CEII: Carrie Fisher Panel Liveblog From The Official SW Blog
Posted by Eric on July 27, 2013 at 02:32 PM CST
The good folks over at Lucas Online put together a liveblog for the "Straight Talk from a Princess" panel at Celebration Europe II, starring the inimitable Carrie Fisher. Here are a few highlights to give you a sense of the general flow of the panel:
- A fan yells out, "We love you, Carrie!" "I know," she replies.
"I was going to say we could talk about Star Trek," Fisher says. The crowd playfully boos. Fisher’s dog begins tearing into stuffed Ewoks.
- Now talking about the 30th anniversary of Return of the Jedi. "That was my favorite scene," Fisher says of the moment where Leia meets Wicket. "It was my chance to be human," she says, meaning it was a quiet moment.
"Was I annoying?" Warwick asks. "No, you were adorable."
Fisher says they told her to improvise her lines in the scene with Wicket, which she found a little difficult. "What do you say to an Ewok?"
- Davis plays old footage of Wicket lost backstage. Features Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher! It’s referred to as Revenge of the Jedi in the sketch! Davis says it’s actually from a 20-plus minute film on how he got the part, but it was never finished.
Check out
the full recap over at The Official
Star Wars Blog.
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