile 13.568.9018 during the Human League crisis and the break-up of the Starbuster plot.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained all known information on Thrackan Sal-Solo.
78th Fleet
this Imperial fleet was one of many under the command of Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The 78th, led by the aging Star Destroyer Right to Rule, was one of the first to arrive at Esfandia during the pursuit of B'shith Vorrik, shortly aftre the Battle of Bastion.
this was the serial number of the Imperial Commander sent to ensure that the communications relay station on Altratonne was safe from Alliance attack.
this Imperial officer served under the squadron sent to protect the HoloNet relay station on Altratonne. His commanding officer, known by serial number 792.001/Z6, ordered him to guard the station's power generator against Alliance attack.
this Imperial officer served his commanding officer, serial number 792.001/Z6, on the planet Altratonne. His mission was to guard the landing bays against attack by Alliance forces.
this Imperial officer was part of the team sent to protect the HoloNet relay station on Altratonne. Serving under the Imperial commander whose serial number was 792.001/Z6, this officer was placed in charge of guarding unused accessways to Altratonne Station.
79-series Droid
this series of human-cyborg relations automatons were produced by Duorq during the early years of the New Order. It was designed to be an entry-level droid, equipped with a tranLang I communications module and an H9 droid brain.
this was one of the many B2-series super battle droids deployed by the Trade Federation during the Outer Rim Sieges.
this region of the Ferionic Nebula, located near the planet Dantooine, was controlled by the Velocity Mercenaries during the era of the New Order.
this was Merr-Sonn's proton grenade, produced during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The 7-PrG had a magnetic base, which allowed it to be placed in virtually any position. They were timed devices which were armed by twisting the base, and activated by depressing a plunger at the top. The Alliance used these grenades in the destruction of the shield bunker on the Forest Moon of Endor, during the Battle of Endor.
7th Legion
this division of the Grand Army of the Republic was under the command of Senior Clone Commander A'den during the height of the Clone Wars. The 7th Legion was part of the 327th Star Corps.
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