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How do you feel about NSync being cut from Episode 2?


This would have been a disaster on scale with the destruction of Alderaan. (by RAY)

Get a life! With or without *NSYNC AOTC is still going to suffer the same fate as Episode I, and your complaining about pop stars making a cameo appearance will not make a difference. To sum it up, Episode II will suffer from the same things as Episode I: no plot and no development of characters. The original movies rule and so does LOTR!! (by Diehard Original Trilogy Fan)

I just hope George makes the movie he wants to make. As long as he is in charge, I'm confident the movie will be great. (by Paul Jenkins)

I think they should still be in it. Who cares if they are *NSYNC, or anyone else. I'm sure there are some people out there who don't like Samuel L. Jackson. Should he be removed also, just to please them? It annoys me that people complaining and being whiny have such an influence. Then again, I guess Luke was a complainer, and a whiner, and he has quite a bit of influence. Anyway, in short, quit complaining! (by BrianTheSith)

Let this be a lesson to those who think the SW verse is a commodity or a 'fun thing to do on a weekend'. It is a world to many of us, an escapist vehicle and a moral center; don't mess with it. (by Pmarq)

Wait a second, I didn't read the Question. Well that's the second best idea I've ever heard! (by Pompous George)

Why not include them? Adding *NSYNC fits perfectly in Lucas' scheme of taking a nice idea and slowly ruining it over multiple generations. Next movie I expect to see fly-thru Taco Bells, Pee Wee Herman, and Michael Jackson. (by Dark Phiber)

Star Wars is back!!! (by s. douglas)

I'm glad that they won't be in the movie. Very, very glad. (by Ed)

Episode II was doomed from the start, but now at least it'll be bearable. (by Chrissy B)


Personally, if they weren't obvious I wouldn't care if they were in or not. They could appear in it now secretly as some extras, and nobody would be likely to notice or care. But admitting to having them in there in any way is just stupid. (by CrashCat)

I do feel bad for the guys in *NSYNC; they'd realized the ultimate fan dream, only to have it crushed. That being said, it's too bad that this whole thing transpired. For one, I disagree with the idea of casting the band simply because they are famous. There are plenty of fans out there who would go to huge lengths to get a part in the movies, even as a two frame extra, many of whom may very well be good actors, but who will never be cast for one reason or another. (by Andrew Hungerford)

That rocks. (by j)

Well I'm happy this got cut but I think this was just the tip of the iceberg (and on the top sits Jar Jar). (by Odd Job)

It's a shame that they were even there in the first place. (by JJJinks)

Yeah, I wouldn't have gone to watch it if they'd been in it. (by Peter B. Otte)

George Lucas must be one of the smartest people alive. By cutting *NSYNC out he has essentially made them a deleted scene. So when Episode2 comes out on DVD, hundreds of teenage girls will buy the dvd just so they can see *NSYNC. (by A11kb)

Well you know I'm not an *NSYNC fan, but I really think it would've been no big deal at all if they stayed in. Too many Star Wars fans complain about little things that are in Star Wars. Like Jar Jar, the Ewoks, and *NSYNC. They need to learn to appreciate the good things about it. I bet the *NSYNC group is feeling really bad right now. I mean, they were Star Wars Fans too. (by JediJen)

I wish they had stayed so they could get the wrong end of a lightsaber. (by Brad Salzman)

Star Wars has more than enough appeal to make it an instant #1 at the box office, so why would you want to time stamp a movie like that by having them in the movie? (by Sharq)


It really would have been ok had *NSYNC stayed in the background, but I must confess knowing they've been cut makes me happy as hell. I think you guys said it best, too many recognizable faces jars us out of the galaxy far far away and into the real world. I could've dealt, but glad I don't have to anymore; unless they are still in the movie unknown to us. (by capjedi)

I'm really glad they aren't going to be in the movie!!!! (by Wooldi)

Thank god! It would have been like having the Bee-Gee's in ANH - it just doesn't belong. (by Daniel Raymer)

A deletion necessary to preserve the integrity of the saga. I am not an NSYC basher, but merely a Star Wars fan, one who would have been disappointed to see Mr. Lucas' timeless story & vision, compromised by what would have amounted to a sell-out to pop culture fad. (by Chris C.)

I really didn't care either way because their appearance didn't impact the quality of the movie either way, but I do think it's for the best since so many people cared so much - perhaps cared a bit too much. (by Ted)

Good Move!!! Bty, Please don't screw up the third episode. Also use less effects so as to nicely bride E3 into E4 a New Hope!!!!!!!! (by Ellic Taylor)

I think that it was stupid that fans were upset about it at all. It's not like they were going to break out into a song. They were going to be in it for an eye-blink. I think that this is just someone in the upper echelons being afraid. I could even tolerate Jar Jar, for the amount of screen time he's going to get. C'Mon George. If they were going to be in there, let it happen. It's not like they were major plot busters or anything. (by David Norbot)

This is sweet! Now EP II will really support what Yoda said : "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter!" (by Tiger_A_K)

Exuberant! With voices united, we have prevailed. Now let's get to work on Jar Jar. (by Kevin Hicks)

Relieved to say the least. (by Mace)


Don't sully the universe or momentum with pop stardom. (by Lonnie Renteria)

It's great! Star Wars minus pop culture equals great entertainment. (by Mat Rags)

Thank you so Much!!!!!! (by Alex)

Up until today I used to think the internet was one of the worst things that had happened to movies. It had given every fan a voice to express his/her singular opinion on what they wanted from a movie. But now it seems to me that it can be used sometimes in a good way. It can be used to remind filmmakers of previous committed statements on how they would handle their films. I'm glad to see Mr. Lucas listens to his fans when he needs to. Thank the maker. (by redtwo3)

I am glad that Lucas is listening to others for a change. (by Deus1138)

Well, my life hasn't changed much. It's comforting knowing that I'll be able to find a place in the United States where I don't have to worry about seeing pop superstars for a few hours. (by Smack Attack)

Thank god. My faith in Lucas slipped hard when I heard the news that *NSYNC was in E2. Thank you for coming to your senses and coming back to the good side. (by jeff s)

Phew! Tremendous relief! It's nice to hear that wiser heads prevailed at LFL, though it's still disheartening that it was even considered in the first place. (by Darth Sifl)

I thought it humorous when I heard *NSYNC were going to be in EP2, I thought it funny when I heard the rabid fanboy cries to remove them, I found it hilarious when Lucas eventually removed them due to overwhelming cries of desperation. Who says EP2 won't be good, it is entertaining already and it isn't even out. (by Whats-his-name)

Being a father I can understand Lucas doing it for his kid, but I think it was wise to take them out to please the billion Star Wars fans out there. (by LongJohns)


Thank you!!!!! I am sooo tired of anyone who is famous trying to get into the Star Wars movies!!!!! (by Ra)

That's the best Episode II news I have heard in a long time. The cameos are getting out of control. There is nothing wrong with characters from the other films making a cameo, but enough with the people like Rick McCallum and *NSYNC. They have no place in the Star Wars movies. (by Frank Sabatino)

Cutting *NSYNC is the best decision George has ever made. I was so mad when I heard that *NSYNC would be in the movie. Good decision George to get rid of them. (by Marc)

The Star Wars franchise has been saved! (by PT)

Thank God! There are a lot of struggling actors who need these bit parts. Rich guys shouldn't get in just because they have connections. (by BERNJ1)

Ok, that's great, but if Lucas changes his mind that fast, then it makes me wonder if he really knows what he is doing. Is there any real conviction behind anything that is going to appear in Episode II? (by Shaun Cartwright)

When I first heard this I thought it was a joke! Now that I see it firsthand my reaction is this - Star Wars is from the mind of George Lucas and should stay that way. I don't believe that idea came from him or his staff, unless he considers his kids part of his staff. If this idea was considered, then the idea of having a true fan (like me), win a contest to be in the movie would have happened. After all, I did name my first born, Biggs! (by Sean Miller)

This was for the better. The big mistake was announcing that. If we find this secretly throughout the movie, it could have looked cool. But announcing like that sounds too much commercial. The Star Wars saga lives on! (by Fabiano)

*sigh* I can now rest in peace. Wake me up when AOTC is released. (by 1001 Jedi Nights)

I think it's sad George gave in. *NSYNC would have flashed by, it wasn't like they were going to sing or dance around. No offence internet geeks, but you ruined a bunch of fellow Star Wars fans (yes, *NSYNC) chance to be in a Star Wars film, more than likely that's your dream as well. How would you like the same done to you? (by JR)

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