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How do you feel about NSync being cut from Episode 2?


I feel so much joy that there is a song in my heart and it is "Bye, Bye, Bye." (by Ric Frederick)

Placing boy bands and other pop icon cameos destroy what is a timeless, faceless myth. Thank you for removing *NSYNC. (by b wright)

I'm so happy they're being cut. I have grown up with Star Wars. I'm 15 now so I wasn't around when the first movies came out but ever since the first time my brother made me watch Star Wars I have fallen in love with all the movies and have become a collector and everything. I was very disappointed when I heard about *NSYNC being in the new movie. I'm so happy they are going to be cut, so now when I go to the theater to see the new movie, I won't have to be embarrassed in front of my friends. (by Kimberly Dawn)

Artistic vision or not, putting them in would have been like making an orange coloured apple. The vision has been cleared up. Can not wait till EP3! (by The Abstract Tampa Jedi)

Having unknown employees or relatives being extras is fine and dandy. Having one of the most popular boy bands getting in the movie because they wanted to on a whim isn't right. I don't feel bad for them. I'm disappointed McCallum even considered the idea. Hey Rick, I want to be an extra to! Fly me to California and let me visit ILM. That's basically all you need, plus lots of fame, clout, and money. (by Elegant Weapon)

My hope in humanity has been re-kindled. (by EKL)

Sadly, this "event" was a PR stunt by both *NSYNC and Lucas. I really can't describe my disappointment in their cameo or joy at the cut of the cameo. (by DarKnight)

I wanted them out and thought it would ruin the film. Then I got to thinking, I won't even see them in the movie, the scene is so short. Then I hear the 'fanboys' (anyone willing to do what these people did over less than a second of footage is not a fan) and I was sickened. Supposedly, this is all about principles. I just find it funny at a time like this with all the world issues going on, people threw a hissy fit over a second of footage in a damn movie. Pathetic. (by Vienge)

Yay! Yay yay yay! Not only are they cut, but they feel *snubbed* as well! I take great pleasure in their suffering! (by Boris)

Words cannot express the joy I feel right now upon learning that *NSYNC has been cut from their cameo role, and please let no Star Wars film ever have such an embarrassing cameo ever again. (by mike)


I'm so happy! (by Ryan Olsen)

Boy band and good movie do not belong in the same sentence. I am so glad they are cut. (by Another R@ndom Guy)

I now can see Episode 2 with a clear conscience. It was really worrying me that all it took to become a Jedi was to sing in a boyband. (by Azazyel)

Of course, they still could be in film. 5 months to go, you never know. I have suspicions it's a ploy to calm the storm. Oh well. Ignorance is bliss in this situation. (by Elegant Weapon)

A good election to avoid angry fans. (by SithPadawan)

I think it is good that *NSYNC was cut from Star Wars. I like *NSYNC and their music, but Star Wars is not really the place for the Pop Group. (by Yoda)

Thank God, for the "thousands" of fans who made this beautiful hate mob work. (by Jabbawoni)

I'm still celebrating! I admit that I feel kinda bad for *NSYNC, it's gotta be one heck of a blow to their ego, but still, I think they were asking for it. This is Star War's for crying out loud. Boy bands and the SW Universe just don't mix. I also admit that I like their music but that in no way makes me want to see them in Ep2, no matter how short the appearance. (by Jaded Fire)

While I am content that they are cut from the movie and that Lucas listened to the fans, I don't know if it's the right decision. I am in a sense disappointed that Lucas didn't ignore our comments (like he did on the title) and make us accept the situation he has created. We're all going to see the movie regardless, and I truly doubt that if a Star Wars fan is so into the movies that he/she'd rage on an internet message board about 5 second cameos, they'd skip the film. They'll see it. (by Lord Bane)

Apparently Lucas does listen to the fans ... sort of. (by M)


Elated. (by Steve)

The first announcement of them being in the movie disappointed me a little. I mean these kids have no acting experience. Sure they were just extras, but they were Jedi. How could they possibly come from nowhere and hold the greatest title in the Star Wars Galaxies. Conclusion: Not disappointed that they were cut from the film. (by Altar-Que)

My friends and I were not going to see the movie if they were in it. (by Michael)

I think that it is great that *NSYNC got cut from Star Wars. They might be pop stars and get a lot of girls, but there shouldn't be five singers in Star Wars. That would cause chaos and less publicity and popularity. (by INDYDUDE15)

It's understandable that teenagers may have been upset by the inclusion of *NSYNC in a SW movie, as that type of thing matters to them. Anyone who is over 20 and was angered and are now relieved by the *NSYNC situation should, to paraphrase Obi-Wan, rethink their life! (by SGHB)

Two words: Thank You. (by Jeff)

I feel happy. (by Blaster304)

I'm not into boy bands (they're too easy of a target for me to think I'm being clever by picking on them here), but I hope SW fans act like good sports about it and can at least respect the three members of *NSYNC as fellow Star Wars fans. (by Darth Maui)

This has to be the best news I have heard since the beginning of the new year. This is wonderful. We need to dance in the streets. Hallelujah!!!!!! (by Donnie)

It's beautiful news!!!! (by He-Man)


If *NSYNC would have been in the movie, I think it would have been the straw that broke the camels back! If George Lucas plays his cards right, I think he still might be able to save the new Star Wars movies. (by RogeMan)

Smart move. Please don't make a mockery of your movies by letting too many "famous" people show their faces everywhere. It cheapens the dramatic effect of being in "a galaxy far, far away". (by LeiaOSolo)

While it does show the power of the fan community, I hope since they were only background characters, Lucas sticks with his original intent on the movie - I'm happy that he has ignored fans requests and pleas (demands?) to eliminate Jar Jar. Lucas made him, he's there, live with it - at least. (by Texas Chris)

Keep them!!! They're great, just don't make them main actors. (by shawn)

I am ecstatic about this announcement. I think that if they wanted to do this, they should have kept it under wraps until the movie was about to be released anyway. Maybe they will include it in the cut scene section of the DVD. Let's hope. (by Kevin Z.)

Praise the Force! I am so relieved that they are not in the movie. Many hardcore fans, such as myself, were less than disheartened to hear that kind of news. Since being cut, I am relieved. (by JediAyd)

With them in it, AOTC would have seemed like the Cannonball Run!! (by ryan smith)

I'm glad they've been taken out. The Star Wars film have a mystic about them, when you start putting a lot of "names" in , I think it loses something. It becomes gimmicky. (by JOE D)

I don't know what sickens me more: That *NSYNC was allowed in the movie at all to begin with, or that Lucas, after all he's stood for about creative freedom, goes and succumbs to the whining of thousands of internet geeks. Yes, Rick was apparently the one that allowed them in, but if George really objected to it personally, he would have refused to film them. (by Rvyn)

I am very glad. Cameos by unrecognizable actors or behind the scenes insiders are one thing. Members of a boy band are another. It would have taken me out of the movie. Thank you George! (by Gale)


I am overjoyed! (by Evan Hinton)

I'm glad they won't be in it. Too bad they still made it into "Wolverine" (comic book appearance). (by Logan)

Simply Put: Thank You George! (by Brad Kan Obi So Cool)

I'm sorry, I don't think it's that big of a deal. I think LFL should take American Troops (I am one) and Fire Fighters who played a role in the Sep 11th and put them in the film as extras. There are tons military personnel who are fans, and it would be a great way to say thank-you. (by JO)

Thank you very much. Next they would have wanted to do some songs for the soundtrack. (by Matthew Penner)

Fantastic. I don't want Easter eggs. I want a good movie. (by Glorian)

Thank God! That would be like adding Michael Jackson to "Gladiator". (by Tommy)

Ha ha ha. Can Lucas do anything right? Looks like this is a start. (by Grant Peterson)

That is the best decision he could have made? (by darthlar)

If *NSYNC's cameo had been kept a secret, we would have never noticed them. (by Darth Elmo)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250,  
251-300, 301-350, 351-400, 401-450, 451-500,  
501-550, 551-600, 601-650, 651-700, 701-750,  
751-800, 801-850, 851-900, 901-950, 951-1000,
1001-1050, 1051-1100       
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