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It's The Phantom Menace 3D Release Day!

Posted By Eric on February 10, 2012

It's been exactly 500 days -- one year, four months, and thirteen days -- since we first learned that Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace was returning to theaters in 3D. Now, after all that waiting, it's finally here. To help you get into the Episode I spirit, TFN presents our roundup of TPM 3D re-release coverage and related resources.

General Links

ForceCast Press Junket Coverage
The ForceCast's Jimmy Mac covered Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox's TPM 3D media event in California last month. Here are those reports:

News, Views, and Interviews

Marketing Tie-Ins
The advertising machine is not quite as intense as it was in 1999, but a number of retailers are jumping on the Star Wars re-release bandwagon with specially-branded products and offers.

Official Star Wars YouTube Videos
Lucas Online kicked its YouTube channel into high gear to promote this release. Embedded below are the channel's TPM-related videos.

The Film Itself
And just in case you forgot...

Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic
Republic. The taxation of trade routes to
outlying star systems is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with a
blockade of deadly battleships, the
greedy Trade Federation has stopped
all shipping to the small planet of

While the congress of the Republic
endlessly debates this alarming chain
of events, the Supreme Chancellor has
secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights,
the guardians of peace and justice in
the galaxy, to settle the conflict....

If you're going to see The Phantom Menace 3D this weekend or at some point in the future, have fun and May The Force Be With You!

Related Stories

August 27, 2012   Star Wars Episodes II & III In 3D
February 21, 2012   Panasonic TPM 3D Blu-ray This Year?
February 12, 2012   TPM 3D Opening Weekend: #4 With $23M
January 31, 2012   SW.com's TPM 3-D Page Shifts To Obi-Wan
January 24, 2012   Anakin 3-D Goggles From Titan Magazines
January 24, 2012   SW.com's TPM 3-D Page Goes To The Droids
January 22, 2012   AMC Events For The Phantom Menace In 3-D
November 22, 2011   The Phantom Menace 3-D Stand Up Display
October 28, 2011   TPM 3D Trailer Officially Posted
October 23, 2011   The Phantom Menace 3D Trailer Debuts
October 13, 2011   SW.com Reveals TPM 3D Movie Poster
August 16, 2011   3-D Conversion Complete For Episode I
March 29, 2011   LFL Chooses SW 3D Conversion Company
March 3, 2011   The Phantom Menace 3D Gets A Release Date
September 28, 2010   Star Wars Movies Going 3D

[Episode I - News Archives]
Is Colonel Gascon Jar Jar?s Cousin?
Posted By Dustin on December 17, 2012:
Derived from an unused concept for the Gungans

Ahmed Best Talks TPM & More With EW.com
Posted By Mike on February 27, 2012:
A lengthy article with the Jar Jar actor

TPM 3D Opening Weekend: #4 With $23M
Posted By Eric on February 12, 2012:
Episode I re-release performs as expected

It's The Phantom Menace 3D Release Day!
Posted By Eric on February 10, 2012:
Every saga has a beginning...

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