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Robot Chicken SW: Episode III UK Release

Posted By Mike on May 29, 2011

While fans in the U.S. have to wait until July 12th to pick up Robot Chicken Star Wars: Episode III and the full Robot Chicken Star Wars Trilogy on DVD and Blu-Ray, our friends in the UK will be able to do so a bit earlier according to the following press release. In addition, EmpireOnline.com has a new exclusive trailer.

Robot Chicken Star Wars ? Episode 3?..
??July the 4th be with you

Revolver Entertainment are cock-a-hoop to present the DVD release of the epic Adult Swim show, Robot Chicken Star Wars ? Episode 3. This all new double-length DVD is available on July 4th, at ?12.99, along with the Robot Chicken Star Wars Trilogy boxset (RRP ?15.99)

Millions of years from now, after Socrates, Shakespeare and the bible are long forgotten, only two great works will remain: the sci-fi cinema epic Star Wars and Adult Swim's stop-motion animated, cheap gag extravanganza Robot Chicken. And now, for the first time, they come together for the third time, in this all-new special.

That's right, all your most beloved Star Wars characters are going back through the comedy meat grinder. Watch Darth Vader fall into a toilet, while Emperor Palpatine rides the endless Death Star escalator! See Gary the Stormtrooper's speederbike test-drive come to a gruesome, Ewok-splattering end! And witness the firepower of Boba Fett's fully armed and operational T-SHIRT CANNON! Plus much, much more! It's Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode III. Set your phasers to ''fun''! (Oh wait, wrong franchise.)

Not forgetting the ever-popular DVD extras, this edition is loaded with 3 hours of special features, including: For the Love of Toys Featurette ? For the Love of Star Wars Featurette - For the Love of Filmmaking Featurette - Trailers - Skate tour - Sunday in the - Boardroom with George Lucas - SW Celebration Panels - Easter Eggs - Voice Records Featurette - Writing Process Featurette - VFX Featurette - Skywalker Ranch premiere - Deleted Animatics - Chicken Nuggets - Gag Reel ? Commentaries

Duration: 45mins + over 3hrs of extras (detailed above)

Pre-order Episode 3 and the Trilogy now at Amazon!

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