Kruger, Moira
this woman, who fashioned herself as a Lady, owned and operated the Grinder Dance Hall in the boomtown of Corestrike, on Chrona, during the early years of the New Republic. Along with Mortris and Arno Gallorr, Moira worked as one of the town's governmental Adjuncts, although it was later revealed that Moira had been bought out by the crimelor Themog. Her origins were unknown, but she was a prominent bantha-owner until the discovery of chronamite poisoned her herds. She nearly lost everything, until she won the Grinder Dance Hall in a game of sabacc. Her detractors claim she cheated her way to the Grinder, having been a con artist and gambler since her youth. Shortly before Mortris Gallorr began hiring mercenaries to try and protect Corestrike from criminals, Moira began a relationship with Themog, and the two were inseparable. She allowed Themog to use the Grinder as a hideout.