Krin, Angela
this woman was one of the Corporate Sector Authority's most dedicated officers, during the early years of the New Order. Many of her peers - and most of her enemies - considered her a frustrating, officious bureaucrat who did everything by the book. To her friends, she was a dedicated and hard-working woman who was completely loyal to the CSA and its ideals. She was placed in command of the CSA's blockade of the planet Endregaad, when a plague decimated the surface and threatened to spread beyond its borders. From the bridge of the Dreadnaught Resolute, Krin ensured that only approved ships made the journey to and from Endregaad's surface. In the wake of the Endregaad Plague, Krin was promoted to Captain and assigned to locating the source of the tempest spice and eliminating it. To this end, she began secretly working with Mika the Hutt and his aide, Vago, using her race to enter places that most Hutts could never reach. Unknown to Krin, however, was the fact that Mika himself was the source of the tempest. In the wake of Popara's death, Krin found herself stranded on Nar Shaddaa, and hoped that Mika could get her offworld before he cover was blown. However, Krin and Mika were both captured by Zonnos, who was going insane because of an addiction to tempest spice. After getting free, Krin continued her search for the source of tempest, and managed to discover that the Endregaad Plague was actually a mutated form of a virus that was native to Varl, the former Hutt homeworld. Furthermore, this virus could actually alter the chemical composition of normal spice, turning it into a crude form of tempest. With this knowledge, she surmised that it was a Hutt who was producing tempest. With the help of a group of freelance agents who had been working for Popara the Hutt, Krin managed to track down the Tempest production facility on Varl. When the agents defeated Mika and destroyed the Tempest, she was able to return to her superiors with good news. She worked to ensure that everything known about tempest spice was destroyed, so that the addictive and dangerou substance was never a threat again.