this silver, personal navigation droid was given to Tahl by Jedi Master Yoda, after Tahl's eyesight was lost in a struggle with the Melida. The droid was given as a gift, to help Tahl adjust to life without sight. She quickly found the droid to be extremely annoying and utterly uncaring about its job. Known as TooJay, the droid continually called Tahl "sir" despite the fact that she was female, and tried to correct her every move. TooJay was given a female personality, in order to help Tahl feel more at ease with the droid. This nice touch was often overcome by TooJay's nagging behavior. It was soon discovered that Xanatos had placed a recording and monitoring device within 2JTJ's plating, and used the device to monitor the Jedi's actions during his attempts to steal the Healing Crystals of Fire and a cache of vertex. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi arranged to have 2J record a false conversation, in an effort to lure Xanatos to them. The plan nearly succeeded, but Xanatos managed to escape.