
Just The Facts: Story & Characters
Maintained By -Commander_Thigh-
Last Updated: February 6th, 2005
Please note, the info in this section contains spoilers.
(Blue text indicates an update)
Droids |
- "We will see Battle Droids (including Supers) and Destroyer Droids in Episode 3 - as well as some cool new ones." - RC
- There will be "evil" droids we have not yet seen in the prequels. - DB
- The regular battle droids in Ep3 will be a mix of what we've seen before. - OS
- There will be new and unique droids in Ep3. - DB
- We will see some cool new designs on medical droids. - RC
- We will see additional R2 astromech droids in Ep3. - DB
- One of the skipped droid designs from Episode II is slated to make a return for Ep3. - PH
- It is doubtful that IG-88 style droids are in Ep3. - PH
- A bronze/copper astro droid will be Obi-Wan's R2 unit in his Jedi starfighter during the film. - OS
- R4-P17 will return for scenes with Obi-Wan and will have a body added to the head seen in the Ep2 Starfighter. - OS
- There are no Gonk droids in Ep3 (so far). - PH
- In one scene, Anakin and Obi-Wan are surrounded by battle droids. - OS
- The Senators' attendant protocol droids will be added into a scene. They will sport a variety of metallic hues -- copper, black, white, and silver. - OS
- Other droids in the above scene are nicknamed "Bettie Droids." They are retro-streamlined automatons which started off as a single droid in Bail Organa's office. They've now come to populate much of Coruscant's higher strata, such as the Galaxies Theater. - OS
- "Artoo is an action hero in this one. He's Arnold Schwarzenegger this time. He's really tough and beats up a few battle droids. And, he saves the heroes again many times." - GL
- A sequence during the opening space battle has been cut from the film. In the sequence, Anakin and Obi-Wan's flight into the enemy capital ship lines was to be interrupted by a protective squadron of tri-droids that would harass the starfighters. - OS
- The tri-droid (also called the tri-fighter) was a new design of Confederacy droid starfighter. It's name came from the triple-curved wing assembly which clutches the central droid brain in its center. It is a burly fighter. It has thicker lines than the slim-profile vulture starfighters seen in The Phantom Menace. - OS
- The tri-droid will still be in the background somewhere, a part of the swarm of ships during the space battle, but they no longer have their spotlight moment. - OS
- During the opening space battle, there will be a swarm of battles between the tri-fighters (which are back, by the way) and other midground fighters. - OS
- The tri-droids are droids with booster engines on them. While the booster engines are there, they're more like missiles, but when they detach the booster engines, they become fighters. - OS
- The Trade Federation vulture droids, as seen in Episode I, will be seen to turn, fold, and transform on screen -- a functionality incorporated into their design for Episode I, but something we haven't yet seen on the big screen. - OS
- One shot shows hundreds of Wookiees running from out of cover and striking against Corporate Alliance and Trade Federation droids. - OS
- Whereas before, the treaded tanks were droids themselves, the new models appear to have droid pilots or at least battle droid gunners aboard. - OS
- This cockpit view shows a Jedi starfighter crawling with nasty buzz droids during the massive space battle over Coruscant. - OS
- R4-P17 is back for Episode III. - PH
- The future doesn't look very bright for R4-P17. - PH
- One question pondered was whether 2-1B should walk or roll. - OS
- One dilemma involves the audience's suspension of disbelief that a group of battle droids wouldn't shoot our unarmed heroes while they are proceeding to arm themselves. - OS
- Rows of battle droid infantry stand at attention in a landing bay on Utapau. - OS
- R4-G9 will only be seen in Obi-Wan's starfighter. - OS
- "He [R4-G9] is Obi-Wan's droid. Obi-Wan, in Episode IV, says he never seems to remember owning a droid, so we figured he just leases them. The Jedi give them to you like when you get your lightsaber or whatever." - DB
- The gender of R4-G9 has not yet been decided. - OS
- In Episode III, we'll see R2-D2 get into a scrap with meaner, tougher robots. This scene spotlights the more versatile digital model of Artoo. - OS
- Super battle droids aboard a Trade Federation cruiser fire laser blasts at a pair of interlopers -- two Jedi on a rescue mission. - OS
- The noble Wookiee warriors must defend one of their lagoon-side tree cities from encroaching Separatist droid forces. - OS
- On Obi-Wan's mission to find General Grievous and bring an end to the Clone Wars, he flies with R4-G9 on his starfighter's wing. - OS
- R4-G9 serves not only as astrogational assistant and on-board technician, but in a pinch can also fly the starfighter on it's own. - OS
- Artist Alex Jaeger develops the look of a luxury attendant droid -- playfully nicknamed the "Bettie Droid" -- for scenes in Coruscant's upper echelons. - OS
- Anakin and Obi-Wan make quick work of a squadron of battle droids in the hangar bay of a Trade Federation cruiser. - Insider #80
- While some of the Separatist fighters are easy to deal with, Obi-Wan Kenobi finds that the super battle droids are not pushovers. - Insider #80
Acronym Key:
GL = George Lucas (Director)
OS = Official Site (starwars.com)
RM = Rick McCallum (Producer)
CF = Colin Fletcher (First Assistant Director)
NP = Natalie Portman (Actress)
HC = Hayden Christensen
RB = Roger Barton (Film Editor)
IM = Ian McDiarmid (Actor)
GT = Genndy Tartakovsky (Clone Wars Animated Series Creator)
C2 = Celebration II
BB = Ben Burtt (Sound Editor)
JEJ = James Earl Jones (Voice Actor)
JK = John Knoll (Visual Effects/ILM)
PE = Paul Ens (Official Site)
GB = Gavin Bocquet (Production Designer)
JE = Joel Edgerton (Actor)
PM = Peter Mayhew (Actor)
RC = Rob Coleman (Visual Effects/ILM Supervisor)
AA = Amy Allen (Actress)
BS = Bruce Spence (Actor)
BL = Bai Ling (Actress)
CSC = Caroline de Souza Correa (Actress)
NG = Nikki Gooley (Makeup Supervisor)
JB = Jon Berg (Modelmaker)
EL = Euisung Lee (Animatics Artist)
LP = Lorne Peterson (Modelmaker)
DW = David Weitzberg (Visual Effects Artist)
MR = Master Replicas (Prop Replica Company)
DE = Dave Elsey (Creature Shop Creative Supervisor)
AD = Anthony Daniels (Actor)
MW = Matthew Wood (Supervising Sound Editor/Voice Actor)
TB = Trisha Biggar (Costume Designer)
SLJ = Samuel L. Jackson (Actor)
PH = Pablo Hidalgo (Official Site, Webcam)
RC = Ryan Church (Concept Artist)
DG = Dan Gregoire (Pre-Visualization Effects Supervisor)
DB = Don Bies (Droid Unit Supervisor)
NG = Nick Gillard (Stunt Coordinator/Swordmaster)
THC = Topps Heritage Card
AFCB = Action Figure Card Back
MK = Michael Kingma (Actor)
CL = Christopher Lee (Actor)
JL = James Luceno (Writer)
BG = Brian Gernand (Model Supervisor)