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Her Universe Returning To SDCC

Posted By Mike on July 6, 2011

Ashley Eckstein is all set to make her triumphant return to San Diego Comic-Con by hosting her second SDCC Her Universe panel per the following press release.

In addition, make sure to check out the July 1st episode of The ForceCast where Ashley was a special guest and talked The Clone Wars and Her Universe, told her sister-in-law to call back later, and more!


For the second year-in-a-row, actress and HER UNIVERSE? Founder, Ashley Eckstein, will be sponsoring and hosting a very special panel at San Diego Comic Con on Thursday, July 21st from 6pm to 7pm in room 25ABC. Entitled, ?Her Universe: What Women Want in Their Female Sci-Fi Heroes,? the panel will feature an all-star group of panelists including Dave Filoni, Supervising Director of Star Wars?: The Clone Wars.

At long last, fangirls are now asserting their rightful place in a pop culture community typically dominated by men (and boys). Leading the charge and creating a voice for geek girls everywhere is Ashley Eckstein, who provides the voice of Ahsoka Tano in the animated television series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. A year ago, she launched HER UNIVERSE, a ?geek chic? line featuring fashionable, female?focused apparel and accessories for fangirls from the beloved Star Wars franchise and, now, her new Syfy branded line which includes designs for Battlestar Galactica and Warehouse 13, among others. Eckstein?s new endeavor, however, is not just about selling merchandise. She has started a movement within the Sci-Fi community to equally acknowledge the female fan base.

As the voice of a strong female role model, Ahsoka Tano, host Eckstein wants to bring the conversation of women in Sci-Fi to the forefront. Today, a new generation of creative minds are molding the strong, intelligent and powerful female roles we see in many Sci-Fi films, television, comics and other media. What are the differences from past Sci-Fi adventures with female characters to today?s feminine heroes that women can really connect to? How do you create a truly interesting and unique female character in the Sci-Fi universe? How are they different from their male counterparts? These questions and more will be discussed on this timely subject by Eckstein and a dynamic panel of creative minds from television, film, comics and publishing including Dave Filoni, alongside Chris Sanagustin (SVP Development & Current Programming for Universal Cable Productions), Bryan Q. Miller (Exec. Story Editor-Smallville, writer-Batgirl comic), Betsy Mitchell (Editor in Chief - Del Rey Books), Melinda Hsu Taylor (writer/producer- Lost, Medium, Supervising Producer - Touch) and Gail Simone (writer - DC?s Birds of Prey, Secret Six and Wonder Woman).

The current line of HER UNIVERSE Star Wars apparel and accessories can be found at www.heruniverseshop.com. The new HER UNIVERSE Syfy branded apparel debuts at San Diego Comic Con and online simultaneously.

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Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch
Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014:
Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.

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