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Star Wars Is Everywhere: Episode VI

Posted By Mike on May 17, 2010

Well, we Star Wars fans tend to love sagas that come in six parts. Thus we present the sixth installment of Star Wars is Everywhere. Will there ever be episodes VII, VIII, and IX? While The Maker may say no, I respond with a resounding yes!

LOST is wrapping up its 6th, and final, season and Den of Geek reports on a letter of praise George Lucas sent to the shows creators. So, did he have it all planned out from the beginning?

From our friend Julian in the UK:

"I have been meaning to send this one in for ages. I saw this plane when I was waiting for one in Scotland, UK and it has the marking........................... G JEDI!!! What a find !! I wonder if the G is for George??? Hope you can see it on the image as I took this with my mobile phone."

Click on the image for the full view.
(Thanks Julian!)

Star Wars helps Microsoft Spain promote Internet Explorer 8. From WindowsTeamBlog.com:

"We know Internet Explorer 8 helps you stay safe while surfing the web with great features like the SmartScreen Filter which helps block malicious downloads and websites. My colleagues in Microsoft Spain have found a pretty creative way of talking about this with their new ?Yoda? campaign. Using the character from Star Wars, they have launched an online campaign designed to highlight staying safe online with Internet Explorer 8. Yoda represents the ?bright side? ? or the Force - of the Internet that embodies Internet Explorer 8. Yoda (IE8) helps users stay away from the ?Dark Side? of the Internet by keeping them protected against identity theft, cross-site scripting attacks, phishing attempts, and malware."

Click here for the full story.
(Thanks to our friend William of EUC for the link!)

The Huffington Post lists their choices for "The Most Awesome 'Star Wars' Products Of All Time."
(Thanks Jimmy!)

While giving a graduation speech at St. Michaels College that invoked Star Wars philosophy, Jamie Gordon proposed to his girlfriend in front of everybody. Visit WXII12.com for details and video. Oh, and we wish a hearty TFN congrats to the happy couple as Jamie's girlfriend did indeed say yes.

Bryan Lee O'Malley's comic book series Scott Pilgrim got the Star Wars poster treatment from comic book artist Joe Bowen as a tribute to the upcoming comic's movie adaptation.
(via the Official Starwars.com Blog)

Continuing with the whole art theme, check out Mattias Adolfsson's fantastically interesting Baroque Star Wars art at Behance.net.

How about just a couple links to articles celebrating 30 years of The Empire Strikes Back...

The News Record - "Happy birthday, Episode V"
The Walton Tribune - "Celebrating 30 years of the ?Empire?"

While our good friend Chris Wyman (of TFN and Rebelscum fame) provided a great write-up with pictures of George Lucas attending the Empire screening at Chicago's Field Museum, our friend Jeff provides a video of The Maker's Q&A.

(Thanks Jeff!)

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