Star Wars Fans React To The Passing Of Peter Mayhew
The passing of Peter Mayhew has taken us all by surprise. However, he left a mark on this world like no other.
The family of Peter Mayhew, with deep love and sadness, regrets to share the news that Peter has passed away. He left us the evening of April 30, 2019 with his family by his side in his North Texas home.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) May 2, 2019
Thank you, Peter Mayhew.
— pictoline (@pictoline) May 3, 2019
Goodbye, Chewie 😔
Sad to hear Peter Mayhew passed away.
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) May 3, 2019
I'd see him at cons, always smiling, always great w/ fans.
1 day I was alone on a road, heading to a show in Cardiff, Mr. Mayhew whizzed by on his scooter, said "Hi!" & waved.
I remember thinking, "Chewie waved to me!"
Had me grinning all day
RIP Peter Mayhew, please send our love to Carrie Fisher.
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) May 2, 2019
R.I.P 😔
— Joonas Suotamo (@JoonasSuotamo) May 2, 2019
He was the gentlest of giants-A big man with an even bigger heart who never failed to make me smile & a loyal friend who I loved dearly-I'm grateful for the memories we shared & I'm a better man for just having known him. Thanks Pete #RIPPeterMayhew #Heartbroken @TheWookieeRoars
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) May 2, 2019
George Lucas on the passing of Peter Mayhew. @abc
— Clayton Sandell (@Clayton_Sandell) May 3, 2019
RIP Peter Mayhew. To create a beloved character with warmth and humor is a testament to any actor’s spirit. To do it under a half ton of yak hair takes a true legend. ❤️❤️
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) May 3, 2019
RIP Peter Mayhew. A towering figure in the Star Wars franchise, the 7'2" actor created an indelible character as Chewbacca, showing children everywhere not every fearsome creature is necessarily a monster.
— CinemaSpection (@cinemaspection) May 3, 2019
Just like Chewie, Mayhew deserved to get a medal too. He will be missed.
I’m honored to have known Peter Mayhew. I know our whole @starwars family is mourning, but I’m sure I speak for us all in saying THANK YOU... for everything. #Maytheforcebewithyou @TheWookieeRoars
— Matt Lanter (@MattLanter) May 3, 2019
Harrison Ford statement on the passing of Peter Mayhew.
— Clayton Sandell (@Clayton_Sandell) May 3, 2019
Peter Mayhew created one of the greatest film characters of all time. Chewbacca was funny, courageous, and caring. He did it all without the benefit of speech, just that vocal growly cry that 1 in 100 fans can do real well when they're drunk. He was always really nice to me.#RIP
— alan tudyk (@AlanTudyk) May 3, 2019
RIP Chewbacca/Peter Mayhew - you've gone to join Princess Leia/Carrie Fisher in a galaxy far far away
— Jamie Cakes (@jenties87) May 3, 2019
"We are deeply saddened today by the news of Peter Mayhew’s passing. Since 1976, Peter’s iconic portrayal of the loyal, lovable Chewbacca has been absolutely integral to the character’s success, and to the Star Wars saga itself."-Kathleen Kennedy.
— Star Wars (@starwars) May 3, 2019