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Episode III - Just The Facts

Just The Facts: Story & Characters

Maintained By -Commander_Thigh-

Last Updated: February 6th, 2005

Please note, the info in this section contains spoilers.

Aayla Secura
Anakin Skywalker
Bail Organa
Count Dooku
EU Character
General Grievous
Jar Jar Binks
Luke & Leia
Mace Windu
Mon Mothma
Nute Gunray & Neimodians
Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi
Owen & Beru Lars
Padmé Skywalker
Tion Meddon
Other Character Info

The Duel
Fights & Battles

Color & Theme
Plot Points
Ships & Vehicles
Sets & Locations


(Blue text indicates an update)

Count Dooku

Count Dooku
  • No rematch between Yoda and Dooku, though both will have their own fights. - SW Insider
  • Christopher Lee shot a pivotal confrontation scene as Count Dooku which will have action and powerful dialogue.
  • Count Dooku's Ep3 role is brief.
  • In-between takes, Christopher Lee jokingly "decapitates" Nick Gillard and mentions all the previously movies he filmed when he decapitated a character on-screen. (hint?)
  • Count Dooku will only use one lightsaber in Ep3. - RM
  • While much of the Dooku duel requires visual effects work, from what Pablo saw it will be very cool, especially a certain part at the end. - PH
  • Dooku had no direct role in the death of Darth Maul. - PH
  • Count Dooku is among the main characters with stunt work demanding enough to require digital doubling and mock heads of the character, created in exact detail. - OS
  • During reshoots, isolated segments of the Count Dooku vs. Jedi rematch were shot. - OS
  • One shot has Dooku using the Force to make a Jedi's day go from bad to worse. Christopher Lee has to turn around, extend his hand, and look as devilish as possible. "That's perfect timing," George says, "now try one with a little more malice and evilness." - OS
  • A crash-mat is on the set to catch Hayden as he stumbles from a kick [by Count Dooku]. - OS
  • Ewan is rigged to a wire that lifts him off the ground from a Force throw [by Dooku]. - OS
  • Dooku knows the true identity of Darth Sidious. - PH
  • Dooku is not Sifo-Dyas. - PH
  • Count Dooku and his voluptuously curved lightsaber will be back for Episode III. - RM
  • Tyranus will not fall down a pit or abyss to his death in Episode III. - PH
  • Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) uses every dark side power he has in a battle near the beginning of Revenge of the Sith. - OS
  • The Separatist commerce barons know that Dooku's master is Darth Sidious. - PH
  • The Anakin vs. Dooku duel is longer than their duel in Attack of the Clones, and it's much more intense. - NG
  • Anakin has learned much since his last battle with Separatist leader Count Dooku, as a fight aboard the Trade Federation cruiser shows. - Insider #80
  • In the [Dooku] duel, Dooku tosses both Anakin and Obi-Wan through the air like rag-dolls, using the Force to turn the two Jedi into barely-controlled missiles. - OS

Acronym Key:

GL = George Lucas (Director)
OS = Official Site (starwars.com)
RM = Rick McCallum (Producer)
CF = Colin Fletcher (First Assistant Director)
NP = Natalie Portman (Actress)
HC = Hayden Christensen
RB = Roger Barton (Film Editor)
IM = Ian McDiarmid (Actor)
GT = Genndy Tartakovsky (Clone Wars Animated Series Creator)
C2 = Celebration II
BB = Ben Burtt (Sound Editor)
JEJ = James Earl Jones (Voice Actor)
JK = John Knoll (Visual Effects/ILM)
PE = Paul Ens (Official Site)
GB = Gavin Bocquet (Production Designer)
JE = Joel Edgerton (Actor)
PM = Peter Mayhew (Actor)
RC = Rob Coleman (Visual Effects/ILM Supervisor)
AA = Amy Allen (Actress)
BS = Bruce Spence (Actor)
BL = Bai Ling (Actress)
CSC = Caroline de Souza Correa (Actress)
NG = Nikki Gooley (Makeup Supervisor)
JB = Jon Berg (Modelmaker)
EL = Euisung Lee (Animatics Artist)
LP = Lorne Peterson (Modelmaker)
DW = David Weitzberg (Visual Effects Artist)
MR = Master Replicas (Prop Replica Company)
DE = Dave Elsey (Creature Shop Creative Supervisor)
AD = Anthony Daniels (Actor)
MW = Matthew Wood (Supervising Sound Editor/Voice Actor)
TB = Trisha Biggar (Costume Designer)
SLJ = Samuel L. Jackson (Actor)
PH = Pablo Hidalgo (Official Site, Webcam)
RC = Ryan Church (Concept Artist)
DG = Dan Gregoire (Pre-Visualization Effects Supervisor)
DB = Don Bies (Droid Unit Supervisor)
NG = Nick Gillard (Stunt Coordinator/Swordmaster)
THC = Topps Heritage Card
AFCB = Action Figure Card Back
MK = Michael Kingma (Actor)
CL = Christopher Lee (Actor)
JL = James Luceno (Writer)
BG = Brian Gernand (Model Supervisor)

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