327 in Star Wars
Qui-Gon Jinn identifies the Queen's starship as a Nubian model
J-327. As you probably recall "327" was the number of the
landing bay where the Millenium Falcon landed on the first Death
Star in ANH as well as the number of the landing platform in
Cloud City in Empire Strikes Back. Just continuing the Star Wars
theme I guess. Some people have pointed out that there's a 327 in
American Graphitti, printed on the number of the engine.
Jar Jar - Ouch!
This isn't really a hidden anything, but Lomis tells us right
after Anakin tells Jar Jar to "hit the nose", the pit droid that
Jar Jar is holding by the neck kicks him in the uhh ... ouch.
Once you find it, you can laugh every time it happens and people
will look at you funny because they missed it. This is one of the
funniest moments in TPM.
The 2001 spaceship in the Watto's Junkyard
Some have pointed out what seems to be hardware from 2001
in Watto's junkyard. It's a tribute to one of the greatest sci-fi
flicks of all time by Stanley Kubrick. This was confirmed by
official sources as well, and was one of the first hidden images
pointed out.
Terminators or What?
Another rumored cameo which has puzzled many, is in Watto's yard,
right after the 2001 Pod. There is a row of silver robot torso's
in the junk piles right behind Watto and Qui-Gon. Many have
thought they were Terminator T-100 (James Cameron) robot torso's,
but others have suggested they were Too-Onebee torso's. We just
got a screenshot of this, and it definitely looks like the 21B,
QUI-GON's Comlink/Razor
AM asked us if we remembered this snapshot of Qui-Gon's
communicator from the Official Site? That's a Gilette 'Sensor
Excel For Women' razor in there, jazzed up with a few glue-on
parts. No wonder the prequel only cost $114 million, they were
cutting corners. :)
On to Page Six
Introduction and General Cameos | The Jedi Arrive | The Palace Walls | Arrival on Tatooine | Visit the Junkyard | Anakin's House | Pod Race Hangar | Aurra Sing at the Races | After the Pod Race | Naboo | The Galactic Senate | Battles | Celebration and Credits | Untrue Cameos