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this tree, once native to the planet Alderaan, produced a tightly-grained wood that was often used in the creation of horns. (E3N)

an alien race native to the planet Baralou, the Krikthasi have been enemies of the Multopos for their entire existence. They were descended from large, marine mollusks, and had long, flexible bodies studded with tentacles. Krikthasi have four well-developed eyes, with a set of four tentacles emerging just behind their heads. They have two mouths, one for eating and another for breathing. They used the water to help propel themselves through the water, expelling it through a group of vents at the rear of their bodies. Four more tentacles surround their hindquarters. Their coloration helped them communicate, as each Krikthasi could manipulate the pattern of their coloration to express complex concepts as well as emotions. The Krikthasi, in their seemingly endless war with the Multopos, have discovered that the eggs of the Multopos were quite delicious, and eat them as a way of proving to themselves that the Multopos were not sentient. (PG1, AE)

this creature, native to the planet Kidron, was raised by the Orfites as a source of meat. These climbing herbivores were slightly humanoid in form, and had wide eyes and a single horn on their foreheads. They lacked any form of intelligence, and were easy prey for Kidron's predators. (AE, PG3)

this was one of the twenty orbital cities erected in orbit above the planet Duro, after the surface of Duro was destroyed by toxic waste. (GMR2)

this gas giant was the site of a Imperial tibanna gas mine during the early years of the New Republic. The facility was eliminated by Wedge Antilles and Rogue squadron some ten years after the Battle of Endor, with the help of the Jedi Knights who were training under Luke Skywalker on Yavin 4. (WOTC, JKA)

this term was used in the Elrood Sector to describe a stupid or unintelligent person. (PG3)

a creature native to the planet Kidron, the krill are harvested for their meat. (PG)

this is the eleventh symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic letter "k". (SWM)

Krimsan, Asli
this ancient woman was a noted Jedi Master, and her teachings were encrypted into a Jedi Holocron which was later discovered within Bast Castle. A plump woman, Master Krimsan had black hair and often wore a deep, burgundy-colored cloak. She was known to have trained Jedi Knights for more than 200 years. When the Holocron was activated by Tionne, Krimsan's image was called on to teach Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Uldir Lochett about the basics of tapping into the Force. (VF, KB)

this man was an Imperial Captain, and commanded the Star Destroyer Adjudicator during the height of the New Order. He took Vimron Trell under his wing, after Trell produced a wondrous feast that impressed Moff Renquet enough to have Renquet request that the Adjudicator be reassigned as his personal fleet flagship. (CRO)

Krin, Angela
this woman was one of the Corporate Sector Authority's most dedicated officers, during the early years of the New Order. Many of her peers - and most of her enemies - considered her a frustrating, officious bureaucrat who did everything by the book. To her friends, she was a dedicated and hard-working woman who was completely loyal to the CSA and its ideals. She was placed in command of the CSA's blockade of the planet Endregaad, when a plague decimated the surface and threatened to spread beyond its borders. From the bridge of the Dreadnaught Resolute, Krin ensured that only approved ships made the journey to and from Endregaad's surface. In the wake of the Endregaad Plague, Krin was promoted to Captain and assigned to locating the source of the tempest spice and eliminating it. To this end, she began secretly working with Mika the Hutt and his aide, Vago, using her race to enter places that most Hutts could never reach. Unknown to Krin, however, was the fact that Mika himself was the source of the tempest. In the wake of Popara's death, Krin found herself stranded on Nar Shaddaa, and hoped that Mika could get her offworld before he cover was blown. However, Krin and Mika were both captured by Zonnos, who was going insane because of an addiction to tempest spice. After getting free, Krin continued her search for the source of tempest, and managed to discover that the Endregaad Plague was actually a mutated form of a virus that was native to Varl, the former Hutt homeworld. Furthermore, this virus could actually alter the chemical composition of normal spice, turning it into a crude form of tempest. With this knowledge, she surmised that it was a Hutt who was producing tempest. With the help of a group of freelance agents who had been working for Popara the Hutt, Krin managed to track down the Tempest production facility on Varl. When the agents defeated Mika and destroyed the Tempest, she was able to return to her superiors with good news. She worked to ensure that everything known about tempest spice was destroyed, so that the addictive and dangerou substance was never a threat again. (TF, WOTC)

Krinemonen III
this planet was set aside as a site where the Empire could exile political and institutional dissidents. Note that Star Wars Gamer, issue 8, indicates that Krinemonen III was a colony world located in the Mon Calamari Shipyards. (GMR8, GMR10)

this Vor served as his planet's chief council, in the years surrounding the destruction of the Cathedral of the Winds. (EGA)

this man was a mercenary who was based on Eriadu during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (GUN)

this urban world was struck by several waves of Imperial bombardment, after it openly defied the Empire and its control. An Alliance Special Forces team infiltrated the planet and was able to unseat the Imperial forces which controlled it, and hoped that the population would be able to rebuilt itself. Unfortunately, a minor warlord moved into the power void left by the Imperial ouster, and the Alliance was forced to return to Kriselist remove the warlord as well. (RESB)

this was another name for the planet Sanza, which was the homeworld of the Krish race. (EGA)

this was the native language of the Krish race. Its spoken form consisted of grunts, bellows, and rough sounds. The written form borrowed characters from a number of different alphabets, creating a curious collection of symbols which were formed into short words. (UANT)

an alien race native to the planet Sanza, the Krish are smooth-skinned humanoids with large, wide heads. Their faces are dominated by bony ridges above the eyes and along the nose, and their mouths are filled with rows of tiny, pointed teeth. They also have short, wiry hair, and love playing games of any sort. In general, however, they were highly unreliable when it came to business matters. Note that The Essential Guide to Alien Species claims that the Krish are from a planet also known as Krish. (EGC, CRO, DTO, AE, SWJ1)

Kristi's Klub
this bar was located in the CoCo District of Coruscant, during the years of the Old Republic. The bar's motto was "We put the Dive in Diversions", and was known for its "full bar, good food, mood lighting, secure front, hidden exits, and pretty staff." Kristi's Klub did not allow droids onto the premises, and advertisements for the Klub claimed "If you have to ask directions, don't bother coming." (HNN5)

Kritkeen, Sinick
this Imperial COMPNOR General served as the planetary supervisor on Aruza, during the New Order. He bore a striking resemblance to Han Solo, which is why the bounty hunter Dengar agreed to assassinate Kritkeen for the Aruzans. Kritkeen was working to enslave the Aruzans, and they simply wanted their freedom. Dengar tracked Kritkeen and caught him, giving the Imperial a three-minute lead before chasing him down. Dengar's mind began believing that Kritkeen was Solo, and he relished the actions of placing an armed concussion grenade in Kritkeen's mouth and throwing the man off a cliff. (TBH)

Fola's mate, they lived at North 5 26 Up in the city of Griann, on Teyr. (SOL)

one of Chewbacca's many relatives, Kriyystak worked to replenish the Millennium Falcon's food stores while Chewie was on Kashyyyk for Lumpawarump's Test of Ascension. (RD, TT)

Kriz Sector
this area of the galaxy was infamously known for its seedy bars. (CRO)

these vicious creatures were often used by crimelords to patrol their compounds. Krizar begin life as a shell-encased pupa, which must exist in a nutrient slime until it can break through its shell. If a shelled pupa is removed from the slime, it dies quickly. Once it chews free of the shell, the krizar must be incubated while they grow. Each krizar has a set of mouth palps that it uses like scissors, latching onto the nearest heat source and chewing its way inward. (TFNR)

this pink-skinned, reptilian race was native to the planet Munlali Mafir. These creatures were distinguished by their rancor-like heads and their piercing, high-pitched baying. This vocalization was a hunting technique which stunned the nerve centers of lower forms of life, and could disorient the senses and cause muscular spasms at the right frequencies. The eyes of a Krizlaw glowed with a reddish light, and their thin arms ended with three poisoned claws. They moved about on their muscular hind legs, and their lower jaws could detach and allow the Krizlaw to swallow and entire human being whole. Krizlaws often hunted in packs, and preferred to eat their prey shortly after catching it. The still-beating heart of its prey was regarded as essential for good digestion. The databanks of the New Republic originally listed the Krizlaws as feral herd beasts, but investigation by Luke Skywalker discovered their true nature. The once-dominant race, known as the Jostrans, were no longer present, and it was as if something - or someone - had elevated the Krizlaws to sentient status. Luke also found that Krizlaws had two distinct presences within the Force: a bright and alert thought center, and a dull center of diffuse consciousness. It was Jacen Solo and Soron hegerty who realized that the krizlaws were actually two distinct creatures living together in a symbiotic relationship. It seemed that the rogue planet Zonama Sekot had fused a group of eleven Jostrans together with a group of eleven Krizlaws, creating a new species of intelligent predators with a hive-mind mentality. Outwardly, they looked like Krizlaws, and the Krizlaw mind remained intact, albeit dull and subjugated. However, the body was controlled by the Jostran mind, which was the alert thought center discovered by Luke. Eventually, these new Krizlaws destroyed their normal brethren, as well as the Jostrans, and became the dominant form of Krizlaw. They always worked in groups of eleven, a sort of genetic requirement imposed by the original mutation. They bred in an unusual way, with the dominant Jostran birthing an offspring that was force-fed into a docile Krizlaw body. The Jostran fused itself to the Krizlaw's spinal cord, insinuating itself into the nervous system and taking control of the new body. (FH2)

this barren, arid world is the fourth planet in the Algaran System. Orbital scans have revealed that it is riddled with caves and vast mineral deposits. It has no natural satellites. (PG2)

this H'drachi noble believed Ch'no was a fool, and couldn't correctly read the time-streams, even though Ch'no was quite often right. He was one of the first to openly denounced Ch'no's adoption of the infant Mora. (ROC)

a planet. (EGA)

this small, rodent-like reptile is native to the planet Zelos II. It has a toothy, scoop-shaped mouth and glowing red eyes. Kro also have prehensile tails, which support and balance the creature in the absense of forearms. The kro hang from trees, waiting for prey to pass by. They then dop down onto their prey, holding it with their tails while they eat it alive. (PG2)

a deity worshipped by Cabrool Nuum. (JTH)

this planet was the merchant center and capital world of Shataum Sector in the decades following the Battle of Endor. Moff Disra, along with Grodin Tierce and the con-man Flim - posing as the resurrected Thrawn - managed to bully the leaders of this world into a brief alliance with the Imperial faction they represented. It is the homeworld of the Kroctari race. (VOF)

this race was native to the planet Kroctar. They were somewhat loyal to the Empire and its ideals, and felt that the Caamas Incident was an indication of the lack of order maintained by the New Republic. They were willing to welcome Thrawn back to their planet, but were unaware that Thrawn was actually the conman Flim, acting under the command of Moff Disra. (VOF)

Kroeskin Fabrications
manufacturers of ceramisteel vehicle hulls, Kroeskin was one of the original Contributing Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority. (CSA)

this ancient Twi'lek was remembered for his greed. Kroh'dalla was the assistant to the Ryll Master of Kala'din, but desired more power and prestige than his position offered. He sold the location of Kala'din's ryll mines to a spice merchant named Brophys, who promptly enslaved Kroh'dalla, his family, and all of Kala'din in an effort to extract the ryll. In the end, the entire city of Kala'din was destroyed, and Kroh'dalla was killed in the destruction. (PSPG)

this Ferroan man was one of the many individuals who bonded with a kybo. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, he was bonded to the kybo known as Elegance Enshrined. After Zonama Sekot fled into hyperspace to avoid being destroyed by the treachery of Nom Anor, Kroj'b and Elegance Enshrined worked tirelessly on rescue missions, searching the wilderness of the planet for survivors of the unplanned jumps. (FH3, UF)

a male Gamorrean in the Gakfedd tribe, Krok was junior husband to Bullyak. (COJ)

this name, which meant "funny" or "happy", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)

Kroke Modbom
this Gungan was captured by then-Lieutenant Panaka at the Port Landiem Perfumery, after a prolonged chase and short firefight. Kroke had been wanted in connection to several killings, and was finally captured by Panaka and Sergeant Bialy. Kroke denied every having a blaster, despite the fact that Bialy claimed she never fired her weapon. Upon capture, Kroke was given over to Sate Pestage, at the order of King Veruna himself, for transport to Coruscant. It was later revealed the Kroke had been working for the man known as Veermok. Note that this character is also referred to as Korke. (GMR2)

an indecent Huttese reference to excrement. (JTH)

K'rom Wars
a period of Xi'Dec history in which several warrior sexes evolved forelimbs which could be used as spears or swords. (GG4)

this planet, the sister world of Kromus, was the fifth world in the Kro'eval System. During the final years of the Old Republic, Kromol supported a meager population of pre-sentient lifeforms. (LFCW)

this planet, the fourth and primary world in the Kro'eval System, was one of many worlds that were subjugated by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The Separatists established a research facility on its surface, and the Old Republic dispatched Jedi Master Darrus Jeht and the Maelstrom's task force to destroy it, for it was believed that Kromus was the construction site of the so-called Starkiller project. Complete destruction of the facility was ordered, but Master Jeht discovered that it had been built around a city of more than two million beings. When Jeht's officers found that a clerical error had transposed the survey data of Kromus with its sister world, Kromol, Master Jeht was forced to launch a ground-based assault in order to minimize the loss of civilian life. However, the activation of the Starkiller weapon forced an immediate response, and Master Jeht had to fire on the facility from orbit, destroying the weapon and killing more than two million civilians. Unfortunately for the survivors, the destruction of Starkiller's hyper-point destabilizer caused intense seismic and atmospheric damage to Kromus, and the planet was abandoned as dead by both sides of the fighting. The loss of Kromus was a blow to the Republic, as word of the virtual extermination of its population caused many other star systems to secede from the Republic and join the Separatists. (LFCW)

this man was one of Alderaan's planetary ambassadors, during the last years of the Old Republic. (WOTC)

Kron Thon
this crimelord was a rival of Mugsy Fratillio. (GMS)

this hot, rocky world is the first planet in the Kattellyn System. It has no natural satellites. (PG2)

Kronex Spaceport
this immense space station provided berthing and repair facilities for all manner of starships, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Its location - just beyond the Coreward boundary of the Llon Nebula, made certain approaches to Kronex hazardous. Located within the spaceport were a wealth of cantinas and flophouses, providing spacers with facilities in which to exist while their ships were being repaired or refueled. (SS1)

Krongbing Interstellar Fashions
this Old Republic corporation merged with Ayelixe Fabrico, forming Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles. Krongbing had been struggling at the time, and viewed the merger as a positive thing. (WOTC)

Krooger, Eryk
this young Corellian decided to follow in the footsteps of Han Solo, during the early years of the New Republic. Known as Talonscar because of the ragged scar across his throat, Eryk was once attacked by a Corellian sand panther. The venom from the slash proved more of a problem that the cut itself, which was little more than a scratch. However, it took every ounce of effort for Eryk to fight off the poison and reach a medical facility. Since then, he has dedicated his life to becoming a smuggler worth of being compared to Solo. He refused to give into corruption or crime, always choosing the "right path", just as Solo did when he joined the Alliance. (CCW)

this was one of the many small communities that were created by the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk. Its economy was focused on the harvesting and sale of agricultural goods on Kashyyyk itself. (GMR4)

this form of architecture was developed by the Gkrur clan of Wookiees on the planet Kashyyyk, and was later reused by the Wookiees on the Alaris colony. The Krorral architecture emphasized an integration of the building with its environment, especially in rainy environments where a flat-roofed structure would encounter problems with excessive water. The Krorral form used domes and sweeping cones for the roofs of buildings, which forced the rainwater downward and off the roof without any standing pools. (GORW)

this Wookiee was one of many who served the New Republic as representative of the planet Kashyyyk. Along with his partner, Lamorrack, Krotorra was captured and sold into slavery by Slar-dan ti Gardi and Borun Call. (SWJ8)

this female Hutt was a minor crimelord who worked from a base on the planet Alvorine. Krova had been wanted in connection with the deaths of a multitude of Alliance personnel, and the bounty was established shortly after the Battle of Endor by the fledgling New Republic. She was captured by Langro Dis in the Pluthan Asteroid Field and returned to Alvorine, although rumor held that Krova allowed herself to be captured in order to "clear her name" while cutting a deal to keep herself free. Krova was known to have possessed a Sith Holocron. For safekeeping, Krova had swallowed the Holocron, and refused to reveal its location until her freedom could be guaranteed. Unknown to Krova, the Holocron emitted a form of distress signal upon being swallowed, which attracted Noth and and a group of Dark Side followers. When the Dark Siders attacked, Krova was forced to turn over the Holocron to them, and was later captured again and imprisoned. The Holocron itself was damaged when Noth tried to steal it, but nevertheless was retained by the Dark Siders. (GMR5)

this Nimbanese clan tried to apply for a data holding position under the Bureau of Ships and Services, shortly after the Bovark clan debacle. They also applied for a position of power under the Hutt Clan of Ancients. After the Hutts accepted their petition, the Krovalis Nimbanese asked them to allow the Krovalis clan to remain free, in return for access to Nimbanese data holdings under the BoSS. The Hutts, led by Zochaeb the Hutt and seeing a easy source of information from a non-aggressive party, agreed to this. They pushed hard on the BoSS to allow the Nimbanese to be re-instated as data holders. Thus, the Krovalis clan was the first of a new era of Nimbanese holders. (GG12)

this man was Jorkatt the Render's second-in-comnmand, until he was found drowned in a swimming accident. The presence of plasticrete bricks in the pockets of his clothing was never explained. Later, Vohrkrewel Yahrkar assumed Krovas' persona whenever he spent time on Celanon. (POC)

this was a team sport, in which two teams fought against each other with long poles. (JQ3)

a species of birds native to Kashyyyk, kroyies were once considered a food source only for rich Wookiees. This was primarily due to the skills needed to hunt and kill them as they moved through Kashyyk's dense and dangerous jungles. Over time, kroyies became a food source for all Wookiees. (HTTE)

this was the class of elite Coynite warriors whose exceptional honor and status made them virtually incorruptible. Fifty-eight Kroyn were assigned to guard each of the Ag'Tra, and each Ag'Tra sent one Kroyn to serve as a bodyguard to the En'Tra every year. This meant that the En'Tra had thirty Kroyn bodyguards at all times: twenty-nine from each Ag'Tra and one from the En'Tra's home family. (PG3)

this was one of five major starports located on the planet Coyn. Situated in the city of Kroyn'Tal, its name literally meant "Warriorland." (PG3)

a city on Coyn, Kroyn'Tal was the site of the Kroyn'Tais starport. (PG3)

this was a Nikto swear word. (ROP)

this alien race was at war with itself for 200 years. A brutish, green-skinned retpiloid people, the Krozurbian civil war would have raged longer if Master Zorneth hadn't slipped the leaders some savorium-laden thookah steaks. It was part of an experiment to verify to himself the potency of the herb. The Krozurbian leaders dropped their arms and immediately ceased their hostilities. (DRO)

this Old High Squibbian term is not translateable to Basic, but refers to the novelty value of an item under negotiation. (SH)

Krsslbel Waray
this was a noted member of the Mrlssi race. (UANT)

this was a model of Kurtob podracer. The cockpit of the KRT410C measured a scant 2.03 meters in length, while its engines were just 3.81 meters long. This made it one of the smallest racers of its day. However, this did not translate into more speed, as the KRT410C's top speed was around 775 kilometers per hour. (IG1)

this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language, the clan's name meant "mountainous". (GCG)

this surly Duros was one of the many gunners serving aboard the FarStar during its search for Moff Sarne in Kathol Sector. Originally a turbolaser gunner aboard an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate, Krudar was more concerned about getting kill marks on his blast vest that with actually winning the battle. His blast armor was taken from an Imperial gunner he killed during battle. Krudar kept the remainder of his past a secret, and claimed to have joined the crew of the FarStar to travel Kathol Sector. (DARK, KO)

Kruger, Moira
this woman, who fashioned herself as a Lady, owned and operated the Grinder Dance Hall in the boomtown of Corestrike, on Chrona, during the early years of the New Republic. Along with Mortris and Arno Gallorr, Moira worked as one of the town's governmental Adjuncts, although it was later revealed that Moira had been bought out by the crimelor Themog. Her origins were unknown, but she was a prominent bantha-owner until the discovery of chronamite poisoned her herds. She nearly lost everything, until she won the Grinder Dance Hall in a game of sabacc. Her detractors claim she cheated her way to the Grinder, having been a con artist and gambler since her youth. Shortly before Mortris Gallorr began hiring mercenaries to try and protect Corestrike from criminals, Moira began a relationship with Themog, and the two were inseparable. She allowed Themog to use the Grinder as a hideout. (SWJ12)

this species of deer was native to the jungles of Lamaredd. Krugga deer were a common target for hunters of all species, as they were known for their tasty venison. (GMR7)

Kruk Battle-wagon
this warship was developed shortly after the Clone Wars. (SOP)

Kruke Kruke
this was a common name among the Swokes Swokes race. (GORW)

this man was Jai Raventhorn's fiance, before he was killed by Imperial forces. (TFNR)

Krul, Kaox
this immense man was one of the Dark Jedi who supported Lord Kaan, during the years leading up to the Battle of Ruusan. Known as The Madman, or The Marauder, or even The Dark Killer, Kaox Krul was one of the Brotherhood of Darkness' most vicious warriors. He never built his own lightsaber, instead obtaining his first weapon from the Jedi Knight he killed with his Dark Side powers. As Lord Kaan readied his forces to attack Ruusan, Kaox Krul found himself unable to return to his Master's side because he was being pursued by Crian Maru. He tried to kill her and her apprentice, Dree Vandap, in the Balowa System, but the attack left both of their starships disabled. Once he made planetfall, Kaox Krul set out to kill the Jedi. Crian lured Krul to a lake, hoping to meet him on her own terms. He used The Force to throw Crian from the battle, killed Dree Vandap during this lull in the battle, then turned his full attention to Crian. Crian, angered at the untimely death of her Padawan, attacked with fury as much as focus. The battle went on for hours, until Crian finally gave in to the Dark Side. In the incredible concentration of Dark Side energy, both Crian and Kaox Krul were completely consumed, blasting the life from the immediate area and causing widespread ecological damage to the planet. Neither was ever found again. (GMR5)

a talkative, good-natured Quarren, Kruluk runs The Long Drink bar and eatery in Morjanssik, on Calamari. He believes that the Quarren should join the Alliance and rid themselves of the Empire, but he keeps this mostly to himself. He doesn't want any trouble, with his fellow Quarren or the authorities of Morjanssik. (DU)

this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)

this Wookiee worked as Bolabo Hujaan's chief mechanic at Bolabo's Garage on Byblos. They met while serving together on a smuggler's starship, and Krunch accompanied Bolabo when she set out on her own. According to Bolabo, the name Krunch was chosen because that's what the Wookiee did to patrons who didn't pay for their repairs at the Garage. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Krunch rarely left the confines of the Garage, fearing that Imperial forces would enslave him. The patrons of Bolabo's Garage always left happy, because Krunch was a highly skilled mechanic who could work wonders with almost any starship. (CRO)

Krung Dynasty
the rulers of this ancient dynasty were often embalmed and mummified after death, in hopes that they might live longer lives in the afterworld. The Mendacian funeral urns of the young Krungs were considered priceless by the time of the Battle of Hoth. (TJT)

Krupx Munitions
this small corporation manufactured a variety of starship-based detonation devices, such as proton torpedoes. (SCRE, EGW)

this scrawny-looking man worked for Booster Terrik as a guard and soldier aboard the Errant Venture. (IJ)

this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it described to a violent herbivore found on Bothawui. (GCG, WOTC)

Kruskob Tiltanka
see Kob (GMR1)

a Huttese term for stick or pole. (JTH)

this Trandoshan bounty hunter was active during the last decades of the Old Republic. When the Bounty Hunters Guild was smashed, Krussk met up with Roweedu while the two were tracking the same target. Krussk agreed to work with Roweedu to hunt down Alliance operatives who were wanted by the Empire. (SWRPG, RESB)

this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the Trandoshan language, the name meant "strangles his prey". (GCG)

this spider-like being was one of the many gladiators who tried to win their freedom from the arenas of Rattatak, during the final years of the Old Republic. (CWSB)

one of the many pilots who worked for Lando Calrissian in the asteroid belt known as Lando's Folly, Kruuny was one of the pilots who agreed to help Lando's forces try and hold off the first wave of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. (VP)

this was a common name among the Sauvax race. (UANT)

Kruy Mulacks
this green-skinned humanoid hosted his own investigative newsfeed, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Mulacks' show was known to be entertaining, if not a bit overdramatic. He was perhaps best known for being on the scene when the Temple of Tet-Ami was opened. (T13)

Krykas V
this was a totally uncivilized planet, located in a remote corner of the Mid Rim. Krykas V was surrounded by an intense electromagnetic field, which was strong enough to knock out most starship and ground-based sensors and communication. Compounding the approach to Krykas V was the fact that the planet was located in the midst of a dense asteroid belt. This location resulted in a number of asteroid hits to the surface of the planet each year. The atmosphere of Krykas V was continually clogged with rainstorms, and much of its flat surface is covered with mud lakes and damp earth. While the air on the planet's surface is safe for most humanoids to breathe, it had a heavy moisture content and was thick with a muddy smell. (WOA18)

Krykis IV
it was on this planet that Doctor Corellia Antilles discovered the Voorlach Temple. (SWJ14)

this Alliance General was in charge of the Outer Rim Communications Center during the Galactic Civil War. Kryll was a former Imperial officer who defected to the Alliance after the destruction of Alderaan. He often told his troops that he defected, not because of Alderaan, but because the Empire didn't appreciate his wonderful tenor voice. He later served the New Republic on Generis, and was able to evacuate Travia Chan when the Imperial forces under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn managed to retake the planet. (RASB, TLC)

this was a common name used by the Geonosian race. (UANT)

this planet was located in the Gordian Reach. (MC25)

this city is the capital of the planet Zelos II. Like all Zelosian cities, it is ringed with a 10-meter tall wall, and has a standing garrison. The garrison of Kryndyn numbers 50,000 troops. It has a thriving commodities maket, and provides ample supplies for Zelosian and off-worlder needs. (PG2)

this Corellian youth was rescued by Han Solo and Chewbacca from Ylesia. (RD)

this man was believed to have been the planetary Senator from Malastare, during the early years of the New Order. (TBAD)

Krysusten, Alyk
this man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Rimma, during the height of the New Order. His job was complicated by the many shantytowns that sprang up in Rimma's major cities, which proved to be hotbeds of Alliance activity. (GCG)

an alien race which worshipped the Emperor Palpatine during the reign of the New Order, the Krytollaks are a warm-blooded, insectile species. They have hard, dense outer shells surrounding tough skeletal structures. Most Krytollaks have brown or black shells. A green shell appears every so often, and is reverred as a sign of greatness. Nobles and ranking officials paint elaborate designs on the shells. They have small eyes hidden within their facial plates, and beak-like mouths. Their ears are really a series of membranes arranged around the facial plates, and they lack a nose as well as a sense of smell. They subsist on plant material and certain rocks and minerals. They were technologically primitive and aloof when they were discovered during the latter years of the Old Republic. When Palpatine rose to power, the Krytollaks - who believe in a single ruler of their own homeworld of Thandruss - deferred to his awesome power. Many Krytollaks infiltrated the Alliance in an effort to provide information to the Empire. It is unknown how the Krytollaks have adapted to life under the auspices of the New Republic. (GG12)

this was the codename for Evir Derricote's alien bioweapon. The Krytos virus was developed to affect only aliens, not humans. This was part of Ysanne Isard's master plan to expose the New Republic as unsympathetic to non-humans. The goal of the Krytos virus was to infect all of the aliens on Coruscant just before the Republic could take control of the planet. Then, just as it was trying to position itself as the dominant government in the galaxy, the aliens would suddenly become ill. Originally developed on Borleias, the Krytos virus initially caused a stupor or listlessness in aliens, followed by a dark discoloration of the skin. The skin would later crack and blister, then seem to melt away. The Krytos virus was designed to infect a cell and multiply within the cell until the cell burst from the pressure. The suddenly-release viruses would infect neighboring cells, continuing to multiply and explode cells. The virus affected all cells in an alien's body, including skin, organs, and bones. One unique side effect of the Krytos virus is that it seemed to ignore nerve cells and pain receptors. Thus, the victim was acutely aware of the pain the virus was causing. Derricote developed the Krytos virus with an antidote: it could be counteracted by immersing the victim in large amounts of bacta. The more widespread the virus is, the more bacta is required to eliminate it. This was the second part of Isard's plan. The Republic could save all of the aliens by providing them with bacta, but it would have to bankrupt itself in order to do it. (WG, KT, EL1)

a red drink favored by the Ssi-ruuvi, its contents are not known. (TB)

K-Series Droid
this Industrial Automaton series of droids was designed as spaceport control drones. They were tall, awkward-looking automata with clamshell-shaped craniums, long arms, and protruding mid-sections. They were often painted red or yellow to set them apart from normal droids. (GG6)

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