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the wavespeeder Leia, Ackbar, and Cilghal are in when Daala launches her attack on Calamari.
this supply ship made a regular run to the Oovo IV prison facility, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. Jango Fett used this ship as cover for his own ship, the Jaster's Legacy, during his attempt to infiltrate the prison and "rescue" Bendix Fust.
177th Light Infantry Division
commandos from this branch of the Alliance armed forces were captured and killed by the Empire, after the agent known as Corewatch failed to retrieve them.
this starfighter pilot training protocol encourages teamwork and cooperation by giving all points scored by each pilot to his wingman.
this was a form of concussion stick, developed by Sessian Armaments. It employed two chemical agents which were stable when separated, but exploded with intense force when combined. The 1-79 stick heated up rapidly when activated, and generated a concussion blast several meters in diameter from the user's hand. In this way, the 1-79 concussion stick allowed a being to have a measure of personal protection.
this was Merr-Sonn's smallest security holocamera. It provided simple visual scanning of a specific area.
this was the designation of Baktoid Armor Workshop's anti-personnel blasters, used on the MTT transport craft.
the service access corridor which led to the Millennium Falcon when Lando stopped on Oseon 6845.
181st Imperial Fighter Group
this was the TIE Fighter squadron made famous by Soontir Fel during the early years of the New Republic. It was originally a full Wing, but was downsized shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The 181st served during the Battle of Endor, and fled after Captain Pellaeon ordered the retreat of the Imperial forces after the death of Emperor Palpatine. It was believed that this group was assigned to Warlord Zsinj's fleet, although the exact reasons weren't discovered until Admiral Rogriss revealed that the actual 181st was still an Imperial unit. Zsinj himself had created a duplicate 181st, with Tetran Cowall acting as Soontir Fel, in the hopes of drawing Rogue Squadron into a trap.
(WS, IF, SOC, CCG11)
this Gallisport docking bay was where Alijah Orr tried to impound the Lumrunner.
this was the BoSS permit number issued to Santhe Passenger and Freight transport SPF 14897.
this New Republic datafile contained the recorded proceedings of a Provisional Council session in which Sian Tevv lobbied for the formation of the Smugglers' Alliance.
this was a HoloNet datafile that was created by an independent scout, and contained information on the Ryatt Trail, on the planet Kashyyyk.
19,106th Imperial Line Infantry Company
this Imperial Army unit was based at the IMIIF-138 facility, on the planet Sirpar, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
this was the Imperial designation of the Moldy Crow, during Kyle Katarn's attempt to locate 8t88 on the moon of Sulon.
this was a HoloNet datafile that was created by an independent scout, and contained information on the wildlife encountered on the planet Mustafar. Despite the subject of the report, which was produced sometime after the Battle of Yavin, the Empire agreed to allow the scout to land on Mustafar and explore. A team of stormtroopers was dispatched to accompany the expedition, for protection against Mustafar's vicious creatures.
this was the codename used by Thaddeus Ross when he called to his starship's droid controller, Kierra.
the number of credits it costs to buy a Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B frigate. This figure is about a twentieth the cost of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.
this New Republic planet log documented all known information on Corellia. It was used as an addendum to datafile 13.568.9018 during the Human League crisis and the break-up of the Starbuster plot.
this Imperial Survey discovered the planet Demonsgate, within the Kathol Rift.
this New Republic Intelligence datafile was created to document information on the hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer developed by the Bakurans. It was later appended to datafile 9912.78:3.
this was the model number of AccuTronics' data encryption device. Designed for civilian use, it was used to encrypt a given datafile to provide a measure of security.
this was an Imperial Bavos-II space platform located in Darpa Sector during the Galactic Civil War. It was positioned near the Ringali Nebula and the border with Bormea Sector, where it protected both sectors and monitored illegal traffic out of Starforge Station.
this droid was employed as a clerk by Bahima, at her droid shop on Onderon, during the years following the Jedi Civil War.
this was the designation of Corellian Engineering Corporation's standard starship servo-turrets, used for mounting weapons to emplacements.
this MD-3 medical droid was one of two taken from Jabba the Hutt's palace by Dengar, following the crimelord's death on Tatooine. Along with SH?1-B, 1e-XE were useful in bringing Boba Fett back to life after the bounty hunter escaped from the Sarlacc's belly. 1e-XE was a white-banded droid with a very minimalist outlook. It never spoke in more than two- or three-word phrases, and often simply used a single word to express its current state of mind. When Fett was nearly healed, following the attempt by Kuat of Kuat to eliminate him, the droids were left behind as the bounty hunters fled the planet.
the designation of Ubrikkian's heavy Imperial-class repulsortank. Measuring 20.5 meters in length, the 1-H had the toughest armor and heaviest weaponry of all the repulsortanks. The 1-H required a crew of five, and was armed with a Mark 4e/S heavy laser cannon and a medium blaster cannon.
the designation of Ubrikkian's light Imperial-class repulsortank. Measuring 20.5 meters in length, the 1-L had the least armor and lightest weaponry of all the repulsortanks. The 1-L required a crew of two, and was armed with a medium blaster cannon. It was the fastest of the repulsortanks, and was really nothing more than an armored landspeeder.
this Incom sublight drive system was developed for use by the HT-2200 freighter.
the designation of Ubrikkian's medium Imperial-class repulsortank. Measuring 20.5 meters in length, the 1-M was considered the "middle of the road" in terms of armor and weaponry. Thus, it was the least popular of all the repulsortanks, for it didn't fill a military niche. The 1-M required a crew of three, and was armed with a medium laser cannon and a heavy repeating blaster.
1st Tapani Assault Battlegroup
this was the primary unit of the Imperial Army stationed in Tapani Sector, at the height of the Galactic Civil War. Based on Tallaan, the 1st Tapani Assault Battlegroup was commanded by Major General Tessala Corvae.
Luke Skywalker paid 2,400 credits for his X-34 landspeeder on Tatooine.
this was the approximate odds of successfully navigating a flight through an asteroid field, according to C-3PO, during the Millennium Falcon's escape from the Battle of Hoth.
2.2 FD V-Tower
this anti-vehicle laser cannon was manufactured by Atgar during the New Order.
this was one of the many personnel directives maintained by the Outer Rim Oreworks corporation. This directive essentially stated that all employees needed to work and live in accordance with the local planetary values and morals in mind, so as not to reflect badly on ORO and its operations.
2.427 x 3.886 x 673.52
this point, located above the plane of the known galaxy, was where Zuckuss believed the Alliance fleet would assemble to escape the Empire, following the Battle of Hoth. When 4-LOM finally got to the fleet with Toryn Farr, he discovered that Zuckuss had been a mere two degrees off in his estimate.
the price on Talon Karrde's head, placed there during the early years of the New Republic for his smuggling operations.
this was the amount of the reward given to Han Solo and Chewbacca by the Alliance, for their part in the rescue of Leia Organa from the first Death Star.
this was the squadron identification number of SilverWing Squadron.
this was the squadron identification number of GoldWing Squadron.
this is the designation of a city ordinance in Griann, on the planet Teyr. Known as the Privacy of Official Records law, it required the approval of a district supervisor to acquire records from the city.
Geleig strobe/C-beam lamps, similar to those mounted on the front of the Millennium Falcon.
this is a model of Krail Armory personal battle armor. It is similar to the armor worn by stormtroopers: a full-body glove covered with interlocking armor. It has more features than stormtrooper armor, though, incorporating an Arakyd Whisper Jumper jet pack, enhanced life support systems, and various weapons systems. The 210 personal armor package is illegal on most worlds.
Zeth Durron's stormtrooper identification number on Carida.
this Uulshos Justice Droid was one of several assassin droids programmed for use by the Empire. 2-124 was captured by agents of the Alliance, and his memory banks were probed to determine the nature of its programming. Before the droid could be disassembled, 2-124 escaped, killing more than 20 Alliance soldiers. These actions were not prohibited to 2-124, since its original assassin programs were never wiped by the Alliance. 2-124 then disappeared, coming out only to kill selected members of the Alliance. After the Battle of Endor, 2-124 disappeared again, although it is believed that the droid became intelligent enough to reprogram itself to target New Republic personnel.
this section of the Imperial regulations on bounty hunting requires that a bounty hunter notify its quarry, once captured, that it is targeted for assassination for crimes committed against humanity.
212th Attack Battalion
this division of the Grand Army of the Republic was led by Commander Cody during the height of the Clone Wars. This unit saw action on a number worlds, including Rendili, Cato Neimoidia, and Boz Pity.
number of Princess Leia's cell on the first Death Star.
2-1B (Two-Onebee)
this was the designation of a series of humanoid medical droids built by Geentech and Industrial Automaton in a joint effort. They are simply-constructed droids with incredible perception and talent, having performed flawlessly for decades during the last years of the Old Republic through the era of the New Republic. They can also be modified to perform precise technical procedures as well, such as neurosurgery or optometry. These droids could be updated with a variety of appendages and programming, but only at an approved service center. This ensured that the droid was properly suited to perform its new duties, just as a surgery had to be trained and certified. A certain 2-1B droid in the service of Lord Cuvir was part of the inspection team that went to Wor Tandell. When Tiree attacked and killed Cuvir, 2-1B decided to return with Tiree and join the Alliance. 2-1B was eventually assigned to the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth, and served as the base's primary medical droid. It was 2-1B, with assistance from FX-7, that treated Luke Skywalker after he was assaulted by the Wampa ice creature. Following the evacuation of Echo Base after the Battle of Hoth, 2-1B was on the Bright Hope when it was disabled by the combined fire of the Mist Hunter and an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. 2-1B helped treat the wounded aboard the ship before being rescued by Zuckuss and 4-LOM. After this, 2-1B continued to serve the Alliance, and even helped attach Luke Skywalker's prosthetic hand after the real one was lost in a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader on Cloud City. The 2-1B droid that helped Luke recover from exposure to the harsh environment of Hoth was voiced by Russel Horton for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.
this was the lowest-numbered datafile stolen from the Metatheran Cartel by Gerta Haman and the underground resistance, some years after the Battle of Naboo. The resistance had been trying to gather evidence against the Cartel, in order to expose the Cartel's underhanded dealings on Cularin.
this was the model number of a Kuat Vonak light laser cannon.
21st Nova Corps
this was one of the four Army Corps of the Outer Rim Sector Army, during the height of the Clone Wars. Led by Commander Bacara and Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, the 21st Nova Corps became known as the Galactic Marines, after they were split off to form an independent unit.
21st Recon Group
this New Republic fleet was formed to supplement the Fifth Battle Group, which was attempting to blockade the Koornacht Cluster and prevent further Yevethan atrocities. The 21st was given the hazardous duty of gathering reconnaissance on the 13 major Yevethan worlds, in order to better understand their defenses and weaknesses.
the model number of Menstar Motors' patrol scooter. It measured 2.1 meters in length.
this New Republic datafile, created and maintained by the Intelligence agency, contained information on the Drall tutor, Ebrihim.
this was the designation of Kuat Drive Yards' tactical combat jamming system. These incredibly powerful jammers were built for the Empire, which placed hundreds of them aboard both Death Stars to prevent sensor and communication usage in their vicinity.
this is the designation of a series of sublight engines developed and manufactured by Nubian. Two of these engines were used in a J-type configuration on the Naboo N-1 starfighter.
(X1, SWK)
this was the model number of SoroSuub's cybernetic implant device. Similar to the Aj^6 implant from BioTech, the SoroSuub 221 wrapped around the back of the wearer's head and connected to the brain via neural jacks.
this was the model number of Ubrikkian Transports' heavy fishing trawler was originally produced more than 500 years before the Galactic Civil War, although they were so durable and reliable that many remained in service through the era of the New Order. The more modern versions used repulsorlifts for propulsion, although early versions employed repulsorsails. Measuring 170 meters in length, the 222 trawler was supported by a pair of huge pontoons, upon which sat the various decks and processing facilities. These vessels were designed to be easy to handle, and could be operated by a single pilot and a pair of engineers. Up to 300 sailors and deckhands could be accommodated aboard the 222 trawler, which could transport up to 800 metric tons of cargo. Many of these vessels were later armed by their owners, to discourage pirates and other scavengers from trying to steal their cargo.
this was the model number of Jakan Arms' anti-vehicle blaster cannon emplacement.
this datafile was maintained by the staff of Action Tidings on the planet Bespin, and contained images of Eccessis Figg.
this datafile was maintained by the staff of Action Tidings on the planet Bespin, and contained images of Boss Ugnor.
this was the identification number of an Imperial pilot shot down on the planet Delrakkin, shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
this is the designation of one of the unknown, deep-space anomalies tracked by the New Republic. Colonel Pakkpekatt and Bijo Hammax tracked it down and investigated it during their search for the Teljkon vagabond. It was a 60-meter cylindrical structure of metal mesh capped with two fifteen-meter spheres. Its exact use was never discovered.
this Imperial officer was one of the Royal Guard. His true identity was never discovered, although it was known that he was infiltrated into the Imperial garrison on Yetnis during Operation Rebel Hunt.
serial number of the Millennium Falcon's main engine block. Luke uses it as his serial number while on board the Eye of Palpatine.
model number of Ikas-Adno's Nightfalcon speederbike.
this was the form used by Old Republic medical personnel to requisition the supplies and technology they needed to do their jobs. The use of a 22K97(MD) form became something of a joke during the height of the Clone Wars, since there were too many battlefronts that needed supplies that simply couldn't be produced fast enough.
an Imperial Arms hold-out blaster, the 22T4 was rigorously tested before being supplied to Imperial Security Bureau agents as a personal sidearm. Note that the Arms and Equipment Guide indicates that the 22T4 was built by Imperial Munitions. No civilian models of the 22T4 were built, and every blaster produced had a specially-coded serial number placed on the actuating module to prevent tampering.
(GG9, AEG)
23 Mere
this colony world was visited by the Star Morning after it left Darepp, en route to Motexx.
this was the designation of the Imperial garrison on the planet Yetnis.
233rd Imperial Fighter Group
this Imperial starfighter group was mauled by a squadron of Alliance Y-Wings at Ord Biniir.
this datafile was maintained by the crew of the HoloNet newsfeed Action Tidings, and contained information on Luke Skywalker.
this datafile was maintained by the crew of the HoloNet newsfeed Action Tidings, and contained information on Shira Brie.
this Alliance Executive Order commands that all field operatives stay away from Adalric Brandl at all costs.
this Alliance datafile documented the teachings of Rear Admiral Michael Unther, at the naval training academy in the Duluur Sector.
2391st Battle Squadron
this Imperial Navy task force was thought to have been destroyed shortly after the Battle of Endor. It reappeared in the Kalinda System some years later, consisting on an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, a pair of Victory-class Star Destroyers, an Interdictor cruiser, and several support ships. The Kalindean DeepSpace Fleet was able to repel the 2391st, and later pushed them out of the system after the completion of Project Second Chance.
this was a Gallofree Yards service shuttle, measuring 18 meters in length and requiring a single pilot. It can transport up to six passengers and a metric ton of cargo. The 23K was unarmed.
this Old Republic AT-TE was part of the war forces assembled by the Republic and the Jedi Knights to combat the droids armies built on Geonosis by Count Dooku, just before the onset of the Clone Wars.
24 Tredway
this asteroid, located within the Sil'Lume Asteroid Belt, was first claimed by the ancestors of Axton Tredway. It was the twenty-fourth asteroid settled in the Belt, and remained in the Tredway family for generations. The asteroid was destroyed by Imperial Governor Parnell during his quest to capture Erling Tredway, shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
Clayton Balrog's spacetrooper platoon.
24th Bombardment Squadron
this squadron of K-Wing bomber groupings served the Fifth Battle Group. They were part of Task Force Blackvine during the unsuccessful blockade of Doornik-319.
the number of credits Jabba the Hutt paid to Boba Fett for the capture of Han Solo, following the Battle of Hoth. Jabba paid more than the original bounty of 100,000 credits after discovering that Solo could be displayed in his carbonite encasement.
Corellian Chain Management navigation computer, equipped with limited non-AI processing.
this datafile was maintained by the staff of Action Tidings on the planet Bespin, and contained images and information on Chewbacca.
this datafile was maintained by the staff of Action Tidings on the planet Bespin, and contained images and information on Princess Leia Organa.
this was an override code built into the computer memory of the YVH-1 droids produced by Tendrando Arms, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Override code 27-II-6 allowed a New Republic commander to change the target disposition within a YVH-1's systems, registering the target as a non-threat and causing the droid to cease tracking it.
27th Denarian Fleet
this Old Republic Navy fleet was one of the first to be overhauled under the auspices of the New Order. Palpatine ordered some 250 Victory-class Star Destroyers decommissioned to make way for the new Imperial-class Star Destroyers. The Victories were stripped of weaponry and sold at auction to raise money for the Imperial war machine. The Corporate Sector Authority won the property rights to a majority of the Victories, which they re-outfitted and placed at the forefront of their own fleet.
27th Hour Social Club
located in Margath's on Elshandruu Pica, this is the place to visit on the planet. It attracts beings from all walks of life, from successful businesspeople to used-droid salesmen. A minimum of 150 beings populate the club 27 hours a day - which is amazing given that Elshandruu Pica's day only lasts 26 hours, thus the club's name. Live music is always performed there. One of the most popular bands to play the club is Deeply Religious, although they often perform in disguise.
Gebnerret Vibrion's cell number while imprisoned at Selnesh.
these are the galactic star coordinates of the planet Yaronn.
this was the designation of a Nubian hyperdrive core, produced in the years following the Battle of Naboo. When coupled with an S-6 generator, as on the Naboo Royal Cruiser, the 288 core was rated at Class 0.7.
this was the identification number of the Imperial Commander assigned to gain control of Bhir'khi Pass and eliminate the New Republic's power generators there.
this datafile was maintained by the crew of the HoloNet newsfeed Action Tidings, and contained information on Imperial Captain Hugo Treece.
Carbanti electromagnetic countermeasures package.
Incom fission engines used on the Z-95 Headhunter. They are rated at 275 KT.
this was a model of sound reproduction droid used by bands across the galaxy.
this starship fleet formation is often used by the New Republic when the fleet is outnumbered and outgunned.
this was a model of cargo label generator produced by MerenData. The 2-CLG was targeted for use by independent spacers, and could produce machine-readable labels for the crates and boxes used to ship various cargoes.
the small, green E-series droid C-3PO and R2-D2 meet on Kalarba. He, along with his droid companions Q-E and U-E, used to run the local nursery but were ordered by Master Vuldo to build illegal blasters. After U-E was destroyed by Vuldo, Q-E and 2-E got C-3PO, R2-D2, and Nak to help them expose Vuldo's scheme.
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