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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (2/13&14)

Posted By Mike on February 14, 2010

Well, it's been a couple weeks since the last edition of Random Weekend Star Wars fun. Sure I could blame the delay on a number of things like, work, family, my new dependency on insta-doppler weather maps and so forth. But today we'll simply choose snow. We've had three blizzards in one season here in the mid-Atlantic, shattering all sorts of records for the region. If I can't use Mother Nature as an excuse now, I'll never be able to. Enjoy!

Make sure you're continuing to check in with the blogs at ForceCast.net as Jason and Jimmy have a few new entries including an update on download issues, one heck of a Star Wars wedding, and an update with the Mando Saints fan.

Can anyone tell me what a Naboo starship is doing in Dubai? And why is it overlooking a horseracing track with a pool? Details at BBC Sports.
(Thanks Tom!)

ILM's John Knoll talks 20 years of Photoshop at Variety.
(via SW.com)

A Christian TV presenter on a British television channel was tricked into reading the plots of Star Wars and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air in prank stories of personal salvation. Click here for the video at Telegraph.co.uk.
(via SW.com)

The Underwire blog at Wired.com takes a detailed look into the upcoming fan film, The People vs. George Lucas.
(via SW.com)

Raise your hands if you think this video at Live Leak displays progress towards a real lightsaber. Now put your hands down as you look ridiculous. You're sitting in front of a computer for crying out loud!
(Thanks Mike!)

See below for some links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Lois Lane the Stormtrooper?
Look Out, It?s Ewokong!
Felicia Day Shows Off Her Lightsaber Skills
501st Member Plays McVader

Random video above: "Tribute to Star Wars"
(Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Rancor's Dance of Joy"
(Thanks Tom!)

Have a great week!

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