John Knoll's Cameo

John Knoll, the special effects lead on The Phantom Menace,
also doubles as a pilot that gets killed with goatee in TPM
final space battle. This screenshot actually appeared on
the Official Site as one of their snapshots of the day. Sure
wish I (Josh) could stick myself into the movie somewhere.
Too cool.
Little Droids

Tom remembers the second time he saw TPM he noticed these
little droids walking in the Federation battleship. I also
saw them at the end of the movie right before the Battledroids
surround Jar-Jar and Captain Tarpals They are seen picking up
the old destroyed droids. Can't remember their name right off
hand, but a cool and quick cameo some might miss.
More writings on Battledroids
A lot of battledroids have something written on their backpacks. Right
before Jar Jar surrenders, there's one that's clearly visible. It says
KILLER. It's also been reported that in the scene where Qui-Gon confronts
the battledroids guarding the Queen's ship, one says KIDDO, but it's a
little fuzzy so it could be something else.
There are a couple other battledroid backpacks with writing you can almost
make out but not quite either due to lack of focus or because they are shown
too quickly to be read. Of course, that's where to TPM video will come in handy.
Watch Your Step

In the sequence when the Queen fakes out the Neimoudians
with her decoy, one of the battle droids gets shot, then
in a hurry as the other pursue, one trips over the fallen
comrade. Check out the screenshot, on the right hand side
of the screen! Cool - and thanks to Mike for the alert!
Queen Amidala is slipping
Many fans have reported this "blooper" in TPM: It takes
place in the Throne Room right when Panaka says, "Jam the
doors!" Well, Amidala comes around the table and slips!
A wet floor or bad boots?
1138 on the back of the droid

Several readers have asked us about the significance of 1138
in TPM. (You likely know that THX-1138 was the title of Lucas'
first feature he directed.) Here's a picture of the movie
showing the battledroid and 1138, and a simple explanation
of the cameo: Lucas has added the number 1138 into the movies
he has directed. It was on a license plate in American
Grafitti, and was a cell block in the original Star Wars.
After viewing the movie for a third time, I realized the number
"1138" in The Phantom Menace, too. Check out the backpack of
that Battledroid! There it is!
Identical Gungan Movements

In the shot above, you'll notice two Gungans near the
middle of the screen with their hands above their heads.
So what's the big deal? They are both doing the exact
same movements!! Just delayed slightly so most people
won't notice, these two Gungans not only look identical,
but also move exactly the same way! Go check out the
re-release next week or when you get this on video - it's
That's not Samuel L. Jackson or Oliver Ford Davies!

At the end of the film, when Palpatine is congratulating
Obi-Wan and Anakin, the Jedi Council can be seen in the
background exiting the shuttle. You'll notice that Mace
Windu is not being played by Sam Jackson, but by a stand-in.
The funny thing is, there's a guy who's obviously supposed to
be Mace Windu, tall, bald black man with Jedi robes, but
there's one problem. He's not Samuel L. Jackson! I'd assume
that Jackson wasn't available at the time this scene was shot,
so they just used this guy in the background. Also, many
readers have pointed out that Oliver Ford Davies, the character
who played Sio Bibble must have also been busy, as he seems to
be replaced as well.
On to Page Thirteen
Introduction and General Cameos | The Jedi Arrive | The Palace Walls | Arrival on Tatooine | Visit the Junkyard | Anakin's House | Pod Race Hangar | Aurra Sing at the Races | After the Pod Race | Naboo | The Galactic Senate | Battles | Celebration and Credits | Untrue Cameos