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How do you feel about NSync being cut from Episode 2?


In or out, it doesn't bother me. It's inconsequential. (by Crimson Larko)

When I think of the thousands of dedicated SW fans around the world, I find it insulting that this boy band can just walk up and say "we love Star Wars, can you find a spot for us?" Could I, or any fameless fan, show up in Australia and get to be in AOTC? (by Natrone Fett)

Overjoyed! Keep them out - such publicity stunts have no place in Star Wars. (by J.R. Shields)

2002 = "Putting *NSYNC in the movie would be a great idea. 1978 = Putting together a holiday special, that's a great idea. (by Dan)

Star Wars not being my creative property, I don't feel it's my place to say. However, any reaction by Lucas(film) to public opinion on this matter would seriously erode my confidence that creativity rather than Public Relations and/or Marketing considerations are driving the development of the saga. (by Garland Cary)

I don't really care. *NSYNC in was fine, as they were just extras and who cares about extras? Them not being in it will at least makes the fanboys shut up about Lucas being a sellout. (by Matt "H.B.M.C." Eustace)

Star Wars is not about cameos and other nonsense. Leaving them on the cutting room floor is the right thing to do. If Lucas feels sorry for them, include them in the deleted scene section on the DVD where I'm not obligated to look at them. (by HEW)

I think we see enough of *NSYNC on MTV and everywhere else. We don't need to pull them into the Star Wars Universe. (by JDR)

Is it just me, or does it seem like Lucas isn't in the driver's seat anymore? The removal of *NSYNC may suggest that George is back; I guess we'll see when Episode II arrives. (by Fettrino)

I am extremely relieved that *NSYNC has been cut from the movie. We (Star Wars fans) deserve to have a really great movie. If *NSYNC is in it, the loyal fans are going to start heading away from SW. (by Cary Hetzel)


If it is indeed true that the scene has been cut, I am thankful and relieved. The band really had no reason to be in the movie, other than publicity. It goes against much of what George Lucas has said about his films. Not giving into media and Hollywood type hype, and sticking with unknown or relatively unknowns. (by Peter Ferguson)

"The force is strong with us!" (by THE FANS)

I just hope that it's true and not some ploy to get all of us to stop complaining about it. I think it would be a disgrace to all of the fans, and all those associated with Star Wars, if Lucas goes through with having them in the movie. It would represent a complete lack of respect for everything that Star Wars has come to represent. There are millions of people who love Star Wars, but you don't hear about them asking to be put in the movie and having that request granted. (by Benny)

I'm happy that I won't see *NSYNC in Jedi robes. I mean, let's face it, they will be recognizable. I do feel a little bad for the guys though. I mean, I know how I'd feel if I got the chance to be in a SW movie, and got cut cause no one wanted me there. (by Imperial Grunt)

Maybe a sign that George realizes how much these movies mean to us fans, and that without us he'd have nothing. (by Chris)

I feel like it is Christmas day. What a present from Santa!! Thank you George. (by chris)

It feels so good!!! From what I know, now they won't ruin the spirit of AOTC for me! (by Nick C?t?)

SW is not pop culture. I would never ever respect you guys again if *NSYNC was in any SW related activity. (by Kpy D)

I feel like a little kid who found out his Aunt Hilda isn't coming to his birthday party!!! wooo hooo!! (by fan since '83)

In the immortal dialogue of Uncle George himself: "YIPPEE!!!" (by Wynter)


Do whatever is best for the movie. (by Wayne)

Very much happy! (by P. Chevalier)

Good! because it was cause enough for me to not go and see it and never acknowledge the existence of Star Wars again. Even after growing up with it and living through it, to even cast them in the film in the first place is extremely stupid. (by the dude)

Refreshed - or at least I will once it's official. (by Cheesy-E)

Pure joy, borderline elation. Thank you Jesus. (by boba solo)

If they do make the final cut, hopefully you can't see their face. A bunch of teenyboppers screaming at any part of the movie would be worse than seeing Jar Jar Binks as a major character again. (by Jim)

Please, please, please let it be true! (by Nathan)

Good move on Lucas' part. (by Darth Timberlake)

It's a damn cameo. I feel that they should have just let them in, given them their 5 seconds of Star Wars fame, and not said anything about it. That way no feathers are ruffled. (by DarthDepot)

Just cause they're rich and famous they get to be in it? Let more deserving and real fans be in it. Terminally ill kids?? How cool would that be?? Do something good. Besides after you re-release AOTC for the 5th time on dvd, I'm sure you'll stick their scene in anyways. (by JIM LANHAM)


I was planning on boycotting Episode II when I heard that *NSYNC was going to be in the film. I may actually go see it now. (by Brian Cole)

I think it's better cause I think they would have messed it up. (by Stephanie)

Good. Couldn't have happened to a better cameo. (by James Taylor)

I say keep them in. Hey, they're extras. I hear they approached Lucasfilm and asked to do this, and I'm guessing it's because they're fans. :-). I may not care for their music, but I think it's fine for them to play random Jedi in a crowd scene. (by mairisunshine)

Tis Bombad! Or as Lando would say after flying out of the exploding second Death Star "yeeeeehaaaaaaa!" (by Loyal Fan Tani)

Now I feel great, but after reading that the flanneled one will have the final word, oh my. I have a feeling he does not consider our opinions and suggestions. In fact, I feel like he does not even care about the fans. (by Sarigar - Brazil)

Thank you for showing that you not only care about your younger fans, but also the ones who have been there for the long haul. Man, that magic started to smell really bad there for a while. (by Ryan Holt)

While I have no desire to see *NSYNC in anything (especially Star Wars), I have to be disappointed if Lucas caves to Fan-boy nonsense. I know it's been said many times now, but, it's his movie! If a cameo from someone has anyone that upset, they just shouldn't go to the movie. (by J Yost)

While I'm relieved, I can't help thinking about the fact that George at some point thought it was a good idea to have *NSYNC in the film in the first place. It has been said many times that Episode II is a make or break film regarding whether Mr. Lucas is "out of touch" or not. It leaves me with little faith in what else lies ahead. It does still seem as though he just doesn't get it if he can't even anticipate the recent fan outrage. (by BonoMcVox)

Well, to be honest with you, I had no idea they were even in it to begin with, but I can't begin to express my relief that they're not involved. It does not bode well for the film that they were even involved. (by DannyWyo)


I'm actually disappointed! I don't like the group, but the guys were SW fans who got to live the dream! Too many SW fans are way too insecure and lash out at anything considered a "teen idol" and they forget that, anyone of us would love to do what *NSYNC got to. I am a die-hard SW fanatic, and I saw this as a glimmer of hope that a fan can be a jedi if only for a moment. (by Digital Vapor)

I will be delighted if *NSYNC are actually cut from the movie. But now I have read that Lucas will make the final decision. And as much faith as I have in Lucas (I am one of the few who supported his work in EP. 1), I will not condone the act of placing *NSYNC into the genre of movies that I have grown to love. This is just a crime to the Star Wars Galaxy!!! (by ImmortalJedi)

Thank you for taking *NSYNC out of the movie. I will now go and pay to see the movie, whereas before I was considering never watching another Star Wars movie ever or Lucas film again. (by Charlie)

Restored my faith in humanity! (by G. Allen)

I think the less visible/recognizable cameos are, the better for these films. We don't want to be distracted from the story by who we can get a glimpse at or not. (by Philippe Grenier)

I'm actually disappointed. Like a previous post, I'd rather GL do what he wants. The movies are his, not ours. Lucas doesn't owe us anything, so he shouldn't have to change something because fans were upset. I was a little shocked to hear they were in the movie, but I was more shocked to hear that Lucasfilm may have caved to pressure. What I would like to see is a statement from Lucas or Lucasfilm saying the scenes were cut for some other reason, but the cynical wouldn't believe that either... (by JediWampa)

Great!!!!! Why would I want a boy band member in a Star Wars movie!!! What were they thinking??? (by Daniel)

Who cares? They were extras. Everyone's making a big deal out of nothing. Cut or not, it would just be an answer to an interesting trivia question. (by jhutt75)

Every little thing GL will do. Never seems enough for you. (Fanboys) You don't want to see them again, but I'm just like them! Maybe when you finally, sit down and think. "Guess what? It's not gonna be them!". (by Master Rock Maedo)

Very good Lucas. (by Tommy)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250,  
251-300, 301-350, 351-400, 401-450, 451-500,  
501-550, 551-600, 601-650, 651-700, 701-750,  
751-800, 801-850, 851-900, 901-950, 951-1000,
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