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Episode III - Just The Facts

Just The Facts: Story & Characters

Maintained By -Commander_Thigh-

Last Updated: February 6th, 2005

Please note, the info in this section contains spoilers.

Aayla Secura
Anakin Skywalker
Bail Organa
Count Dooku
EU Character
General Grievous
Jar Jar Binks
Luke & Leia
Mace Windu
Mon Mothma
Nute Gunray & Neimodians
Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi
Owen & Beru Lars
Padmé Skywalker
Tion Meddon
Other Character Info

The Duel
Fights & Battles

Color & Theme
Plot Points
Ships & Vehicles
Sets & Locations


(Blue text indicates an update)


  • "Chewbacca will join the fray with a small part in one of the action sequences of Episode III." - GL
  • "I was told by George Lucas that I would be playing a large part in the story including the delivering of two twin babies and playing a role in a major battle scene that involves many war machines. In fact, the opening action scene involving many Wookiees takes place on one of the many new planets seen in this movie." - PM
  • C-3PO may (or may not) have scenes with Chewbacca. - AD
  • Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) will film his scenes in March of 2004. - RM
  • Chewbacca will be easily identified during his scenes and character depth will be added to the classic trilogy Chewbacca. - RM
  • In the current script, Chewbacca will be identified by name in the film. - PH
  • Pablo Hidalgo has seen no proof that Peter Mayhew's comments about "Chewbacca saving the twins" and/or "being in an action scene involving war machines" are anything more than rumors. - PH
  • We will see wookiees in action and "it is something to see". - DG
  • Ben Burtt will use old sound effects for Chewie, and anticipates he'll need to make new sounds as well. - BB
  • Anakin does not have any scenes with Chewbacca. -HC
  • "The viewer will recognize Chewbacca but he is different, as he has more muscle definition to his physique, as he is 20 or so years younger." -PM
  • "Some teams of Republic Commandos fighting side by side with Wookiees on Kashyyyk before the major Separatist invasion of that planet in the film happens." -Star Wars: Republic Commando game preview
  • There will not be any wookiees related to Chewbacca (i.e. "Holiday Special" family) . All wookiees are supporting characters and only Chewbacca has a name. - PH
  • Obi-Wan has no contact with Chewbacca in Ep3. - PH
  • The wookiee dialogue will not be subtitled. Much like Chewbacca in the original trilogy, what the Wookiees are saying will be conveyed by the reactions of those around them. - PH
  • Chewbacca has a different bowcaster for Episode III. - PH
  • The new Chewbacca mask has some enhancements that allow him to purse his lips, although it isn't necessary. - PH
  • The Episode III script only identifies Chewbacca and Tarfful by name. - OS
  • Chewbacca isn't as muscular as Tarfful. - OS
  • As the principal Wookiees, it's Chewie and Tarfful who interact the most with Yoda, who is the Jedi protector stationed on their world. - OS
  • In some shots, only the Wookiees' knees are seen behind Yoda. - OS
  • On the set, the Wookiees don't need to vocalize, but occasionally, Michael Kingma (Tarfful) and Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) do speak dialogue to better time the scene. "Let's get out of here" sounds very unusual coming from a Wookiee mouth. These scenes are shot MOS (without sound). The Wookiee roars will be added in later, a bizarre mixture of ursine and other feral sources. - OS
  • The designs for the Wookiees don't stray too far from the original sidekick Chewbacca. - OS
  • "[The Wookiee suits] are basically being built exactly the same as the original Chewie, so the actors have control of their own mouths," Elsey explains. "So when they open their jaws the lips move and the eyes are theirs, so you're basically looking into the eyes of the actors who are inside the Wookiees." - DE
  • A garrulous grouping of angry Wookiees spring forth from cover and begin their attack. - OS
  • The corporate barons of the Confederacy got more than they bargained for when they agreed upon a hostile takeover of Kashyyyk. - OS
  • Because there's going to be a lot of other Wookiees about, we don't want anybody to be confused which one is Chewbacca. - DE
  • The noble Wookiee warriors must defend one of their lagoon-side tree cities from encroaching Separatist droid forces. - OS
  • Yoda heads to Kashyyyk in Episode III because he is said to have good relations with the Wookiees. - OS
  • Aiding the Wookiees in their battle against the Separatists are clone troopers with the latest military hardware. - OS
  • "The Wookiees have a much bigger role in this movie than they've ever had before." - DE
  • The Wookiee warrior Chewbacca battles beside fellow warrior Tarfful to save their home planet from the invading Separatist forces. Yoda leads the courageous fight to save Kashyyyk from domination. - AFCB
  • "I play the part of General Tarfful, a colossal Wookiee warrior who comes to the aid of kinsman Chewbacca." - MK
  • Fans that have been patiently waiting for more of Chewbacca's backstory have much to look forward to in Revenge of the Sith. - OS
  • When the Separatists invade the Wookiee world of Kashyyyk, Yoda leads the Republic's clone army into battle. Assisted by the mighty Wookiees Chewbacca and Tarfful, Yoda barely escapes a surprise ambush when the Clone Wars take a fateful turn. - MR

Acronym Key:

GL = George Lucas (Director)
OS = Official Site (starwars.com)
RM = Rick McCallum (Producer)
CF = Colin Fletcher (First Assistant Director)
NP = Natalie Portman (Actress)
HC = Hayden Christensen
RB = Roger Barton (Film Editor)
IM = Ian McDiarmid (Actor)
GT = Genndy Tartakovsky (Clone Wars Animated Series Creator)
C2 = Celebration II
BB = Ben Burtt (Sound Editor)
JEJ = James Earl Jones (Voice Actor)
JK = John Knoll (Visual Effects/ILM)
PE = Paul Ens (Official Site)
GB = Gavin Bocquet (Production Designer)
JE = Joel Edgerton (Actor)
PM = Peter Mayhew (Actor)
RC = Rob Coleman (Visual Effects/ILM Supervisor)
AA = Amy Allen (Actress)
BS = Bruce Spence (Actor)
BL = Bai Ling (Actress)
CSC = Caroline de Souza Correa (Actress)
NG = Nikki Gooley (Makeup Supervisor)
JB = Jon Berg (Modelmaker)
EL = Euisung Lee (Animatics Artist)
LP = Lorne Peterson (Modelmaker)
DW = David Weitzberg (Visual Effects Artist)
MR = Master Replicas (Prop Replica Company)
DE = Dave Elsey (Creature Shop Creative Supervisor)
AD = Anthony Daniels (Actor)
MW = Matthew Wood (Supervising Sound Editor/Voice Actor)
TB = Trisha Biggar (Costume Designer)
SLJ = Samuel L. Jackson (Actor)
PH = Pablo Hidalgo (Official Site, Webcam)
RC = Ryan Church (Concept Artist)
DG = Dan Gregoire (Pre-Visualization Effects Supervisor)
DB = Don Bies (Droid Unit Supervisor)
NG = Nick Gillard (Stunt Coordinator/Swordmaster)
THC = Topps Heritage Card
AFCB = Action Figure Card Back
MK = Michael Kingma (Actor)
CL = Christopher Lee (Actor)
JL = James Luceno (Writer)
BG = Brian Gernand (Model Supervisor)

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