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IGN's Q&A Of The Old Republic Posted By Mike on July 25, 2009
Prior to San Diego Comic-Con'09, IGN got the chance to interview Dallas Dickinson (senior content producer at BioWare Austin) and Jake Neri (LucasArts producer) about Star Wars: The Old Republic. A huge quantity of reader questions were submitted and the result is a 4 page interview covering a wide varierty of aspects about he upcoming game and it's development. Click here to start reading and see below for an excerpt of what to expect.
IGN: (laughs) Moving on, can you guys explain the combat system at all; does it resemble a traditional MMO or more of a turn-based, KOTOR-style game, or is it a mixture of everything like Mass Effect? What's the system looking like?
Jake Neri: I think right off the bat that people have picked up on is that we're going for high-action, fast-paced, Star Wars cinematic-style combat. So while the mechanics of it might be rooted in what you expect from an MMO, what we're seeing right now is a level of visceral action that doesn't exist in any MMO yet. That's coming across in the stuff that we're showing. Dallas, what do you think?
Dallas Dickinson: Yeah, I think that's a fair way of describing it. That underneath, under the hood, there's a whole lot of MMO stuff going on, but the feel to the player--and this is in the feedback that we've received from everybody who's touched the game--is that it feels a lot more action based. It feels a lot more cinematic. Again, it's that Star Wars heroic feel that we're really striving for right now."
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.