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Interviews -
Face To Face With The Masters

Any citizen of the galaxy may be summoned to answer to the Jedi Council. Here you may read the transcripts of such sessions.

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Colin Wilson - The artist of the new Star Wars: Invasion comic-books talks to TF.N's Paul Urquhart. A companion-piece interview with series writer Tom Taylor, conducted by Mike Cooper, is available elsewhere!
Published February 19, 2009


Henry Gilroy and Dave Filoni - The writer and director of the Clone Wars movie and TV series answer our readers' questions.
Published December 29, 2008

Timothy Zahn - Paul Urquhart interviews the legendary Timothy Zahn.
Published October 29, 2008

Rodney Thompson - Adrick Tolliver interviews Star Wars RPG designer Rodney Thompson.
Published September 19, 2008.


Abel G. Peña - Paul Urquhart interviews Abel G. Pe?a, Star Wars author.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Published August 20-23, 2007.


Randy Stradley - Paul Urquhart interviews Randy Stradley, Editor of the Star Wars line at Dark Horse Comics.
Published October 17, 2006.


Meco - Shane Turgeon interviews Meco.
Published May 28, 2005.


Joe Nussbaum - Joshua Griffin recently interviewed Joe Nussbaum, director of fan film 'George Lucas in Love'.
Published June 9th, 2004 (by Joshua Griffin).


Shane Dix & Sean Williams - Michael Potts' second interview with Shane Dix and Sean Williams, co-authors of the NJO: Force Heretic Trilogy.
Published December 23rd, 2003 (by Michael Potts).

Mike Russell and David Stroup - Chris Hanel interviews Mike Russell and David Stroup, the writers of the new online comic "Jaxxon's 11".
Published May 15th, 2003 (by Chris Hanel).

Sean Williams & Shane Dix - Michael Potts interviews Sean Williams and Shane Dix, co-authors of the NJO: Force Heretic Trilogy.
Published February 4th, 2003 (by Michael Potts).

Jason Hall - Comics staff member Mike Cooper had the opportunity to interview one of Star Wars Tales? most popular contributors, acclaimed writer Jason Hall. Here?s what he had to say.
Published January 28th, 2003 (by Mike Cooper).

Christopher Lee - In the first of a series of reprinted guest interviews, we present the fantastic villian of LOTR and AOTC.
Published January 11th, 2003. (by Mark Dermul).

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