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Episode III - Just The Facts

Just The Facts: Story & Characters

Maintained By -Commander_Thigh-

Last Updated: February 6th, 2005

Please note, the info in this section contains spoilers.

Aayla Secura
Anakin Skywalker
Bail Organa
Count Dooku
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General Grievous
Jar Jar Binks
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Mace Windu
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Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi
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Padmé Skywalker
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Color & Theme
Plot Points
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Sets & Locations


(Blue text indicates an update)

Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi

Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi

"Fans of Obi-Wan are going to ecstatic about EpIII." - RM

The classic saber of Ep4 Ben Kenobi will be among the sabers in use. - OS

Ewan McGregor had a lifecast done of his head and hands to allow makeup work for an effect needed early in Ep3. - OS

Ewan's hair will be styled more like a younger version of Alec Guinness. He will wear temple pieces, and they will be graying. Ewan's beard will be neatly trimmed and less bushy, with more sculpting and manicuring into a more goatee shape. - OS

A scene on a gunship scene will include Obi-Wan and Mace and Yoda. - OS

In one scene, Padm? and Obi-Wan will join C-3PO hurrying down a starship ramp to meet Bail Organa at its base. - OS

The major focus is the breakdown in friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin. - SW Insider

A scene will include Obi-Wan, Anakin, Palpatine, Mace, and Bail Organa - as well as a swarm of Senators and planetary representatives, alien and human alike. - OS

One scene shot will include Yoda walking and talking with Obi-Wan and Bail Organa. - OS

There are new Starfighters being built for Anakin and Obi-Wan. - OS

Obi-Wan Kenobi, a fugitive, will find safe haven on an alien planet and in the company of an alien leader played by Bruce Spence. - BS

In one scene, Padm?, Obi-Wan and C-3PO will be "the scene that explains it all" on a vista with moderate winds. - OS

Anakin and Obi-Wan will be in an environment with "extreme wind". - OS

In one scene called a "Lobby" and "Hallway", Anakin and Obi-Wan will be walking down a corridor and will join R2-D-2 at one point. Anakin and Ob-Wan will also be in an "Elevator" scene together. - OS

We will see Anakin and Obi-Wan together on a landing platform on Coruscant. - OS

In a Jedi Council scene, we will see Mace Windu discussing new assignments with Hayden and Ewan. Yoda, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, and Saesee Tiin are among those present. -OS

A bronze/copper R2 unit named R4-G9  will be Obi-Wan's new astro droid for his Jedi Starfighter. - OS

Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padm? are in a scene described as "major" and "grim". - OS

Obi-Wan will swim in a body of water in the film. - OS

R4-P17 will return for scenes with Obi-Wan and will have a body added to the head that was seen in the Ep2 Starfighter. -OS

Obi-Wan will fly in a Jedi Starfighter in Ep2 and the scenes will include him calling to other pilots, describing the battle around him and other reactions. - OS

One scene on a landing platform will include Captain Typho, Padm? Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO. ILM will add in a digital speeder. - OS

Obi-Wan's new copper/bronze astro droid, R4-G9, will be included on a scene on another landing platform - which is more like a hangar bay. R4-G9 will be in Obi-Wan's starfighter and will not leave the ship, just as R2-P17 didn't in Ep2. - OS

The underwater tank set will feature a scene where Obi-Wan fights with droids. - RM

Obi-Wan and Anakin will have four scenes underwater which won't amount to much screentime. The first scene will involve Obi-Wan tangling with an enemy combatant and will involve close-ups of Obi-Wan. The last scene requires a wave machine and the water will fill a room to its ceiling. The set is lowered into the water to give the illusion of rising water. - OS

In one scene, an out-matched Obi-Wan fights over "Jedi business" and gets "clobbered". - OS

The lightsabers used by Obi-Wan and Anakin are ones we have seen before. - PH

Anakin and Obi-Wan's costumes will have discolorizations, cuts and burns from fighting and from their environment. - OS

The costume for Obi-Wan will have slight changes from the Ep2 look, which are changes to move the costume closer to the Obi-Wan look of Ep4. -TB

The headband worn by Obi-Wan in Ep2 is a "Jedi flight communicator" and will be seen again in Ep3, only it will be a different color. -TB

Early in the film, Anakin and Obi-Wan will wield lightsabers as partners fighting side-by-side, united against a common foe. - OS

Anakin will "save" Obi-Wan at one point during the film. -PH

Obi-Wan's actions in the film are pivotal to what ends the Clone Wars. -PH

Ewan and Hayden are the actors with the most screen time. -PH

At the beginning of the film Anakin and Obi-Wan are still good friends and we will see they have grown even closer since battling in the clone wars together. But Anakin has been building another friendship too... -PH

The reason Obi-Wan changes his name to "Ben" will be seen in the movie but not an explanation as to why he chose "Ben" as the specific name. -PH

Obi-Wan Kenobi will be hurled through the air, hit a wall, and collapse on the ground. -OS

Obi-Wan will enter a rocky cave in an alien wilderness. The cave will have craggy rocks and a circular opening. - OS

Obi-Wan will be seen in a new environment within the Jedi Temple and will fiddle with a high tech piece of equipment and a computer console imbedded inside a pillar. -OS

One scene in another new section of Jedi Temple will feature a conversation between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Yoda will walk across the frame. -OS

Obi-Wan will become "General Kenobi" and the great hero of the Clone Wars. -DG

In one complicated action sequence, Obi-Wan will be on a new planet, fighting opponents and will concentrate on a group of armed thugs looking for a fight. The thugs will be very thin and wearing cloaks. These new baddies are much more of a challenge in a fight than battle droids or Geonosian drones. They will brandish weapons that are quite effective against Jedi. -OS

We will see evidence that Obi-Wan's Jedi skills have improved since Ep2 and he is also noticeably higher up in the Jedi hierarchy. -PH

Obi-Wan is still not fond of flying, and we will see new reasons why he still bemoans it. -PH

Obi-Wan will ride a non-terrestrial animal in a maroon saddle. The animal is very organic, fast, and agile. Obi-Wan is in for a hair-raising ride. -OS

Obi-Wan Kenobi is in Ep3 a lot! -PE

"Obi-Wan has more than 1,000 moves, which are more complicated to learn than dialogue." -NG

"So far, one shot sits by itself in the OMIT pile. Although it was completed, George Lucas cut a 72-frame long reaction shot of Obi-Wan Kenobi which had a relatively simple visual effect in it: a scorch mark painted onto a background wall. -OS

One shot shows Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lit by the slotted blinds of Yoda's quarters. This shot will last 8 seconds. -OS

Obi-Wan watched a holographic image in one scene. -OS

"Ewan McGregor can just do anything. I've known Ewan for years and whatever you give him to do, he can do it. I would have thought that no one could have become better than Ewan--after Phantom and Attack of the Clones, he just looked like the best. But Hayden learned fast and is now leagues ahead of everybody. He is terrifying!" -NG

"I developed different styles for the characters, and gave each of them a flaw or a bonus. So with Obi, for instance, he's got a very business-like style--when he was younger he could border on the flashy and might twirl his lightsaber a bit, because he was taught by Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon was brash, that rubbed off on Obi and Obi then taught Anakin, who was way too old to learn anyway." -NG

Ewan [McGregor, Obi-Wan Kenobi] had 1,000 moves to learn, as opposed to the three pages he had to learn in The Phantom Menace. -NG

Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter has green coloring. The cockpit and the undercarriage are flat gray and gray-white. -PH

We will not see anything specific about Obi-Wan serving directly for Bail Organa during the final Clone Wars, though it is understood that the handling of the war, such as it is, has fallen to the Senate. For a while, anyway. -PH

The planet where Obi-Wan will ride a creature for transportation and talk to Commander Cody with the line, "lets get going we still have a battle to win..." (as seen on the webdoc) is not on a mountainous planet. Quite the opposite. -PH

Obi-Wan has no contact with Chewbacca in Ep3. -PH

Obi-Wan and Padme are close friends in Ep3. -PH

"One of the things that will get explained in the films is how Ben was able to retain his identity, because it happened somewhere in between the third and fourth movies. It is a discipline that he learned from Yoda. We don't ever get to see how he does it, but the idea of retaining your identity after you've passed on is something that Ben learned as a Jedi." -PH and GL

Obi-Wan is among the main characters with stunt work demanding enough to require digital doubling and mock heads of the character, created in exact detail. -OS

Obi-wan's Episode 3 saber is the same one from Ep4. -PH

Obi-Wan's stern expression as seen in the webdoc 'This Weapon Is Your Life' is representative of Obi-wan's demeanor throughout Episode 3. -PH

Acronym Key:

GL = George Lucas (Director)
OS = Official Site (starwars.com)
RM = Rick McCallum (Producer)
CF = Colin Fletcher (First Assistant Director)
NP = Natalie Portman (Actress)
HC = Hayden Christensen
RB = Roger Barton (Film Editor)
IM = Ian McDiarmid (Actor)
GT = Genndy Tartakovsky (Clone Wars Animated Series Creator)
C2 = Celebration II
BB = Ben Burtt (Sound Editor)
JEJ = James Earl Jones (Voice Actor)
JK = John Knoll (Visual Effects/ILM)
PE = Paul Ens (Official Site)
GB = Gavin Bocquet (Production Designer)
JE = Joel Edgerton (Actor)
PM = Peter Mayhew (Actor)
RC = Rob Coleman (Visual Effects/ILM Supervisor)
AA = Amy Allen (Actress)
BS = Bruce Spence (Actor)
BL = Bai Ling (Actress)
CSC = Caroline de Souza Correa (Actress)
NG = Nikki Gooley (Makeup Supervisor)
JB = Jon Berg (Modelmaker)
EL = Euisung Lee (Animatics Artist)
LP = Lorne Peterson (Modelmaker)
DW = David Weitzberg (Visual Effects Artist)
MR = Master Replicas (Prop Replica Company)
DE = Dave Elsey (Creature Shop Creative Supervisor)
AD = Anthony Daniels (Actor)
MW = Matthew Wood (Supervising Sound Editor/Voice Actor)
TB = Trisha Biggar (Costume Designer)
SLJ = Samuel L. Jackson (Actor)
PH = Pablo Hidalgo (Official Site, Webcam)
RC = Ryan Church (Concept Artist)
DG = Dan Gregoire (Pre-Visualization Effects Supervisor)
DB = Don Bies (Droid Unit Supervisor)
NG = Nick Gillard (Stunt Coordinator/Swordmaster)
THC = Topps Heritage Card
AFCB = Action Figure Card Back
MK = Michael Kingma (Actor)
CL = Christopher Lee (Actor)
JL = James Luceno (Writer)
BG = Brian Gernand (Model Supervisor)

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