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Lucasfilm Launches New Website, Featuring Hints Of What's To Come

Posted by Eric on February 14, 2014 at 08:34 AM CST

As word spread about Lucasfilm's website redesign, fans immediately set to work pouring through its pages to find out anything they could about the company's upcoming projects. As it turned out, the site contains several pages of interest to news-hungry fans.

For one thing, the Star Wars Rebels page shows off a bunch of new concept art, including the Ghost in a firefight with a new type of ship.

The website's executive team page lists several names that may be unfamiliar to fans, including Patti Burke, whose title is "Executive Producer, Theme Parks." Hang on a second. Lucasfilm has a Theme Parks division? Burke's biography, unlike those of many of her colleagues, does not describe what projects she is working on, but we can assume that it has something to do with the plethora of "Star Wars land" rumors we've been hearing over the past year.

Then, Justin LaSalata noticed that an image on the site's production page appeared to show off an Episode VII creative team meeting ... and several pieces of film concept art. The image currently sits atop the page, but we've embedded it below as well. The pictures that are cut off along the top of the image look familiar, but the two larger pictures behind Kathleen Kennedy do not. Adding credibility to the theory that this is new movie artwork is the fact that Episode VII production designer Rick Carter is the man sitting to Kennedy's right. (For those who are curious, the man in the white shirt to Carter's right is Jason McGatlin (SVP, Physical Production), and the man behind him is Kim Libreri (SVP, Technology). Fans will recognize ILM chief creative officer John Knoll to Kennedy's left, as well as the back of J.J. Abrams' head in the bottom-left of the frame.)

There may be more surprises hidden on Lucasfilm's new website. If so, we'll let you know as we find them.

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