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How do you feel about NSync being cut from Episode 2?


Huzzah!! That rules. (by LightI3ulb)

With everything else to consider, I cannot believe this became an issue. I truly hope that Lucas said he cut the scene just to shut all you whining babies up, and actually keeps them in the movie! If you can make a better movie, make one! Otherwise, who are you to tell a director what he can and cannot have in his movie? (by Embarrassed fan)

George Lucas has proven one more time that he is a jedi himself, by using the force to do the right thing. (by Boncho)

I think it sucks. If I were one of them I would have used my star power to get into a Star Wars film. Even if it was for a very small, barely visible in the background cameo. But since whiny, jealous fanboys complained enough, they lost their dream. Just cause they're a pop group means that they aren't Star Wars fans? Who knows how many times they've seen the films? It's just a cameo. Had it not been made public it wouldn't have meant anything to anyone but *NSYNC. (by Estranged)

I am glad they are being cut from Episode II, but I'm puzzled as to what George thinking! *NSYNC, as bad as they are, should stick to their music. Why George did it, I'll never know, but any way, I'm thrilled at the news! (by Aaron)

It's not a big deal. It's just a bunch of extras who are part of pop culture. There are plenty of neat and not so neat extras in the SW movies anyway, so get over the boy band in or out of the film. And please leave LFL alone with opinions, it's not a democracy making a movie you know. (by John Pemble)

Three seconds of *NSYNC would have ruined this movie? Don't think so. We would have dealt with it, and moved on. Yes, cameos take you out of the flick, but I wouldn't have sweat their three seconds of immortality. We need to be more concerned that's it a good movie overall, folks. (by Valeda Kor)

Overjoyed that they are out, but scared at the "lack of vision" George has to even think about such a thing. How could he have possibly thought that the fans would take this well? On the other hand, he got the movie in the headlines in the wake of the enormous successes of LOTR. (by Christian Detres)

Thank goodness they are not in the movie. It would have been a big disappointment if they were kept in the movie. (by Matthew)

Great! Now if only they'd think up better titles. Please! (by Ethan)


Yes, Yahoo, Thank you God. (by Sam Tabler)

You know, this would have guaranteed that we would have seen more human Jedi among all the stupid rubber masked alien Jedi we've seen in some of the pictures, but oh well. (by Norseman)

:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):). (by N)

Damn straight. (by ROB)

This better be true. (by michael camp)

The fanboys strike back. As if the fans of the saga weren't perceived as geeky enough, the masses now have more fodder to disrespect true SW fans. (by Mike from SD)

Glad! imagine being at the premiere, and a lot of people screaming for them and not for the movie itself. (by Aleia)

The omission of the boyband is nothing but good news. There are many reasons but most of all *NSYNC fans and Star Wars fans are generally not the same people. It could only distract the viewer making you once again realize you are only watching a movie. (by stephen macneil)

I think it is the right thing to do. Why does there have to be high profile cameos like this in a Star Wars movie? It serves no purpose to the story and will distract from the flow of the movie. There are so many people who would love a cameo in a Star Wars film, why does *NSYNC get it? It has already overshadowed EP II and their removal is a good call on Lucas' part. It shows that he is listening to his audience. (by Chris B)

I'm much happier now, *NSYNC being in an honoured movie like Star Wars is a BAD idea. (by JonG)


They were in Episode 2? (by Kim)

The best thing about this is that Lucas is finally giving attention to what the fans want. What disturbs me is that it took a huge fan-based uproar to point out the painfully obvious: *NSYNC does not belong in Star Wars. They are teen pop culture icons, which has absolutely no bearing on an epic film. That had no place being in it. It came across like the films in general weren't being taken seriously. It would have distracted from the entire experience. (by #1 Stunna)

I'm glad that George and Rick listened to the fans, as they always have!!! They keep Star Wars true to what it is all about, the fans. Whether or not I personally cared that *NSYNC was in it (I would have been royally annoyed seeing them on screen) doesn't matter, it's what is true to Star Wars, and *NSYNC is not Star Wars. (by Junkz (Wash, DC))

OK, they actually made a good move and cut *NSYNC. (by Vybex)

I really didn't like *NSYNC being involved but they should have left them in. No matter what the fans think, Lucas or anyone else should not change the art based on what the masses believe. (by Darth Lojack)

I'm so happy that tears are welling up in my eyes. It would have been wrong for them to be in the film. (by Obi-Wan-Kablooie)

*sarcastic* Great going, SW fans! You managed to cut *NSYNC's grand 0.9 second appearance in Episode 2 with the power of your whiny voices! Way to go! *end sarcasm* (by Amy)

How right Lucas was when he said he made these movies primarily for children. Congratulations on a couple of things: 1. You made an artist "create" something "to match your sofa". 2. You publicly dissed his child for being a fan of a boygroup and ridiculed her (and to have that done by people who are almost below Trekkies on the geek scale to boot). 3. Last but not least, thank you for proving who bought all those Billy Dee Williams albums. (by plastic)

Ye all must be thankful that Lord George blessedly cut those fanboys from the blessed film!!!!!! (by Jeff Anderson)

Good!! Lucas doesn't need to ruin the movie. (by DJR)


Congrats. The 800lb fanbase has grunted its mighty grunt, and the artist you once loved has caved to your infantile, selfish demands. Star Wars fandom is a curse. (by drow)

This is great. I never understood why they chose *NSYNC anyway. If you had to choose some one, why not get the remainder of Zeppelin in there? (by Doo da)

What worries me is how disconnected Lucasfilm has grown from their fanbase. What were they thinking? Did they really think Star Wars fans would embrace this? (by Cory)

I think it is great. They don't deserve to be in it just because they are somewhat famous. They are not pure enough for Star Wars. (by hammerhead)

I cant express how glad I am about this. Good call Lucas! (by Andrew)

You got rid of *NSYNC because people complained. You left Jar Jar in cause . . . (by Luuuuuuuk)

I feel supremely relieved. I can now resume wanting to see the movie. (by Darren)

[nelson voice] Ha hah! [/nelson voice]. (by darth_bat)

I thought they might have been a fun addition. (by george L.)

George, my faith has returned. (by EvilFish)


I couldn't be happier. (by tkelley)

I was away last week, so I didn't even know they were in, in the first place, but I'm glad they're not there anymore. (by Grgeon)

Relieved. Part of the power of Star Wars films are their timelessness; cameos of groups, especially a group like this, permanently attaches the film to an era. (by Aleksandr)

You know, people are feeling sorry for the band not getting to be in the movie. I say, they should have seen this coming and just kept their mouths shut about being in it, at least until after everyone saw it and enjoyed it. They ruined it for themselves. (by Christian Detres)

While I wasn't particularly pleased with the idea, I think it's unbelievably sad that a lot of fanboys can convince a director that a cameo shouldn't be in a flick. If they wanted to be in the film, that's theirs and George's decision, not the decision of the fanbase. (by RC)

Thank God Lucas took out *NYSNC. Regardless if their part was so small, it will be a weird feeling to have a boyband in such a scifi epic like Star Wars. (by Anthony)

They should never have been considered in the first place. It is imperative that Star Wars remains that galaxy far, far away and not anything else recognizable to present fads. (by Jeff Luoma)

I'm so relieved you came to your senses, and for those people that are saying that they were just fans, is crap. Don't you think that any other extras would be huge fans too? *NSYNC just used their popularity to insert themselves into a classic film like SW and ruin it. (by Chris)

Now they can have Weezer be in it instead! =w= (by Darth Rivers)

Wow. What a relief!!!!!!! (by darkskywalker)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250,  
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501-550, 551-600, 601-650, 651-700, 701-750,  
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