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[Jedi Council Forums]
Who Doesn't Hate Jar Jar anymore?

Fans who grew up with the OT-Do any of you actually prefer the PT?

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Interviews -
Face To Face With The Masters

Any citizen of the galaxy may be summoned to answer to the Jedi Council. Here you may read the transcripts of such sessions.

Cellblock 1138 - 1997-1999 - 2000 - 2002 - 2003+

Formerly 'Cellblock 1138'

Michael Carter - Bib Fortuna from Return of the Jedi

Aaron Allston - Authorof the X-Wing Novel Wraith Squadron

Tim McLauglin - ILMTechnical Director, Creature Wrangler/Animator for the Prequels

John 'Dak' Morton - Luke's gunner in TESB

Ann C. Crispin - Authorof the Young Han Solo series

Sally Sparkman - Former Personal assistant to Mark Hamill

Rebecca Moesta - Co-Authorof Young Jedi Knights Series, Author: Junior Jedi Knights

Julian Montoya - Former Director of Marketing for International Home Video, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Kevin J. Anderson - Author of Darksaber, The Jedi Academy Trilogy

Steve Perry - Authorof Shadows of the Empire

Tom Dupree - Former Senior Editor of Bantam Books

Michael A. Stackpole - Authorof the X-Wing Rogue Squadron Books and Comics

Reprinted Interviews

Rick McCallum - Producer of the Prequels, reprinted with special permission from SUM Magazine

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