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Dave Filoni Discusses The Clone Wars And Rebels With IGN

Posted by Eric on October 14, 2013 at 03:51 PM CST

IGN's Eric Goldman has a new interview with Star Wars Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni in which the former showrunner of The Clone Wars discusses his old series, his new series, and everything in between. Here's an excerpt from the interview where Filoni discusses the legacy of The Clone Wars and its characters:

You never know where they're going to turn up anymore. I hope to be looking in a comic book and be like, "Oh my gosh, there's Hondo." I don't know. Most of the time, when that stuff happens, people do contact me because they want to get it right, and I'll lend my opinion to any of it. But it's just fascinating to see something you were involved with now kind of have its own place in the big timeline of this saga. I think the team that made it, we can all really be proud of that going forward. I mean, you go up to the main ranch on the house now, the big white house, and there in the case where George has all of his most favorite artifacts from his career and life -- you know, Charlie Chaplin's hat, he's got a tile from the space shuttle, he has Luke Skywalker's lightsaber -- and now he has an Emmy from Clone Wars sitting in that case. I always point it out to the crew, and I say, "You guys put that there. Don't ever undervalue that, because there's not a lot of things that George puts in this case in the main house." And because of their work, they put that there, and because of the support of the fans. In a way, I think the fans feel very much a part of Clone Wars, because we tried to be so open with them. The voice actors were so available at every convention you go to. It's like a show that was built by fans that grew up with it from the original trilogy and I think that's something we're all proud of.
Check out Goldman's lengthy interview with Filoni here.

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