What is that on Anakin's bed?

Numerous readers have asked about this hidden image,
although we don't know the answer either. Is that a
Naboo Fighter, an early model for another spaceship?
Or of course, it could be just a simple prop of no
consequence. Who knows? Others have now written in
about it possibly being the Sith Infiltrator or a
Z-95 headhunter.
Pepsi Logo in the Moisture Vaporator
This one's not confirmed, but either fantastic product
placement, or it's gonna make everyone at ILM laugh out
loud: Cool hidden advertisement in TPM? It seems
moisture farmers love Pepsi. In what could be a
corporate sell-out or simply some well conceived humor
by the graphics department, a Pepsi logo appears on the
streets of Tatooine. In the scene where Annie must leave
his mother, there is a path where Qui-Gon is at one end
(Left) and Annie and his mother are at the other (Right).
Just after the emotional scene, Annie makes his way over
to Qui-Gon. Behind Qui-Gon are some buildings and to the
left of him is a moisture evaporator. The evaporator
consists of a large cylindrical tube and two poles on
either side of it. On top of these poles are circular
objects and, if one looks closely, they appear to be that
red, white and blue swirling pepsi ball logo! Could it be?
Cars on Tatooine?
I'm surprised few have ever mentioned this, and
Bawookles sends in in for TFN readers: The canyon
below Darth Maul's vantage point on Tatooine clearly
has a car's tire tracks going through it. You can see
it clearly in two shots: the one at night when Maul
sends his probe droids off to the cities and the shot
in daytime when one of the probe droids comes back to him.
Chrysler Building in Coruscant
Edward and Jennifer inform us that on Coruscant there
is a building right behind the landing platform which
appears to be modeled after the Chrysler Building. We've
also heard rumor that that one of the Coruscant buildings
is the mile-high skyscraper designed by Frank Lloyd Wright,
but never built in real life.
Jar Jar and the Guards
Markus reminds fans that may have missed this cameo to
watch when they first arrive on Coruscant - watch Jar
Jar in the background. He makes fun of the guards, waving
his hand in front of their face and more. It's really
tough to catch if you aren't looking for it and hilarious
once you see it.
Maltese Falcon in TPM
Look closely at the sculptures in the quarters where
Queen Amidala is staying while waiting to plead her case
before the Galactic Senate. One of those sculptures is in
the shape of the Maltese Falcon.
It's the Same Balcony
Many readers have reminded us of this
story where we pointed out that the balcony where Sidious and
Maul talk on Corusant is the same balcony off of Palpatine's quarters.
Interesting. :)
Blade Runner Ships in TPM?
During the first shot that we see of the Jedi Council,
two small ships fly past the camera. The ships are
taken from the movie Blade Runner, which is apparently
a homage to the great movie. Sounds cool when you think
that the "Millennium Falcon" apparently appears as a
building in Blade Runner, perhaps repaying the favour.
Thanks to Archie for the heads up on this one.
On to Page 11...
Introduction and General Cameos | The Jedi Arrive | The Palace Walls | Arrival on Tatooine | Visit the Junkyard | Anakin's House | Pod Race Hangar | Aurra Sing at the Races | After the Pod Race | Naboo | The Galactic Senate | Battles | Celebration and Credits | Untrue Cameos