The Clone Wars Writer Discusses Unaired Episodes
Our friend Jason at Making Star Wars spotted a number of tweets by The Clone Wars writer Brent Friedman that shed new light on the Season 7 and 8 episodes and story arcs that never saw the light of day. Here are the new revelations from Friedman:
@JacobRegan18 All of it. And all of Season 8.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 16, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Pretty sure it was a different arc involving Cad Bane and Boba Fett.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 16, 2014
@Halabrew In my experience, when it came to Star Wars, George always enthusiastically led the development discussions. Right up to the end.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 16, 2014
@Halabrew Knowing where Rex's story goes, I will definitely look forward to that arc being produced. But don't hold your breath. ;)
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 16, 2014
@Halabrew Ha! Injuries yes, but nothing so cruel was planned.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 15, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Locking script was left to George & Dave. I wasn't involved in production but I'm sure directors could request script changes.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 16, 2014
@JacobRegan18 That's a pretty significant "all that was left…" ;)
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 16, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Nice callback!
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 16, 2014
@JacobRegan18 The Emperor. I mean, the Chairman of Disney. ;)
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 17, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Yoda arc was in the Netflix bonus content. But there was another arc planned that also featured Yoda in a cool way.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 17, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Oh that's interesting. Lemme think on that. I just might post the "fortune cookies" for all the Echo eps in the near future...
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 17, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Honestly don't know. Not sure it was ever decided.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@CommanderFisto1 I sure hope so. If that's the only way to share some of the stories the CW team developed, then bring 'em on!
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Good question. Don't recall anything specific but knowing Dave's fondness for Plo I'm sure he woulda turned up several times.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@JacobRegan18 No plans that I remember. That's not an arc I would've asked to write. ;)
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@JacobRegan18 OK, the fortune cookie of the 1st episode in my Echo arc (called "The Bad Batch") was: The best defense is a strong offense.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@SirHalcyon No idea. That sure would've been a deal-breaker for me. ;)
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Here's the 2nd episode ("A Distant Echo") fortune cookie: Wars are not won with superior weapons, but with superior strategy.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@JacobRegan18 I'll share the last two over the next couple days. Just to make this a little more episodic... ;)
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@A_Targaryen @DrZakVenkman @JacobRegan18 I'm right there in the trenches with you, my friends. You fans deserve these stories in some form.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@JacobRegan18 Anakin's involved on/off throughout the arc but it's mostly Rex in charge of The Batch. Takes place on Anaxes & Skako Minor.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014
@JacobRegan18 That would have been explored in another arc.
— Brent Friedman (@BFree63) May 19, 2014