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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (3/20&21)

Posted By Mike on March 21, 2010

A little light on the videos this week but otherwise, just some good old fashioned random Star Wars fun...

Sithclan.net spotted that Mark Hamill will be attending the Jule Verne Night Gala in France in April, where he will be receiving the Jules Verne Legendaire Award. More details can be found here.
(Thanks Jul!)

CNN lists 8 very rare and expensive video games and the Star Wars Ewok Adventure game for the Atari 2600 comes in at #6.
(Thanks Jay!)

Our friends at NJOE.com go in defense of Jar Jar and ponder just who or what Abeloth is all about. (Abeloth being from the FOTJ novel series)

Learn to make a Yoda Shamrock pin at SW.com.

From WTKR.com:

"An artist best known for sculptures of Yoda and Darth Vader has been commissioned to make a statue to mark Hampton's 400th anniversary, an event with the marketing slogan "From the Sea to the Stars."

Lawrence Noble of Berkeley, Calif., who is best known for his sculptures of Star Wars' figures Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda ? which greet visitors to the Lucasfilm campus at the Presidio in California ? was selected by Hampton's legacy subcommittee last year."

Click here for the full article.
(via SW.com)

See below for some links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Canadian Collectors ? Give Feedback for Charity
Cute Yoda Hair Clip Craft
30 Rock in Carbonite?
Friend or Fett? The Bounty Hunter Poster Remix

Random video above: Star Wars maintitle theme played on the cello
(Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "The Clone Wars Tribute"

Have a great week!

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