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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (3/13&14) Posted By Mike on March 14, 2010
As you cope with losing an hour of sleep, take solace in the fact that Random Weekend Star Wars fun has returned. Enjoy! ponders the age-old question of, "Who Would Be Cast in The Coen Brothers? Star Wars?" (Thanks Kevin!) provides some video coverage of the latest stop for Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination in Anchorage, Alaska. (via
Our friend Harin recently sent over the following for Indy-loving iPhone users:
Haven't written in for quite a while but I have something of interest, I think. I've been working on iPhone apps and just released one that was inspired by Indiana Jones. We've been doing a series of animated clock displays, called Clockscapes, for people who like to place their iPhone or iPod Touch in a dock to display the time. I've always loved the way Indiana Jones movies showed an airplane flying over the map to show where Indy was going to next. So, using that as my inspiration we just released the app: Clockscapes Around The World.
The app has an animated airplane similar to the ones used in the Indy movies slowly flying over the entire world map. The airplane makes three passes around the globe at different latitudes so you get to see the whole world in detail before starting over. It looks pretty cool sitting on your desk watching the world pass you by.
When you browse for apps in the App Store you can see screenshots of the apps. So, to pay tribute to Dr. Jones I flavored the first screenshot with several Indy styling cues!
I wasn't sure what email address to send to for the Indycast guys, could you forward it to them as well?
Below are five promotional codes to download the app for free. It works on the iPhone and the iPod Touch. Let me know if you need a few more, it's not a problem at all. You can redeem them right from your device. Go to the App Store and click on "Featured" Apps, scroll down to the bottom and there's a section called "Redeem" where you can type in the promo code.
Following recent glimpses displayed at the main site (this one and that one) The Sci-Fi Block chats with author Pablo Hidalgo about Star Wars: Head to Head. (Thanks Robert!)
Just in case you missed it, recently had a new Hyperspace exclusive that examines the writing of Galactic Basic.
See below for some links to the Official Blog that we may not have linked to or covered this week...