Walking Wounded Rebel & Mando Charity Patches
From Albin Johnson:
To my fellow Star Wars fans,
The Walking Wounded is a home for those in the Star Wars costuming community facing challenges: physical, mental, emotional. It began as an unofficial unit tied to the 501st Legion, but soon Rebel Legion and Mandalorian Mercs members asked to join - and none were denied. Because this is bigger than just one club.
In that spirit, I asked artist extraordinaire Dave Liew to create emblems to recognize our Rebel and Mando members. These just blow me away. Luke is such a big part of my SW history - as an amputee I feel so much encouragement seeing him brandishing his prosthesis. And this bad-ass Mando design makes it clear: this is the way!
(Some have seen these and asked about other clubs being represented. No worries, we are working to expand the line to include Dark Empire and other groups as well.)
It is important we all feel represented. Hopefully this will invite more non-501st members to join the WWD. Because this is our fight, together.
Order information:
* Patches will be 3.5" round with merrowed border with twill background
* $7 apiece (or $5 apiece for orders of five or more patches in any combination)
* Order by sending payment via PayPal to WalkingWoundedDetachment@gmail.com
* Shipping is $1 per five patches ordered within the U.S.
* International shipping is $3 for 1 to 5 patches - please email me at WalkingWoundedDetachment@gmail.com for a shipping quote on orders over 5 patches
* Pre-order opens today and runs through February 15. Patches ship in late February;
* All proceeds benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation
* Feel free to email me with any questions
I hope you'll all join me in celebrating the broadening horizons for the Walking Wounded family. If you or someone you know is coping with a physical, emotional, or mental hardship - feel free to contact me at admin@wwdetachment.com and we can get you on our roster and part of a very cool support network. No weird questions, no pressure - everyone gets approved.
WWD page: www.wwdetachment.com
FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/walkingwoundeddetachment
Be safe out there and know that your strength is greater than you can possibly imagine. We're just here to remind you of that! :)
- AL (R2-KT's man-servant)
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