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an alien race native to the planet Baralou, the Krikthasi have been enemies of the Multopos for their entire existence. They were descended from large, marine mollusks, and had long, flexible bodies studded with tentacles. Krikthasi have four well-developed eyes, with a set of four tentacles emerging just behind their heads. They have two mouths, one for eating and another for breathing. They used the water to help propel themselves through the water, expelling it through a group of vents at the rear of their bodies. Four more tentacles surround their hindquarters. Their coloration helped them communicate, as each Krikthasi could manipulate the pattern of their coloration to express complex concepts as well as emotions. The Krikthasi, in their seemingly endless war with the Multopos, have discovered that the eggs of the Multopos were quite delicious, and eat them as a way of proving to themselves that the Multopos were not sentient.
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